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Emerath's Journal

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Normal Appearance:


Plague Doctor Appearance:


Username: Emerath
Real name: Eru Endilix
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Height: 5' 5"

About: History/personality

Emerath has been playing games since he could just about walk, and has always done everything he could to excel at them. Though he doesn't actually consider himself to be a "power gamer" he still prefers to be a better than average player and pushes himself to do well. Emerath considers himself to be a very intelligent individual, but tries his best not to hold it over the head of those around him. He prefers instead to take more of a teaching stance and help others learn and get better at things rather than disliking them for not being as good at things as himself.

In school, Emerath was a top of the class student, always excelling in his grades and always striving for any merit he could get. A top student in speech and debate, earning trophies and medals where he could, he has always had a gift for words and arguements. At the end of school, he graduated with high honors and went on to college his head held high. He has since earned a degree in Computer Science, and looks forward to potentially earning his place among some of the greatest game developers out there.

Among video games, MMOs have always been his favorite, and he has been playing them since he was a young teen. Starting with the simplest of kid MMOs, he eventually graduated to high fantasy and some sci-fi MMOs which were more complicated. When Sword Art Online was first announced, Emerath was on top of it without question. His NerveGear was preordered and he was first in line at the release in his town.

Emerath currently lives with his twin brother Endilix who, while not nearly as successful as Emerath, still has a decent office job working with their mutual friend Teion. Emerath has always made time to play with the two of them, even taking time out of his busy school schedule and hunt for success. His parents are proud of Emerath of course, but he has never had much of a relationship with them to speak of. That was always more for Endilix, who has essentially dragged Emerath to all the family meetings and friend hangouts to date, with Emerath never really going to one by choice.

When Emerath began SAO, he was of course as shocked as everyone else to realize that he was trapped in the game, but considering himself a better than average gamer, he was not worried in the slightest. He was certain he would succeed.


Honest: Emerath has never understood the idea or concept of lying about things. He believes that the only way to live in life is to tell the truth, and in doing so have everyone trust you. The thought of telling someone a lie almost makes Emerath physically ill, and as such he even has trouble telling white lies. This has made relationships very awkward for him, where his honesty can almost certainly get him in trouble with ladies and friends alike.

Prompt: Emerath almost always has to be on time. If he isn't, there's less of a problem of others getting mad at him, and more of a problem with him getting mad at himself. He's to the point that he's almost always at least 15 minutes early to any event. This can even end up with him beating the hosts of an event. He prefers it this way, and as he is a firm believer that he must always be early rather than late.

Quick Learner: All Emerath has to do is watch someone do something once, and he can generally pick it up and do it himself. He may not be the best at it, but he knows what he's doing at the core of what he's trying to achieve. Once he does this, he generally just has to do it a few more times and he can begin working on improving it, and becoming even better at it.


Anti-Social: Do you know what happens when an overachiever does everything in his life to succeed and forgets how to be friends with people? He forgets how to interact with others. Even to the point that his own family hardly knows him. Emerath has zero interest in making friends, and only spends time with his existing friends because he is forced to by his brother.

Haunted by Failure: Emerath doesn't have to be the best to be happy. But he sure can't fail. If he does, he finds himself constantly worrying about, and wondering how he could have done better. How he could have succeeded. Sometimes, this will lead to him finding success later, but only after consistently denying that he can succeed ever again.

Arrogant: Though he tries not to be arrogant, Emerath knows he's good at pretty much anything he sets his mind to. This can often lead to him being arrogant when he doesn't mean to be, simply by commenting on how good he is or saying that others are not as good as he is. Trying not to be arrogant is certainly not the same as actually being arrogant, which Emerath is.

Profession:  Alchemist


Utility Skills:
Searching - Rank 1 - Novice

Combat Skills:
First Aid - Rank 2 - Journeyman
Familiar Mastery: Accurate - Rank 1 - Unskilled (Extra)

Weapon Skills:
Martial Arts - Rank 2 - Journeyman (Extra)

  • Sword Arts
    • Rank 1
      1. Embracer - [x1 Stun] - 4 Energy - An unarmed sword art that pierces the enemy with the fingers.
      2. Aggressive Twins - [x2 AoE] - 2 Base + 2 Per Target - A fast combination of left and right jabs.
    • Rank 2
      1. Crescent Moon - [x3 AoE] - 3 Base + 2 Per Target - The user pushes off the ground and performs a single backflip to connect a sweeping flash kick with their targets.
      2. Delayed Sword - [x4] - 4 Energy - An advanced technique which uses kicks to disable an opponent and then chops their neck with the hand.

Armor Skills:
Light Armor - Rank 1 - Novice

Skill Slots
Total: 4
Used: 4
Available: 0

Total SP: 52
SP Available: 6
SP Spent: 46

Current Level: 19
HP: 380
EN: 38

DMG Base (Unarmed): 8
Mitigation: 5 Damage
Accuracy: +3 on BD Rolls
Looting: +4 on LD Rolls


  • Combat Equipment:
    • »Gambler's Coat [T1 Rare Clothes]
      • +2 Loot Dice
    • »Dueling Gloves [T1 Perfect Handwraps, Cloth]
      • +3 Unarmed DMG
    • »A Critical Eye [T1 Perfect Monacle, Lucky Charm]
      • +2 Accuracy
      • +1 Loot Dice
    • »Plague Doctor Outfit [Vanity Light Armor Costume]
    • »Mist [Familiar, Barn Owl]
  • Battle Ready:
    • »5x T1 +20 HP Potion
    • »2x T1 +40 HP Potion
    • »2x Teleport Crystals
    • »2x Mass HP Recovery Crystals
  • Other Inventory:
    • »Anneal Blade (T1 Uncommon OHSS)
      • +1 OHSS Damage
    • »1x Crafter's Respite Potion
    • »1x T1 +5 MIT Crystal
    • »1x T1 +10 MIT Crystal
    • »1x +1 DMG Crystal
    • »1x +2 DMG Crystal
    • »1x +3 DMG Potion
    • »1x +15 Max HP Crystal
    • »1x +30 Max HP Crystal
    • »1x +45 Max HP Crystal

Col / Transactions

Col Total: 7398


Personal Shop Transactions:

  • [F4] The Magic of Science! - Alchemist Lab Thread Transactions:
    • Spoiler
      • Shop Inventory Transactions:
        • Current Shop Inventory
        • 1x 25 HP Potion Added to Display Case [Post]
        • 1x Lion's Courage Added to Shelves [Post]
        • 1x 25 HP Potion Sold [Post]
        • 1x Lion's Courage Sold [Post]
        • 1x 15 HP Potion Added to Shelves [Post]
        • 1x 15 HP Potion Sold [Post]
        • 1x 25 HP Potion Added to Display Case [Post]
        • 1x 15 HP Potion Added to Shelves [Post]
        • 1x 20 HP Potion Added to Shelves [Post]
        • 1x 15 HP Potion Added to Shelves [Post]
        • 1x 20 HP Potion Added to Shelves [Post]
        • 1x 15 HP Potion Added to Shelves [Post]
        • 1x +3 DMG Potion Added to Custom Orders Section [Post]
        • 2x 15 HP Potion Added to Shelves [Post]
        • 1x 20 Overhealth Potion Added to Custom Orders Section [Post]
        • 2x 15 HP Potion Added to Shelves [Post]
        • 1x 15 HP Potion Added to Shelves [Post]
        • 2x Antidote Potion Added to Shelves [Post]
        • 4x 15 HP Potion Sold [Post]
        • 1x T1 +3 DMG Potion Moved to Shelves from Custom Orders [Edited 12/1/2018]
        • 1x T1 45 HP Overhealth Potion Moved to Shelves Custom Orders [Edited 12/1/2018]
      • Profits and other Misc. Transactions:
        • +25 Col [Post]
        • +5 Crafting Materials [Post]
        • +3 Crafting Materials [Post]
        • 2x Red Heart (15 HP Potion) Added to Battle Ready Inventory [Post]
        • 2x Greater Red Heart (20 HP Potion) Added to Battle Ready Inventory [Post]
        • 1x Red Heart (15 HP Potion) Added to Battle Ready Inventory [Post]
        • 1x Crafter's Respite Potion Added to Personal Inventory [Post]
        • 1x Crafter's Respite Potion Consumed [Post]
        • 1x Crafter's Respite Potion Added to Personal Inventory [Post]
        • 1x Golden Heart (25 HP Potion) Added to Personal Inventory [Post]
        • +800 Col [Post]
        • +1000 Col [Post]
        • Strength of the Wolf Mother Given To Endilix [Post]
        • 1x T1 Red Heart (20 HP Potion) Added to Battle Ready Inventory [Post]
        • 1x T1 Red Heart (20 HP Potion) Added to Battle Ready Inventory [Post]
        • 1x Crafter's Respite Potion Added to Personal Inventory [Post]
        • 1x T1 MIT +5 Crystal Added to Personal Inventory [Post]
        • 1x T1 MIT +10 Crystal Added to Personal Inventory [Post]
        • 1x Crafter's Respite Potion Used [Post]
        • 1x Crafter's Respite Potion Added to Personal Inventory [Post]
        • 2x Teleport Crystals Added to Personal Inventory [Post]
        • 2x Mass HP Recovery Crystals Added to Personal Inventory [Post]
        • 1x +3 DMG Potion Moved from Shelves to Personal Inventory [Post]
        • 1x +45 Max HP Crystal Moved from Shelves to Personal Inventory [Post]
        • 1x +2 DMG Crystal Added to Personal Inventory [Post]
        • 1x +30 Max HP Crystal Added to Personal Inventory [Post]
        • 1x +1 DMG Crystal Added to Personal Inventory [Post]
        • 1x +15 Max HP Crystal Added to Personal Inventory [Post]
        • 1x +10 MIT Crystal Added to Shelves [Post]
        • 2x +30 Max HP Crystal Added to Shelves [Post]

Player Shop Transactions:


Roleplay Thread Transactions:


Misc. Transactions:

  • 2 VIP Perfect Vouchers Used [Evaluation]
    • Crafter's Respite Potion changed to Dueling Gloves (+3 Unarmed DMG Handwraps)
    • Golden Heart Potion changed to Strength of the Wolf Mother (2x Heavy Momentum, +3 MIT Heavy Armor)
  • Critical Eye Re-evaluated [Re-Evaluation]
    • Original: +3 Combat Craft
    • New: +2 Accuracy, +1 Loot Dice



Complete Roleplays:


Incomplete/In Progress Roleplays:

Quest List:





  • Endilix - Twin Brother & Guildmate
  • Teion - Friend since High School
  • Flints - Close Friend
Edited by Emerath
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