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[SP-F2] Darkroot Forest (COMPLETE)

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Letting off some steam from his anger, Kino closed his eyes, relieved that the leveling up system arrive to him just in time coincidentally. He places his sword and shield near the campfire and slowly walks towards the cabin at the middle. There is nothing but an operating table, with dried blood on the furniture. He couldn't imagine what the scene was like back then, and how that corpse turned into a zombie. Perhaps medical experiments were used here, but who knows. 

He walks out of the cabin and decides to check the cabin at the left. It is empty, save for a few shelves and eerie paintings that depicted Hell or whatnot. He steps out uncomfortably after looking at the paintings and investigates the remains of the final cabin. 

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- Loot die = 15

To Kino's surprise, there is a treasure chest that is still intact, its silver surface shines faintly as it reflects the light of the campfire. Kino runs back and forth between the fire and the box to grab his sword and shield , being careful to see if it is a trap, a Mimic or a motherlode of loot.

- Loot die = 13

The trap is triggered, resulting in an arrow piercing through Kino's arm as he barely dodges it. It doesn't hurt much though, as the arrow is fairly small. He extracts the projectile out of his skin and grab the loot.


Kino lies down beside the fire, staring at the sky that is partially exposed from the leaves of the trees. As he feigned by loneliness, he couldn't help but wishing for a mate or company. However, loneliness has already became his nature for a long time, and that wouldn't help him cope with his current state. He slowly closes his eyes as he starts to enter his dream world, which consists of violence among hostile players and floating among the virtual clouds of Aincrad. 


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