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SAO-RPG Staff Applications [Currently Closed]

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Hello there fellow Players!

Are you interested in joining the SAO-RPG Staff team? If so, then you have come to the right post! If not, then I will save you the trouble and time by telling you to stop reading now. I am here to tell you all about the selected staff team that you are interested in joining. 

The staff here at SAO-RPG take our "Jobs" seriously and want to give you (The Players) the best experience that we possibly can. We work hard to keep content fresh as well as try to keep as many people happy as possible. Well, Without further ado, allow me to tell you about the current positions on the staff team.


Player Support Team (PST's)

   Deal with players directly, Serves as a mediator for various user/user problems, Police the site and make sure players are following the rules, evaluate threads, crafts and Loot, etc...


Content Developers (CD's)

 Work on game mechanics, Create Quests/events, Create floors/bosses, Create Tutorials, Serve as the Floor boss when in a floor boss raid or event boss raid, Create Skills, etc...


Game Masters (GM's)

 Manage Content Developer teams. Manage team projects and tasks


Administrators (Admin's)

 Keep player privacy and safety, Create Site wide rules,  Create Privacy Policies, Manage Staff Teams, Manage Site Security, etc...

Each of these positions has requirements that need to be met for one to join said staff team. Administration and Game Master are the ONLY teams that cannot be applied to. Admins are chosen based on performance on the GM team and GM's are chosen from performance as a Content Developer or Player Support

Here are the requirements for the staff teams:

SAO-RPG Site Staff


Player Support Team (PST's) (Closed)

  • Must be active on the site for at least the past 45 days
  • Must show strong knowledge of the system and rules
  • Should be a Crafter on at least 1 of your characters
  • Demonstrate strong knowledge and understanding of the crafting system.
  • Should show strong communication skills and understanding how to instruct and interact with new players

Content Development Team (Closed)

  • Must be active on the site for at least the past 45 days
  • Should show ability and creativity to create floors, quests, bosses, and/or other things that are detailed and enjoyable for the community to interact with
  • Should show strong communication skills and understanding how to collaborate with other staff members
  • Task: Create a sample rough draft that the community could interact with. (Important note: Entry drafts may not be used or further developed for the rest of the community

Systems & Clarifications Team (Obsolete | Kept for recordkeeping)

  • Must be active on the site for at least the past 45 days
  • Must show strong knowledge of the system and rules
  • Should show willingness to propose design choices or issues with present or proposed design choices (number-crunching NOT required, but helpful)
  • Should show strong communication skills and understanding how to collaborate with other staff members
  • Task: Propose some design change such as a new mechanic, clarification on certain mechanics, or altering a concept entirely.

Now that you have seen what is required of a player to join the staff team, you are probably wondering "How can I apply?" Well that my friend, is quite easy. Just send a PM to Kataware with these questions answered:

  1. Username
  2. Discord Name (Include Minecraft UN if applying for that team)
  3. Team you are applying for
  4. Why do you want to join that team?
  5. Task required for that team (PST Applicants must describe how they meet the requirements instead of completing a task)

Once we have received your application, it will be placed under review and you just have to wait til we reply to you with the result.

Have fun players and hope you enjoy your time here at SAO-RPG!

This has been your friendly neighborhood Admin, Shark.

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  • 2 years later...

We are still and always looking for staff members. If you have any interest in joining the team or think something could go better, please message me with your thoughts. I have noticed a decline in activity in all areas. If you wish to help grow the community or just wish to help others, get involved, join the team! 

Read the 1st post for more information.

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  • 10 months later...

It doesn't have to be too detailed but you need to show you have a strong understanding of our system and how we make quests/floors/bosses.
The plot team task is as it says. A "good" story is about the same as what a "Plot story arc" would be... or something along those lines. The link is supposed to be for a rp thread adventure you have previously done that you believe made for a good story for an adventure.

I have contacted the Leads for those teams and they may respond here or contact you with more information.

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