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[PP - F4] Helping out I <<The Essence of Steel>>(Xion, Mack)

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OOC.  Basic rules: Only members of The Crimson Blades are invited to this thread. You join in on your own willingness so the others can't be blamed if you die during the battle. There is no specific order until the fighting starts, in which case I'll post the order of turns. Have fun!


Forth floor, the main plaza of Snowfrost Village. A light gray cloaked figure that blended in with the white of the snow, gazes at the frozen fountain there, she checks her HUD clock once in a while to pass time. On the back the cloak had embroiled the banner figure of The Guardians of Aincrad guild, a simple outline of a bluebird. On her right shoulder side there was the logo of Aincrad's #1 Tailor, a white crowned lion head. The hood of the cloak covered her head so her forms or outer appearance could be only limited a pair of black army-like leather boots and the cloak that she used to shield herself from the falling snow.

By her side there was a apparently friendly white furred lion cub that yawned disinterested as she too gazed at the fountain. The two were waiting for members of a certain relatively new guild. She'd approached them via PM after a encounter with a certain alchemist, meeting during which she promised to look after that guild.How it got to that? A mere whim of the girl's or a unconscious need to uphold her oath as a member of her own guild, which's objective is to protect the players of Aincrad. In any case she'd set up a meeting in order to test out their skills since The Crimson Blade guild affirmed their willingness to participate in the upcoming boss fight.   

Edited by Ariel - The Crowned Lion
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Xion sighed as he walked the snowy paths of snowfrost on floor four, the small snowflakes falling onto the cold metal of his armour and then melting into nothingness, just  more ones and zeros that would become irrelevant to cardinal. He was on this floor because he had received a PM, presumably sent to all Crimson blades members who were willing to take part in a quest called the essence of steel, which involved a respectably strong field boss, and numerous smaller enemies.


Eventually he reached the main plaza, in which he saw a woman with long blonde hair, her familiar sitting next to her, seemingly bored out of it's mind. "I'm assuming you're the one who contacted the guild" he said as he approached her, his British accent obvious as he talked. "I am Xion, second in command and main tank of the crimson Blades" 

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OOC: Xion can help tank it too.


Out of the swirling flurry of snow a grizzly bear cub materialized, its legs carrying it across the snow covered plaza as fast as was possible. With a bellowed growling cry, the grizzly slammed into the lion and tumbled over the feline in the snow, sending up a shower of snow and ice as he disappeared into the drifted snow surrounding the fountain. This was Chewie’s typical greeting for all new familiars. Except Takao’s. He was pretty sure Takao’s familiar tasted like chicken, though he’d never had the chance to test that hypothesis.

“You must be Ariel,” boomed a deep rumbling voice as the crimson hooded and cloaked figure of the Grandmaster of the Crimson Blades emerged from the falling snow to greet Ariel before nodding a simple hello to Xion. ”I’m Mack, Grandmaster of the Crimson Blades and the furball is Chewie. He’s either trying to assert dominance over your lion, or he’s trying to eat it. In truth, it’s not always easy to tell.”

Edited by Mack
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As the two stood there, the relative silence was disturbed by the sound of metal rubbing against metal. 'A tank huh?' thought the blonde with a smile as she continued to listened to that sound until it was near her. Next came a normal greeting followed by a half-formal introduction with a accent that she instantly recognized. She turned around to face the newcomer and pulled off her hood, revealing her face and long blonde hair. After guiding a few stray strands behind her ear the blonde spoke in a crystalline voice while looking the silver headed guy in the eyes. 

"That I did so, a pleasure to meet you Xion. My name is Kayla Ariel D'Sole, sorry to disappoint but I'm just a regular member of The Guardians of Aincrad" guild," she said with a smile as she continued: "You're right in time, as expected from a proper English man."

Next her eyes squinted as she heard small noises in the snow, approaching them at high velocity. Her familiar started growling as well as she had been tackled by a bear cub of sorts... In the end, she started playing with it as it found it rather cute, as a plaything. Ariel let out a small snort and directed her attention towards the owner of this familiar. Lightly nodding, she replied to the newcomer, clad in crimson:

"Hai! (Jap: Yes!), I am Ariel, the one that send you all that invitation." she then turns towards the two familiar. "Dominance......eat her? I don't think Kimba will stand for either than that. More like playmates from what I can see" said the blonde as she watched Kimba, after shaking to remove all the snow from on top of her, extended her paw as a small greeting. If the bear would insist in other forms of physical contact she would simply evade, putting her feline agility to use.

The blonde cleared her throat then turned towards the two: "Well, as we w8 for more participants let's get to know each other a bit. What say you?" she asked looking each of them in the eyes. "First of all, I'd like to confirm a rumor I've heard. Are the Crimson Blades planning in joining the incoming floor boss fight?" she asked with a serious tone at the end, peering at the man who named himself 'grandmaster' of the guild.

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Xion chuckled as Ariel commented upon his heritage "We like to think of ourselves as a respectable race, punctuality is part of that" he said something about disappointing them " no no you are not disappointing anyone, I'm sure that you are stronger than any of the blades. Your assistance is more than slightly appreciated" he said with a smile before Mack arrived, his head cub rolling around with Ariel's familiar "With all respect Mack you need to control that bear" Xion said, a hint of annoyance in her a voice as he spoke.


He then turned to Ariel "The rumours are true, we do intend on participating in the floor 11 boss raid: As of current Mack and I are the only definite participants" 

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As Ariel as finishing her explanation of her familiar being unhappy with either Chewie trying to dominate, or eat, the feline the bear cub took his cue. Setting all four feet in the snow, the cub threw his head back and roared a challenge at the lion before charging again. Of course, the lion cub was much more nimble and, really, that just wasn’t fair. Blasting through snow drifts, Chewie raced after Kimba, the lioness darting around the bear and looking very much like a sports car playing a very dangerous game with a tank.

“Chewie may do as he pleases, within reason,” the blonde man said with a shrug of his massive shoulders. If the lioness didn’t want to be put in her place by the bear cub then she needed to defend herself and it looked like the little feline had things pretty well in hand. It wasn’t as if there was any danger of the smaller animal being hurt, maimed, or killed by Chewie and so Mack was unconcerned with what the rambling brown mass of fur did.

“The rumors are, indeed, true. Xion and I will be participating in the raid though in what capacity now remains to be seen since the game has been rebalanced,” Mack said, shrugging his shoulders again and rolling his neck from side to side to produce the audible popping noise that came with that action. “All I know is that I’ll be on the squad that’s actually going after the crusader,” he continued, fingering the blade of Guillotine as he spoke. As one of the premier damage dealers in Aincrad, now, with a weapon that would deal poison, bleed, and burn damage on a critical hit along with moves that produced stun blows and area of effect attacks it was clear what his job would be.

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Ariel looked at Mack and chuckled: "What a coincidence, I aim for that as well. Well I guess we will have to watch each other's backs them. This will be a good trust exercise before the actual fight." Looking at Kimba, she was still graciously evading the bear cup, thinking: ' She is actually having fun for a change' . Next came Xion into her attention: "Don't worry, from what I'm seeing they are pretty similar in spirit. Each doing as they pleased ignoring our remarks." she avoided to use the words 'masters' and 'orders' as those would imply possession over a familiar... thing that Ariel despised. She thought of Kimba as her equal, a kindred spirit if you may... even if she knew that her lion was just a computer generated image and behavioral pattern, she liked to think that it was more to her than just data.

"Well what do you say if we get going? I don't think any more will come and that field boss won't be slaying itself you know?" she slowly started movin, waving at the two to follow. 

As they walked she wanted to kill some time and get to know them better so she asked a random question to the self proclaimed Grandmaster: "I was meaning to ask... it may be a bit blunt but... how did you get the idea of forming a guild?"

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Xion couldn't help but chuckle as he watched the two creatures roll around and chase each other in the snow "I really need to get as familiar...sometimes the nights at the forge are lonely ones..." he said, before almost gagging as he realised the possible...perverse connotations to that statement "And NO I do not mean in THAT way" he said to the two other players, hoping that none of them had a vivid imagination. 


"Anyway what's the battle plan for the boss? I was thinking that I would provide paralysis and the like so that you two can land some sword arts, seeing as my damage is minimal currently"

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"I wouldn't have thought you meant it that way, Xion. Unless, of course, you took a sheep for your familiar," the Guildmaster remarked dryly, rolling his head around on his neck and tightening his grip on his new bearded axe, Invictus. "As for me, I've added some new armor lately and I'm ready whenever you are. Just lead the way, Ariel. We're with you." As he spoke, Mack brushed aside the crimson guild cloak wrapped about his figure to reveal the new crimson armor beneath it. "Just forged it a few days ago." As he was speaking, Ariel began to head off to get the quest objective accomplished. Nodding, Mack fell into step with the blonde woman. "Chewie, forge," the Grandmaster said, barking a sharp command. Dutifully, the grizzly abandoned its attempts to try and gnaw on Kimba's head and began scampering off back for the forge. Mack had no desire to babysit the creature on the quest.

"As for forming the Crimson Blades," he said, considering the question for a moment as they moved through the swirling snow, "It occurred to me that progressing through Aincrad would be faster and easier with an army at one's back and who better than a professional solider from the real world to lead such an endeavor? Additionally, a force is needed to police those who would prey upon the weak. Given that I knew each of the founding members of the Blades from previous meetings, it was logical to contact them to form the Guild and, from there, we've grown a good deal. How are things with the Guardians of Aincrad?"


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The blonde let out a unrefined burst of laughter when hearing Xion's statement and replied in a amused voice: "I feel bad for that familiar already.". She raised her eyebrow when he heard Mack deliver a short order to his familiar in a military fashion. She felt a bit sad watching the bear obey it with out even much as a side glance. She let out a sigh and cast away her thoughts as Mack explained the simple reason behind his guild creation. "Hmm I can understand the need of discipline and propper leadership, but in my opinion a simple 'soldier' can't instill the last. That if if you're talking about an army. Well I have no military background so I might as well be wrong in that." the term 'police' made her furrow her brows a bit.. IRL  when somebody starts using that word, people tend to be reluctant and even go against those who 'police'. But again this was none of her concern, she had to focus on the task at hand. They were going to fight a medium difficulty mob..she couldn't afford to lose focus.

While being asked about her own guild, Ariel showed a wary smile as she answered. "Truth be told I think I'm the only active member at the moment. My mentor....... guild leader see /ms to be unavailable and the rest of the guild appeared to be vanished." there was a bit of sadness in her tone that she tried to hide as she continued. "But I tend to continue keeping my vow to protect... that's the reason I came in contact with your guild as well. I promised a certain alchemist that I'd look after you guys in the boss fight."

"Okay, seems were here!" she said as they reached the field boss spawning zone. "Okay as for a battle plan...um... I think we can go with what Xion said, stun him first and deal all the damage we can afterwards. I'll try to keep it focused on me as I have almost maximum evasion. If things go bad.... we improvise on the spot". She had some experience with team leading while she hold the King and Queen pieces in her own guild but they only went after small quests like the bandit one. She will have to see how this mid-lvl one will turn out. The boss spawned as she remembered the last time, a mountain of a beast that's howl shook the earth. 


<<H:0>> Xion: (sry, deleted your sig as it was too big..fill it in your post)

<<H:0>> Mack: 89/89 HP (21/21 Energy)

<<H:0>> Ariel: 134/134 HP (31/31 Energy)

Snow Beast: 250/250 HP
Damage per Attack: 40
Special Ability: Partial Phase- Snow Beast will always deal a minimum of 24 damage, even through Armor and Armor Abilities.

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