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[PP - F2] Seul used Rock Smash! <<Breaking the Unbreakable>>

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ID# 33874 | BD: 1 (Fail)

Seul [HP: 4/4] [Energy: 0/1]

Rock [HP: 47/50]

Striking the rock again held no results. The task was starting to get to him. "Welp, now seems like a pretty good time for a break." He mumbled before scaling the stone to rest at its peak. He paused for a moment at the man's question to actively consider just what type of story he'd be willing to share. His thoughts drifted back to reality much earlier than he had anticipated though due the sound of what he assumed to be barking in the distance. "What was your first day in Aincrad like?"

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ID: 34037
LD: 17 (+1 Mat)

Ripping Invictus free from the tree he'd been working on harvesting while Seul was still deciding what kind of story he wanted to hear, Mack twisted into the next strike and slammed the steel head of the axe into the tree once more. There was a satisfying crunch as the weapon bit into the tree and a spray of wood chips. Mack stooped and retrieved the newly found crafting material as Seul was asking him to relate his first day in Aincrad. "Well," Mack began, shrugging his massive shoulders. "I was on deployment when the game was released, so I actually started with my first day a good bit after the rest of the general population," the red-headed giant rolled his head around on his neck and popped it before continuing. "Once I figured out what was what I spent most of the first day, and the subsequent days, farming the fields around the City of Beginnings and slaughtering boars and other tiny defenseless creatures."

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"Huh... You don't say." While searching for something else to talk about with the man he pounded his fist against the stone beneath halfheartedly. Of course no damage came from such a strike, but it had been worth a shot and the rock wasn't going to break itself after all. The boy simply groaned while allowing his back to fall against the cold, unforgiving surface that was the rock. "Why did you choose to use axes? I haven't really met anyone who wields them till now."


ID# 34119 | BD: 4 (Fail)

Seul [HP: 4/4] [Energy: 0/1]

Rock [HP: 47/50]

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ID: 34164
LD: 2 (No Mat)

Mack twisted into a strike as Seul asked his question about having chosen the weapon that he had. The bladed head of Invictus was propelled into the tree trunk that Mack was working on harvesting crafting materials from. The bearded head of the axe struck the tree with a very solid sounding thunk, but this time there was no accompanying spray of wood chips and no crafting material hit the ground to be found. Wrenching his axe free from the tree, Mack considered the question and then answered. "It's a multi-purpose weapon," he replied at last. "It deals extreme damage, it can be used for harvesting and farming crafting materials from methods other than killing mobs, and it's a psychological weapon. From ancient times, axes have been weapons to inspire terror."

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"Sounds like you really thought about it when it was time to choose." He said before pointlessly smashing his fist against the rock only to once again yield no results. Before he could curse his own terrible luck, the barking from earlier assaulted his ears. A small pack of wolves had made their way onto the scene from the surrounding woods, snarling and carrying on in an aggressive manner one would expect from a predator on the hunt for some prey. Seul ducked from the edge of the rock to the center, as the wolves would lack any ability to scale the thing as he did. He turned his attention to Mack and called out while keeping an eye on the wolves circling below. "H-Hey, we've got a little situation over here!"


ID# 34367 | BD: 3 (Fail)

Seul [HP: 4/4] [Energy: 0/1]

Rock [HP: 47/50]

Wolf [HP:  8/8] [DMG: 6]

Wolf [HP:  8/8] [DMG: 6]

Wolf [HP:  8/8] [DMG: 6]

Wolf [HP:  8/8] [DMG: 6]

Wolf [HP:  8/8] [DMG: 6]

Edited by Seul
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ID: 34954
BD: 12 (10+2)
Sword Art: Lumberjack (3x1x11 = 33 Dam.)
Energy: 19/25
Mack: 100/100 (Hate: 2)
Wolves 1-4: Very, very dead (1 Wolf remaining)

"Anything that's a life and death endeavor requires a great deal of thought before beginning," Mack replied, completely unfazed by the noises that were coming from the forest. When the pack appeared and bounded onto the scene he chuckled. These low-leveled wolves were, to put it politely, cute. Shouldering his axe, the massive warrior sauntered completely undeterred into the middle of the pack, unlimbering his axe as he went as it began to softly glow red. Suddenly, the skill clicked in and the axe blurred into motion. In three broad sweeping strokes four of the wolves were rather hysterically obliterated into nothingness. "And then there was one," he said calmly to Seul. "I'm going back to farming, the puppy will attack me until you can kill it. Go nuts."

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It was insane. When he called himself the grandmaster, he wasn't kidding. If this was the type of power the boy had to compete with, he had a long road ahead of him. "N-Nah that's alright. I've got this rock here that needs a beating." He said with a nervous smile before punching down on the rock. His face quickly wound up in disgust as the game seemed to be mocking him now. The rock had just stopped taking damage after the initial couple of hits and he was about ready to go murder the old monk if he didn't start progressing soon. Turning his attention back to Mack, he noticed that the remaining wolf had been gnawing at the man's ankle but wasn't fazing him in the slightest. Part of him, actually felt sad for the creature as it couldn't realize just how futile its efforts had been. "Um, I think I wanna take my chances with asking for your help. Apparently I have noodle arms."


ID# 34920 | BD: 4 (The world hates you) | MD: 8 (HIT)

Seul [HP: 4/4] [Energy: 0/1]

Mack [HP: 99/100] [Energy: 19/25] [Hate: 2]

Rock [HP: 47/50]

Wolf [HP:  8/8] [DMG: 6]


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ID: 35568
BD: 8 (6+2)
Last Wolf: Very dead.

As the lone remaining wolf continued to gnaw on his ankle Mack looked up at Seul and shrugged his broad shoulders. “Suit yourself,” he rumbled. Raising the iron butt cap of his axe, Mack struck the wolf squarely between the eyes and it dissolved in a shower of pixels. “But, you’re going to have to learn how to fight and defend yourself eventually,” the gargantuan man said, nodding his head sagely. “Depending on others to fight all of your battles for you is probably not the best way to go about becoming a strong enough player in Aincrad to move up to the front lines.” Mack shrugged his shoulders again and began heading off towards the trees once again to harvest, or attempt to harvest mat. “My guild can help you there, if you’re interested.”

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  • 5 months later...

(Throwback thread-)

"...I'll think about it." In truth, he wasn't entirely sure how to feel about joining a guild. He would need some time to think about such a decision, but as of that moment the only thing he really wanted was to grow strong enough to care for himself. Bringing his attention back to the rock, he let out a soft sigh. The quest was impossible and he could feel himself wasting away as he launched punch after punch at the rock. With all of his effort there was only a small dent to show for it and if he had to stay in such a place all day, he'd most likely go mad. "I give up..." He said while hopping down from the perch. "Well, at least I got to chat a bit with you.. Um... Mack?" Surprisingly enough he managed to remember the man's name and gave him a wave as he wandered off in the direction of the town. Somehow.

Thread Complete - Quest Failed (Quest Rewards Null)

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