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[OP-F2] Hunting for Ore

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Daeron watched the two slashing away at the goblin together. They were so vicious in combat. Ruthless. Daeron quickly turned towards one of the goblins mostly because he saw a knife fly past his head. As Daeron ran in towards the Goblin, it threw another knife.

"What? Is this one throwing a knife?" he thought to himself.

He saw the knife fly closer towards him and thought he had to kill this goblin quickly.

[1-5] Knife Hits Daeron, Take 1 Damage

[6-8] Dodge The Knife

[9-10] Catch the Knife and Throw it back at the Goblin, Deal 2 Damage

Daeron [17/17]

Goblin [8/8]

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Atlus looked behind him to Darius "Ill let you finish that one!" He shouted. He pointed his blade toward another one of the remaining Goblins. "Ill take this one on." Atlus said. He widened his stance and got prepared for an attack, as the Goblin came charging at him.

[1-5] Goblin hits -1

[6-10] Atlus hits -2

Goblin 8/8

Atlus 14/17

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Daeron watched the knife hone in and he realized he could catch it. With a swift action, he caught the knife and threw it back at the Goblin. The goblin with a knife in it's side was crying in pain. While he threw the dagger, he came in for another attack to hit the goblin again.

[1-4] The Goblin Dodges

[5-8] Daeron Hits The Goblin, Dealing 2 Damage

[9-10] Daeron Hits The Goblin, Dealing 3 Damage and Stunning It

Daeron [17/17]

Goblin [6/8]

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The goblin blocked the attack with his club, and punched Atlus in the stomach. "Ouf!" Atlus screamed out. Atlus slid back and tried to attack again, aiming at the Goblins neck.

Goblin: 8/8

Atlus: 13/17 -1

[1-3] Goblin hits -1

[4-9] Atlus hits -2

[10] Atlus crits -4

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The goblin Daeron tried to stab had dodged his attack, but wasn't expecting an attack from behind. Daeron took advantage of this miss and attacked the goblin from behind.

[1-2] Daeron Misses

[3-5] Daeron Deals 2 Damage

[6-9] Daeron Deals 3 Damage

[10] Daeron Deals 4 Damage

Daeron [17/17]

Goblin [6/8]

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The Goblin ducked under Atlus' attack, and stuck him with the club. "Ahhk! Cut that out will ya!" Atlus screamed. Atlus raised his blade once more and attempted another attack.

Goblin: 8/8

Atlus: 12/17 -1

[1-3] Goblin hits -1

[4-9] Atlus hits -2

[10] Atlus crits -4

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Darius, having the goblin firmly rooted, would begin to lift it above his head with a roar, his hand crushing its throat while the sword carved out its stomach. When he got it above his head, his face twisted into complete hatred as he started to drag his sword down its stomach, slowly cutting it in half. While it was on its deathbed, it made its final move as it struck Darius in the back with its club seconds before it shattered into pixels. As the pixels flowed over Darius, he roared to the top of the cavern in rage.

Darius: 13/15

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As Atlus cut the goblin it staggered backwards. Darius was behind it as he finished off his own goblin. He then to help Atlus, growling and he started running towards the goblin, pulling his arm back for a horizontal strike against the goblin's back. It started to turn after hearing Darius rush it from behind, but couldn't turn fast enough. Darius lashed out with his blade.

[1-8]- Darius deals two damage to the goblin, making it stagger towards Atlus.

[9-10]- Darius deals four damage to the goblin, making it fall in front of Atlus.

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Darius had hit the staggered Goblin sending it back to Atlus "Now ill end you!" Atlus charged a sword skill. "Burning! Crescent! Regalia!" Atlus cut through the Goblin killing it. "Thats the last one I got, ill have to kill them normally from here on." Atlus said panting.

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Keith sent a slash across the troll's throat, forcing it to fall to the ground and thrash in rage. Keith held his sword upside-down and leaped above the troll, ready to end it.

Keith: 18/25

Troll: 4/15

[1-3] Keith misses

[4-10] Troll is dead.

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There was only one goblin left now, and the troll. The goblin slowly started backing away, until it hit a wall. It was up against four people, so it had no hope. "Who wants the honors?," Darius asked, a wolfish grin splitting across his face as a cackle of laughter escaped his throat.

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"What do ya say we take it out together Darius!?" Atlus shouted over to his ally. He charged in aiming a slash at the Goblin in front of him, positioning himself so that it would be easy for Darius or anyone else to switch with him.

Goblin: 8/8

Atlus: 12/17

[1-3] Goblin dodges

[4-9] Atlus hits -2

[10] Atlus crits -4

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  • 2 weeks later...

Darius watched as Atlus charged forward, dealing a great blow to the last goblin and making it stagger backwards, open for attack. Darius then followed up, activating the ability 'Sprinting' as he charged past Atlus in a 'Switch'. Darius' blade grew a dark crimson as he rushed passed, charging 'Vertical Arc.' He roared as he activated the ability to end the helpless goblin. It shattered into pixels.

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Darius, more than confident that Keith could finish the troll, started to stroll over to the large, covered cart in the center of the room. This is what he had come for. The mine had nearly been used up and there was a miniscule amount of ore left in the walls that he would collect, but that also meant that the main amount would be inside this cart. He approached the cart, a smile breaking across his face as he reached out and grasped the canvas covering the top, throwing it back to reveal...

[1-5]- Three iron ore

[6-10]- Six iron ore

[11-15]- Nine iron ore

[16-20]- Twelve iron ore

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"Yes. It should be more than enough for a correct attempt at creating armor, a shield, and a new weapon," Darius said nodding to himself. This would do nicely. He turned to them, addressing them- assuming that Keith had dealt the final blow to the troll with an ability of some sort that is hard to miss- "I thank you all for helping me get this. I will put it to good use." He nodded to them all before producing a Port Crystal and calling out "Town of Beginnings!," before it shattered and he dissolved into green pixels that rose into the air, disappearing.

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