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Hello, I'm End. Simple name, really - I don't think you need to shorten it, although if you want to, by all means feel free. I'm a fan of Sword Art Online, obviously, and I managed to stumble upon this community. So I figured, "Why not?" I'm from Canada, and I'm a 15-year-old in his second to last year of high school. Now, I am a little rusty at roleplaying, so please bear with me. …I have no idea what else to put here, to be quite honest. If you have any questions, feel free to ask. 


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Your journal has been approved. The contract is sealed. You can no longer leave by your own free will, as is the will of our lord and flavour, the flying spaghetti monster. congratulations on your succession conversion to pastafarianism.

nah i joke. welcome to the site dude! Feel free to hit me up if you have any questions about anything.

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Domo arigatou, Takao-sama! I promise I will worship the Flying Spaghetti Monster with all my heart!

I'll probably end up asking questions more than you think, so sorry if I ask anything stupid, haha. But thank you for the offer!

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