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[SP:F7?] Story 8: Torture [Complete]

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Opal and Mastery Myoga had a quick breakfast as the pieces of Opal were slowly starting to come back together. Her new training would be considered one of the toughest experiences she would have to live through both physically and mentally, despite the recent events that occurred. The raven haired woman had met her master outside once more in the cool afternoon day. The tattoo on her body had blossomed more over her skin as she took the time to make all the details pop in her alchemy experiment. The woman and the old master walked towards the private dojo he owned and they slipped inside. Soon it was time to begin this new training exercise and Opal was little prepared for the new adventure, yet she would embrace it as much as she could. The following days had entailed vigorous hand and eye coordinating skills as she was taught several drawing techniques with the wooden katana given to her for her practice. Day in and day out she would practice and practice. Those nightmarish visions still always fresh on her mind and it was the driving effort behind those dark and terrifying visions that kept her fire inside burning without being dissolved. She vowed to herself she would let no one touch her like that ever again. 

Summary: +1 SP, + 400 Col

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