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Eliziana's Journal

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Username: Eliziana
Real name: Eliziana Winters
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Height: 5'2"

About: History/personality

Eliziana was a bit of a sheltered girl. She spent most of her life being home tutored by her parents, and in her free time she preferred to play video games. Her mother was initially very against the idea of her playing online games with people (and seemed to be rather against social interaction in general), but eventually relented when she realized that there wasn't a whole lot she could do to stop her daughter. What with her daughter being way more skilled with computers and games than she was. She did try to convince her boyfriend to lock her computer down once, and all that resulted in was Eliziana finding a way around it. After a while, her mother just let it go so long as she wasn't doing anything stupid. Which, thankfully Eliziana didn't.

Her mother was well versed in many other areas though, turning into a very skilled tutor who was actually able to teach Eliziana better than most moms who try to do the home schooling thing. This resulted in a very smart girl who was skilled in both book smarts and video games. As she grew up, she found that she was lonely though. She had no idea what any of her video games friends looked like, what kinds of lives they led (besides what they told her) and all that good stuff. All she knew was that she needed to get out and see the world.

This turned out to be impossible (she couldn't even find a job, resulting in her doing a lot of grunt work around the house for her mom to let her keep living there) until she heard of the NerveGear. This was her chance! She could have real social interactions like normal people in a different world! So she got one, and she started to play, only to realize that she had become stuck in the game. Though, given her real life situation, she didn't actually mind one bit.


Polite - Having never really had many experiences with people, Eliziana tends to be incredibly polite to everyone. If told that she has done something, she will apologize profusely and beg forgiveness. She will then proceed to do everything to make you happy. Fetch you what you need, help you with things, and then pretty much follow you around like a lost little puppy. All for the sake of politeness.

Honest - Not really knowing much about the sake of lying, or the reasons for doing so in social circles, Eliziana is generally the first person to be honest in a situation. Even when it calls for a white lie or a bit of subtlety, she'll often still take the honest route, making her a very trustworthy person. Though the honesty only lasts for as long as he doesn't know any better. If someone instructs her to lie, she might do so, not really knowing that it isn't actually being honest.

Enjoys the Little Things - If you told Eliziana that all you wanted to do was sit in a field of flowers and watch butterflies all day, she'd probably do it. Simply because it was simple, and she loves to do everything she can to enjoy herself. She's the quiet type who would either sit in the fields doing nothing by herself, or would find herself leaning up against a friend who was enjoying things just as simply as she was.


Childish - Eliziana doesn't really understand the way the world works, and so she tends to be very childish about everything. She'll cry until she gets what she wants, throw a temper tantrum, and then laugh it all off as if nothing happened moments later. She asks for everything handed to her on a silver platter, and isn't afraid to make it clear that she won't really work for it if she doesn't have to.

Naive - Furthering her lack of understanding the "outside world" she is incredibly unaware of how things actually work. If you tell her that there is a land full of puppies, rainbows, and unicorns, she might actually believe you, mostly because she was never exposed to anything proving otherwise, including other people. Social norms are absolutely foreign to her, and she'll often invade personal space, not really thinking it's something that shouldn't be done, all because she doesn't know any better.

Shy - Not having been exposed to very many social interactions, Eliziana will almost practically run away from any person that she doesn't know. If you approach her too fast or are someone that is in any way intimidating, she will often disappear as quickly as she can. You might not even see her again for a while, as she will go so far as to avoid that location, thinking what scared her off will be there again. All in all, she doesn't like strangers and avoids them at all costs.


Total SP: 9
Available SP: 4
Spent SP: 5

Level: 4
HP: 16
EP: 4

Weapon Skills:

Whip - Rank 1: Novice



»Rose (Whip)
    +2 Bleed
»Rose's Echo (Shield)
    +2 Paralyze
»Basic Cloth Clothes

Misc. Inventory:

»Beginner Starter Pack [10 Bread, 15 Water]
»680 Col



Red is a Confusing Color Thread Transactions:
+200 Col
Alley Cat Stash Thread Transactions:
-1 Basic Dagger [Post]
+1 Basic Whip [Post]
Forged by the Sun Thread Transactions:
+ Rose (Whip) [Post]
+ Rose's Echo (Shield) [Post]
[PP-F1] Looking For Safety Thread Transactions:
+200 Col
[OP-F1] The Woes of a Shy Girl Thread Transactions:
+80 Col
[PP-F5] Desert Cuisine Thread Transactions:
+400 Col


Completed Threads:

- [PP-F1] Red is a Confusing Color - Complete ~ +1 SP ~ Benchmark
[PP-F1] Looking For Safety - Complete ~ +1 SP ~ Benchmark
- [OP-F1] The Woes of a Shy Girl - Complete ~ +1 SP ~ Benchmark
- [PP-F5] Desert Cuisine - Complete ~ +1 SP ~ Benchmark

Incomplete Threads:

- [PP-F5] <<Earning A Living>> Don't Run When All Eyes Are On You - Incomplete
- [PP-F3] <<Worn Out Welcome>> The Fourth Floor Is Cold, I Need A Jacket - Incomplete


Emerath - Guild Leader - Real life: Boyfriend
Teion - Friend
Flints - Friend

Seul - Scary Stranger
Hikoru - Pleasant Acquaintance
Illiad - Acquantance
Sousuke - Acquaintance

Story Thus Far

Coming soon~

Edited by Eliziana
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