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Kiro's Journal


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»Username«: ˾Kiro̚
»Real Name«: ˾Kiro̚
»Age«: ˾12̚
»Gender«: ˾Male̚
»Height«: ˾5'6̚

˾Kiro grew up as an orphan who just barely got by with his friends. After being sent to an orphanage with his friends, he discovered Sword Art Online from a few of the orphans. Kiro saw this as his opportunity to leave the everyday troubles of his life, entering a competition where the winner would win a copy of the game and a NerveGear. After winning the competition a month before the release, Kiro suffered minor amnesia that would further depreciate his mental state as time went by. At the time that the Death Game was aired, Kiro’s friends allowed him to use it first, as he had been the one to win it. When he had discovered that it was a Death Game, Kiro was most likely one of the most scared and shocked individuals. Not long after entering SAO, Kiro had completely lost his memory, which would reveal itself slightly after every certain moment.

Given his background, he realized that Kayaba hadn’t taken his life away, but in fact had offered him a much simpler one. Kayaba wasn’t responsible for any of the deaths occurring, as he never sentenced anyone to death without first giving them a chance to live

» (Courageous) ˾This could easily be mistaken for foolishness, as Kiros overconfidence often gets the best of him. This often leads him to be fearless when it comes to exploring areas, allowing curiosity to be a priority before caution. Kiros courage may benefit him a lot, as nobody ever accomplished anything by sitting around, and this curious attitude may also be a result of Kiro being young, and would lead him to want to learn more about this world and discover new things.̚
» (Playful) ˾Kiro will attempt to make friends with anybody and everybody. However, he would still not forgive anyone who attempts to hurt his friends. If someone does something to fool or hurt Kiro, if they apologize sincerely, he would be unable to stay angry at them and would forgive them instantly. This would usually apply no matter how many times they disappoint him, depending on the severity of the action. Being playful Kiro often comes up with strange and creative ideas, as well as enjoys teasing people from time to time.̚

» (Persistent) ˾Kiro is stubborn, and would not give up on anything he hopes to achieve due to his overconfidence. If he was told it was proven that something he wanted to do was impossible, Kiro would still persist, attempting to do so anyway. His overconfidence greatly contributes to this, as well as the fact that he thinks he can do things others cant. However, this persistent nature often leads Kiro to get what he wants, and sometimes persuades others who see his actions to strive to be better, and do things they originally thought they wouldnt be able to do.̚

» (Depression) ˾Kiro becomes depressed easily, and is someone who will let guilt ruin his life if he isnt comforted. Any verbal or physical actions directed towards him can lead him to depression, and although he wouldnt usually show it publicly, at some points it would be easy to notice. Due to this Kiro is constantly in need of attention, especially due to his age, which would also play a large part in his depressive states. Kiro is also a very emotional person and lets his emotions control him from time to time. Many could mistake this trait as a childish one and would dismiss Kiro as a mere crybaby, though it may partially be true, though would still be a slightly harsh judgement, and an overall unfair assumption. This also shows slightly in battles against powerful opponents, where Kiro would hesitate and become unsure of himself. However, with the right words, Kiro could easily become confident again.̚
» (Hasty) ˾Kiro is young, and as such he usually takes miscalculated risks. This shows especially when someone is in danger, and he would throw himself in their place without thinking of the consequences. However, one he realizes he is the one now in danger, or if this was the case to start off with, Kiro becomes terrified of dying, and may even be brought to tears from this fear. Luckily, if it was a friend he was fighting for, he would be likely to not realize that his action might have consequences to himself, and thus he would not become fearful.̚
» (Overconfident) ˾Kiro often thinks he can do things others cannot. This leads him to do anything and everything in his power to achieve something that is important to him without any hesitation. This would lead him to attempt to complete tasks that are already confirmed to be impossible. This overconfidence could either just be a trait, or merely the foolishness that Kiro might have, being a child and not being fully aware of the consequences that might follow his actions

«Profession»: N/A

» Available points: 0

» (Non Combat):

» (Passive):

» (Combat):

» (Weapon): One-Handed Straight Sword <Rank 1>

- +1 dmg with all One-Handed straight swords



» Starter Longsword (+1 DMG) Equipped

» Bread x10
» Water x15
» Raw Meat x1

» Starter Clothing (Blue) Equipped

» Starter Boots (Black) Equipped
» Starter Trousers (Black) Equipped



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