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[F5] Forged by the Sun (R8 Blacksmith)

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Throughout his exploration through level 5, Takeshi had been trying his luck to find a blacksmith shop for a new shield. However, either there were no shops at the level he was in or the shops that he indeed saw were closed. Still not giving up in finding an open shop, Takeshi ventures on, encountering variety of environments, wildlife and some enemies, which he did his best to avoid combat.

After no more than four days of wandering, Takeshi reached the fifth floor and behold, the first thing he notices in a quiet part of the city is a shop named 'Forged By The Sun.' Not wasting any more time, he walks into the shop and looks around the comfy interior as he takes out a cigarette and lights it up, blowing a smoke through an open window.

Cigarette between his lips, he heads to the counter and notices that none of the items aren't really in stock as of now, however there is an order form which can be filled in for a custom weapon or armor. Using one of the pens on the table, he writes down:


Recipient: Takeshi

Item Name: Lionel Shield

Item Type: Shield

Quality: Uncommon 

Tier: 1

Enhancements: x1 DMG Mitigation 

Specifics: A black heater shield with a bipedal white lion that are armed with claws and canines, with an elongated tongue

He sets down the filled form onto the counter, and thinks to himself about whether he should pay first or wait until his shield was forged. Blowing out a gentle smoke, he leaves the shop as he reminds himself to be aware of any updates he may receive from the owner.

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He came in a few days later with not a gift, but something that had a little bit more impact to it. Placing the materials down onto the counter like his client asked, he would then leave the paper as well with his signature. It took him a bit to read the full thing through, but Sey was no idiot with these deals, he was willing to read books if that was what it meant to prevent getting scammed. Fortunately though, this one did not bind him to anything that he did not want to get involved with. So he signed it. "You have yourself a deal. These are the materials that you asked for." And with that, he would then proceed to leave the shop, he did a good deed for himself, the store owner... And a group, just by simply doing that. Business life was great, and now that the contract had been signed and returned, they can start to carry out the tasks that the little slip of paper demanded. It was lovely to get things.

-14 T1 Mats

-4 T2 Mats

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By the time she had caught up with her last orders, she found new ones steadily coming in. Just before Sey returned yet again to finalize the proposal she'd messaged him about, another gentleman placed an order with her for something more simple than the perfect-quality equipment that was always in such high demand. She looked over his design thoughtfully, but before she could give her typical line, Takeshi was already leaving. She violet-haired woman simply shrugged.

When Sey paid another visit only a couple of hours later a rare, small smile formed on Teion's lips. The boy seemed to have materials to spare, or was otherwise good at getting them, and she found herself holed up in her shop without much time for gathering. Really, could she expect any different at this point? She looked over the paperwork briefly, accepting the materials he traded over at the same time. "Thank you." As always, she kept it simple. "You and your guildmates are welcome anytime."

Trade Confirmation

  • +(14) T1 materials (Traded from Sey)
  • +(4) T2 materials (Traded from Sey)

Crafting Results 1/23/17 (2)

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  • ID#: 75202
    • CD: 3+1=4 - Good item
  • ID#: 75203

EXP: 9
Materials Used: (2) T1

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Hidden stepped into the forge. She needed a quick weapon, and she had heard this was one of the best places to get it done. The character that now stood in the forge was hooded, covering her appearances. She silently walked forward, wanting to say as little as possible. She heard the smith was nice, but personally, Hidden did not know her. She set the slip down on the table and opened her menu. Her finger hovered over the area that included the materials Sey had given her for getting items. She smiled softly at the thought f=of hi and clicked the materials, sending the required five materials. "I hope this is sufficent" the woman said in a low, quiet voice. With that the woman turned and went to go and stand in a corner. Her information made it sound as if the smith was fast and could craft the weapon well. 

<<Shadow's Bite>>


Name: Shadow's Bite

Your Profession: Blacksmith

Your Rank: ???

Roll: ???

Item Type: Dagger
Tier: One

Quality: Perfect

Enhancements: +3 DMG

Description: One piece of the Shadow set. It is a small, pure black dagger that is easily concealable from view. If looked at closely, one would notice that a black mist protrudes from the blade of the dagger. 

Post Link: ???


-5 Materials from Journal

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Just as the woman had begun work on her most recent order for a lower-leveled shield, another figure made its way to her desk. Teion took a moment to pause her work, tilting her head slightly at the cloaked player with an otherwise look on indifference on her face. With a slightly feminine voice, the player listed only as <<Hidden>> offered over some materials and placed an order for a dagger that seemed to fit her appearance. Teion simply looked over the design, giving a small nod as Hidden dismissed herself to an edge of the shop to wait. Hopefully she wouldn't keep the girl waiting long.

After only a couple of craft attempts, Teion was rewarded with both pieces of equipment she needed, just as she envisioned them. Feeling satisfied after a final inspection, the blacksmith walked over to where Hidden was standing and offered the blade to her. "Here you are." She spoke calmly, as always, but offered her a small smile. "I hope it serves you well."


Trade Confirmation

  • +(5) T1 materials (Traded from Hidden)
  • -Shadow's Bite (Traded to Hidden)
  • -Lionel Shield (Available for pickup/Traded to Takeshi)
  • -Dragon's Soul (Available for pickup/Traded to Itzal)

Crafting Results 1/23/17 (4)

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EXP: 13
Materials Used: (2) T1

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Itzal got a message from Tei saying that his sword was done and so he was on his way back.  Velnia was on his shoulder again but this time her tail was twitching with excitement.  She knew what the sword would be able to do, and how it was directly connected to Itzal and Velnia.  She was excited to see it up close and especially see the effects in action.  Soon enough Itzal walked into the store.  He smiled when he saw the purple haired player.  "Hey!  I got your message."  He walked over to the counter as the owner went to get his item.  He needn't worry about payment since he already paid.  When she handed the sheathed weapon to him he smiled to her.  When the blade was in his hands he knew it was a very heavy weapon.  However he had worked his strength up higher and higher each and every day, and therefore could wield it easily.  He placed his hand on the handle and drew the blade.  He was impressed with the outcome.  Velnia was obviously getting ready to test out the electricity part but Itzal stopped her.  "Uh, not indoors please.  Thank you."

+Dragon's Soul


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Takeshi comes back some hours later after venturing throughout the desert and the city itself. He had seen some wonderful sights, including a beautiful oasis and belly dancers, which made him embarrassed despite remaining his stoic expression. As he enters the blacksmith shop, he notices that his Lionel Shield had been completely forged, painted black for its base and white for the fierce, bipedal lion. 

Acknowledging that the owner is present, he faintly says, "Thank you" before grabbing his shield and knocks its surface with his knuckles. It feels hard and sturdy, enough to block several kinds of attacks ranging from cuts from a sword to a blow from a mace. It doesn't look tough enough to block magical projectiles, but he doesn't worry about such an issue as not many enemies uses them anyway. 

He pays up 300 COL as the fixed price for uncommon, custom orders and straps his shield to his arm, taking out a cigarette and lights it up as he leaves.


[300 COL paid for Uncommon custom order]

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As he was about to pass by the shop, the smell of soot and the ringing of a hammer caught Shield's attention. He glanced down at the map he had been following and swiped over to his inventory page. Both the armor and shield he had in his ready slots flashing with a bright red [Locked!] label. He sighed, pushing back his matted brown hair.

Guess it's about time to upgrade, huh? I suppose I'm not in a dire hurry...

He stepped into the shop and made his way to the counter.

"I was wondering if I might place a couple of orders," he said, glancing around the shop before bringing his focus back to the smith. "A couple of pieces of protective equipment."

He pulled out a note that he had made for himself with a few scribbled details, passing his scratchings to the shop keep.


Recipient: Shield
Item Name: Barbed Ire
Item Type:  Heavy Armor
Quality: Rare
Tier: 1
Enhancements: Thorns x 2
Specifics: A maille shirt made from twisted wire and lined on the back and forearms with pronounced, razor sharp barbs.


Recipient: Shield
Item Name: Silver Lining
Item Type: Shield
Quality: Perfect
Tier: 1
Enhancements: Regen x 3 
Specifics: A convex, teardrop-shaped shield with a smooth, mirror-bright, silver surface

"Of the two items, the armor is most essential," Shield went on. "If you can manage both at once, I would be grateful, but if I have to return another day for the shield due to unfavorable conditions, I can live with that. I have some materials on hand, but I'd prefer to pay in Col."

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Alice made her way into the blacksmith's shop, this time being the first that she planned to be a legitimate customer. While she originally planned to return to Mack's shop to repay the favors, she was unfortunately met with a sign informing her that he was closed at the time. Likely, it was due to how backed up he was from the event he hosted and he certainly deserved a break, so in respect, she would make note to return with an order at a later time. In the meantime, however, she did want to begin improving her ability to hold her own in combat and needed a sword with some power to it. With that in mind, she'd open the doors to reveal what looked like a very simple, classical blacksmith workshop with original creations on display. Looking for the owner, she'd introduce herself, "Morning, I'm Alice. Nice to meet you." It wasn't somebody that she had yet met, but would allow the courtesy of exchanging introductions before moving on to her request, "I wanted to order some armor." Sharing the details with the owner, she'd reveal that it was a relatively common choice of enhancements, but wanted to get it designed to fit her style.

- 5 Materials


Recipient: Alice
Item Name: Night Type 1
Item Type: Heavy Armor
Quality: Perfect
Tier: 1
Enhancements: +2 Thorns, +1 Mitigation
Specifics: An extension of her main armor that blends together seamlessly, it's a combination of blue cloth with gold trim and metal plate armor that protects what the rest doesn't.

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The thought of having a new sword comes to mind as Takeshi is dining at a restaurant in the city. He feels the need to at least gain his damage a little, as the starter looks more or less like a puny weapon to his eyes. Of course that would meant that he has to go back and fill out another form, then wait for some time again to collect his custom weapon. Unless there is one in stock, which he hopes for. As he is running low on COL, he decides to give out one of his materials instead.

After finishing his meal, Takeshi walks back into the blacksmith sword, and browses the lists of items currently for sale. Thankfully, there are three simple swords in the list, each of them sharper than his Tibetan sword. Placing his material onto the counter, Takeshi takes one of them that resembles a simple arming sword, probably dated back to the Crusades Era. He takes a few swings with it before being satisfied by its fair weight and power. Takeshi walks out of the store with a small smile, something he rarely does to himself.


[1 Material paid for Simple Sword]

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Beat hummed to himself as he walked through the familiar village, making his way towards a blacksmith who had done some really good work for him in the past. He hoped she would be able to help again now that he was in needs of tools for his cooking business. He walked through the door of the shop and quickly adjusted to the heat from the forge that made the place just a little uncomfortable.


The slight discomfort was worth it for the quality of services this blacksmith provided. He smiled at the woman behind the counter and slid two order forms over and began filling them out. 

"I hope business is going well."

He glanced at her work area and noticed several projects going, glad that the business he was becoming fond of didn't seem to be going anywhere soon. 

"It looks to be. Well, when you have time, I'm starting a cooking business so, I am need of some tools and kitchenware of high quality."

He slid the two order forms over and gave her an appreciative nod before leaving, knowing better than to stray too far. 



Ordering the following two items: 


Recipient: Beat
Item Name: Iron Chef's Premium Cookware
Item Type:  Tool
Quality: Perfect
Tier: 1 
Enhancements: +1 Crafting Die
Specifics: A finely made set of stainless steel, non-stick cookware featuring an assortment of pots and pans and other kitchen essentials. 


Recipient: Beat
Item Name: Prodigal Chef's Knife
Item Type:  Tool
Quality: Perfect
Tier: 1
Enhancements: Ambition (+1 Exp on crafting attempts)
Specifics: A knife crafted with a unique sharpness and practically no weight to it. These qualities allow the chef to focus on technique and learning rather than putting too much effort into the cutting itself.



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Used Consumables:


"Ah." Teion perked up slightly as the scout returned to pick up his sword. She admired how the blade turned out, and only hoped it would serve him and his dragon friend well. When she handed the weapon over to him, the woman held up a finger to keep his attention for a moment while pulling up her menus with the other. She brought out two of the materials he had initially given her and handed them back to him. "Here. Let anyone in the Celestial Ascendants know they're welcome here." She said with a soft smile.

Just after the scout had left, Teion recognized the rather intimidating-looking man that had returned to pick up a shield. The blacksmith nodded, handing it over as she accepted his payment of col in return. The two seemed to have at least one thing in common: they weren't much for conversation. He seemed satisfied with the item, and it wasn't but a full day later that the man returned, offering a material for a pre-made sword she had out on display. The woman would simply nod a small thanks and accept the trade. 

It was beginning to feel as if she'd never closed up shop. Teion watched the brunette man, simply name Shield a moment before he approached and brought his attention to her. He handed over the details for two different items and the blacksmith studied them carefully, stopping to scribble a few notes on each. "Good." She mumbled to herself, as if giving her approval of the designs. She looked back up to Shield and nodded. "Col is fine. It won't take long."

"Mm, Teion." The violet-haired woman briefly returned Alice's greeting. She got all the necessary information about the armor she wanted--the design, enhancements, and rarity. When she got all the details she needed, Teion couldn't help but feel the item suited Alice. She stopped to do a bit of mental calculation. "I'll message you when it's ready." Ideally, she wanted the item finished by tomorrow, since she had plenty of materials to get the job done.

A somewhat familiar face appeared before her, but it took the woman a few seconds to fully recall. 'Ah! The gauntlets.' She thought, just as the dark-haired man had finished writing down the details of a pair of tools. Teion brought a hand to her chin, holding the forms in the other as she looked them over. "Mm... Two days? Maybe three..." It wasn't entirely clear whether she was muttering to herself, or giving Beat an estimate on when his order would be complete. Either way, she dropped her hand and gave a small nod of thanks. "I'll message you when they're finished."

Trade Confirmations:

  • -(2) T2 materials (Traded to Itzal)
  • +300 col (Traded from Takeshi)
  • +(5) T1 materials (Traded from Alice)
  • +(1) T1 material (Traded from Takeshi)
  • -Simple Sword (Traded to Takeshi)

Crafting Results 1/24/17

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  • ID#: 75257
  • ID#: 75258
  • ID#: 75259
    • CD: 3+2=5 - Good item
  • ID#: 75260
    • CD: 5+2=7 - Good item
  • ID#: 75261
  • ID#: 75262
    • CD: 3+2=5 - Good item
  • ID#: 75263
    • CD: 4+2=6 - Good item
  • ID#: 75264
    • CD: 4+2=6 - Good item

EXP: 42
Materials Used: (8) T1 materials

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Shield watched the blacksmith work, going through one piece of material after another as different pieces of equipment took shape. Sure enough, two of them seemed to match the exact descriptions that he had requested. As the smith completed the work, Shield popped open a transfer window and entered the listed prices for the equipment he had ordered. A similar window appeared in front of Teion a moment later.

[Shield would like to give you 1750 Col.]

[O Accept - X Decline]

He added the items into his inventory and double-checked their specs.

"It looks like everything is in order. Thank you. Oh, and-"

Shield opened his menu and tapped his way through the various options before another dialog box appeared.

[Shield has sent you a friend request]

[O Accept - X Decline]

"I'm trying to establish myself as a merchant in the area. If you ever have a need for basic items or need to get rid of some of your excess stock, come to me. I can help you move it or potentially appraise it to improve its appeal."

With another little nod of thanks, he took his leave, pushing his way through the door and heading back to his own little shop.

[-1750 Col]

[+ Barbed Ire, + Silver lining]


Name: Barbed Ire
Your Profession: Blacksmith
Your Rank: 7 - High Mentor Blacksmith
ID: 75261
Roll: 9+2=11
Item Type: Heavy Armor
Quality: Rare
Tier: 1
Enhancements: +2 Thorns
Description:  A maille shirt made from twisted wire and lined on the back and forearms with pronounced, razor sharp barbs.

Name: Silver Lining
Your Profession: Blacksmith
Your Rank: 7 - High Mentor Blacksmith
ID: 75257
Roll: 10+2=12
Item Type: Shield
Quality: Perfect
Tier: 1
Enhancements: +3 Regen
Descriptions:  A convex, teardrop-shaped shield with a smooth, mirror-bright, silver surface


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Going to this shop is always Takeshi's idea whenever he wants to purchase or order new equipment. The most acceptable reason he can acknowledge is the fact that he is already familiar to this shop. Right now, his breastplate seems to look nothing more like a piece of metal that provides nothing but encumbrance to himself. Among the deserts in level 5, he removes the armor from his inventory and simply tosses it away, leaving it to be buried under the sand within long periods of time.

Reaching the city, he takes out a cigarette and lights it up, blowing out a big, white smoke afterwards. He keeps the narcotic between his lips as he makes his way towards the blacksmith shop. When he walks through the door, he notices the owner Teion, seemingly busy. He heads to the counter and takes a custom order form to fill it out.


Recipient: Takeshi

Item Name: Chainmail With Surcoat

Item Type:  Heavy Armor

Quality: Uncommon

Tier: 1

Enhancements: x1 Damage Mitigation

Specifics: A 12th-13th century chainmail armor equipped with a heraldry surcoat. Covers the entire limbs and body in comparison to the shorter hauberk, and provides good protection from sword or hammer strikes. Comes with a great helmet and metal vambraces.


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"Mm." Teion nodded as Shield inspected the equipment, tapping to accept the trade once he seemed satisfied. The woman was about to offer him a polite bow when he held her attention. Another dialogue box appeared in front of her. A friend request. Teion tilted her head slightly before the man explained, but then pressed the same button to accept after a small pause. 'I haven't had a Merchant to go to in a while...' She mused in her thoughts. "Thank you. I'll be sure to drop by." Some might take her brief words as insincere or curt, but Teion simply gave a polite bow out as she moved on to the next project.


Finally managing to finish the piece of armor Alice had requested, Teion took a moment to look over her work. She was pleased with it, and thought the item would really suit the knightly girl. Flicking open her menus, Teion opened up a blank message and typed a few words to let the player know her item was ready to be picked up. After the message was sent off, the blacksmith set the armor carefully on display for Alice to see when she arrived.


A somewhat familiar face lately, Takeshi handed over an order for another uncommon item. Same as always, their interactions were brief and usually silent, Teion giving the man a nod as she took the details from him. Weaving it into her other works, it didn't take long to have the item completed.

Trade Confirmations:

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Crafting Results 1/25/17

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  • ID#: 75479
  • ID#: 75780
  • ID#: 75781
    • CD: 4+1=5 - Good item
  • ID#: 75782
    • CD: 5+1=6 - Good item
  • ID#: 75783
    • CD: 1+1=2 - Bad item
  • ID#: 78754
  • ID#: 74785
  • ID#: 75486
    • CD: 9+1=10 - Rare item
      • Crafted Jade Dragon

EXP: 34
Materials Used: (8) T1 materials

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Teion wiped her brow with the back of a gloved hand. She had been hard at work catching up on all of her orders, and this craft marked the last of them. The woman looked over the pair of cooking tools with satisfaction. Flipping open her menus with one hand, she shot off a quick message to the dark-haired cook before setting them out on a display marked for custom orders.

Teion stretched her arms over her head. The place had mostly cleared out as the sun was setting, and she gave a small yawn as she now felt the strain of being around the forge's heat all day. She mulled over the idea of heading to one of the other floors sometime soon, but quickly frowned when the snowy fourth floor came to mind.

Trade Confirmation:


Crafting Results 1/26/17

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EXP: 12
Materials Used: (2) T1 materials

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The next day, Takeshi walks back in to find his suit of chainmail armor 'standing' at an armor stand. Based on the chainmail that 12th to 13th knights wore, it covers entirely from head to toe, with the sleeves only long enough to cover half of the arms. The surcoat, black and yellow in color, bear neither patterns nor heraldic logos. Takeshi also notices that metal vambraces and a great helmet are provided along with the armor. 

He approaches the counter and puts his last Material onto the counter, saying "Thanks" as he takes the new equipment one by one. While taking and staring at the great helmet, he thoughtfully questions himself whether his entire afro hair can actually fit into the helmet. Surely it must fit, since his afro isn't really circular, but more like a large flame. He stores his new armor in his inventory and, taking out a cigarette, leaves the store.


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OOC Heard I needed to Post again.... Dang.

It was not long before her dagger was finished, and Hidden stepped forward with a smile. Her dagger was placed on the rack and she sent the woman her materials. It was just how she described and she was fascinated the woman could craft something like that with such ease. She plucked the dagger from the rack and twirled it in her hand. It felt comfortable, and balanced in her hand. She smiled, barely able to be seen by the woman. "You have my gratitude, I will ensure to come back when I need to again." With that she equipped her weapon and walked out the door. She would no longer need her iron dagger, but she would keep it just case. It had gone well without wait and if asked, she definently would refer this woman. She truly was a remarkable blacksmith. Only one question layed in her mind. What would hse do with the weapon now? She really was not strong enough to go fighting yet, so she would have to take a while before actively using it. 


+ Shadow's Bite
-5 Materials

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It took Soredell some time to get to the store. After all, he had heard it was on the 5th floor, a good and long travel from the Town of Beginnings on Floor 1. Peeking his head inside. It seems to look simple enough, like any other typical blacksmith store. "Hello? Is anyone in here? I need some assistance in getting a weapon or two?" he says nervously stepping inside, looking around at all of the wares that are available on display.

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Beatbox had felt a little reminiscent about his old self... and in all honesty he kind of even missed it. So what if players thought that it looked rather stupid of someone to roam around like a superstar, if Beatbox likes it then so be it, he'll dang sure will be one in this world. He even wanted to try out one of these other tactics one of these days so he wanted to pick up another copy of his old sword... now his old sword he didn't want to revisit by any means necessary because that was a emotional scar that he wanted to forget and move on like nothing had happened. Eventually he had made his way to another blacksmith's shop that wasn't a part of KoB, he was kind of annoyed with the lack of materials the KoB's blacksmiths had and simply ignored it for now and went on to another's. "Hello? I am looking for some custom orders, I have already a couple sheets filled out, I will even pay a little bit extra if it helps if you need materials?" he said out in the open waiting for a response.





Recipient: Beatbox
Item Name: Sharpened Stardom "The Rebirth"
Item Type:  One Handed Straight Sword
Quality: 1
Tier: 2
Enhancements: Accuracy III
Specifics: Its about as cool as it looks.


Recipient: Beatbox
Item Name: Sharpened Stardom "The Remix"
Item Type: One Handed Straight Sword
Quality: 1
Tier: 2
Enhancements: Damage III
Specifics: This is also is about as cool as it looks.



16 T1 Materials - 16 T2 Materials


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