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[F5] Forged by the Sun (R8 Blacksmith)

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  • ID#: 36023
  • CD: 12 (Perfect item)

Teion had several attempts at Kalesh's order under her belt, which made her a bit more comfortable crafting assault spears. She tried again, tweaking the design slightly and got to work again. She took more time, and was greatly rewarded. The dialogue box popped up declaring she'd made a Perfect quality item, and her eyes lit up in excitement.

  • ID#: 36024
  • CD: 2 (Fail)

Overjoyed with her success, Teion decided she should start at her next order, the whip for Zandra. She drew out a rough sketch and started a craft. Unfortunately, having never made a whip before, it didn't take long for the attempt to end in a failure. She sighed, but couldn't expect to have as good luck as before.

  • ID#: 36025
  • LD: 8 (Good item)

Giving it another shot, Teion started crafting another whip. After a while, she finished with a good quality item. She shrugged, figuring it was better than nothing, and a good place to start for crafting whips for the first time.

(+11 EXP, -3 materials)

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Hans was about to turn and leave the shop with his shiny new dagger when he stopped and turned, as if he'd forgotten something. "Actually..." He approached Teion again, pulling up another trade window and dropping in some items. He offered up a piece of heavy armor:


Name: The Daedric Armor
Shop: The Molten Blades
Profession: Blacksmith
Quality: Rare
Enhancements: +2 MIT
Item Type: Heavy armor

It's an armor with a dark blade with some red stripes on it.

"I'm looking for col or basic items--wanna trade, nya?" He flashed his usually grin, waiting eagerly for her response. 

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Kalesh smiled as he entered into the shop, having heard that the spear he had ordered was ready for pickup! He hoped it would be good enough for his lady friend, but he didn't have a lot to worry about there he was sure. "Hello~! I'm back! Let me see how we did!" He smiled as he opened up his inventory, just in case the smith had done better than a rare for him! He seemed a little excited to see how the spear looked, rather happy the crafting hadn't taken too long!

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Teion frowned in thought as Hans pulled up another loot window. She glanced back at her crate that was piling up with common and bad quality items. She opened her inventory and dropped a total of six basic items in. She saw the armor piece was a rare, so she also through in 400 col. "How's that?" She offered, confident she had figured out a fair trade for the item.

Teion smiled and waved when Kalesh entered the shop. She was happy she could finish his order quickly. "Welcome back!" She opened up a trade window as he approached and dropped in the item she had made:


Name: Radiant Lance
Your Profession: Blacksmith
ID: 36023
Item Type: Weapon (Two-Handed Assault Spear)
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: +3 Damage
Description: The blade is strong with an elegant design. The handle is long to allow for the weapon's long reach with an orange color reminiscent of a sunset. At the end of the handle and before the blade's base are swirling forest green accents.

(+The Daedric Armor, -6 basic items, -500 col) 

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Kalesh smiled as he accepted the trade after throwing in a small tip for the bonus to its quality as he had promised! He materializes the spear and looks it over, nodding happily in approval before returning it to his inventory. "It's perfect!" He says in a half joke he liked to make from time to time. He gave his head a slight bow in thanks as he said "Seriously though, thanks a bunch, I am sure my girlfriend will love it!" He smiled as he finally revealed who the mysteries friend was, a smirk on his face as he was clearly glad he was granted perfection. "I'll see you around~!" He says before heading off a slight big eagerly, wanting to give the present to his special somebody!

+Radiant lance
-356 Col

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  • ID#: 36104
  • CD: 11 (Rare item)

Teion accepted the trade happily, grateful for the tip. She was glad he liked the item, and gave a wave as Kalesh left the shop. "Thanks again! I hope she likes it!" She called. Teion stretched, figuring she should get to crafting for the day. She still had another order open, and was eager to make some progress on that as well. She started a craft and was rewarded with a rare item. She smiled in satisfaction, but it still wasn't the quality she needed for Zandra's order.

  • ID#: 36105
  • CD: 9 (Good item)

Trying again, she had less luck, but at least didn't result in a failure. She got a good quality item, which caused her to sigh, but she remembered the Merchant that came in earlier was after basic items, so she shrugged, figuring she would possibly have a use for them after all.

  • ID#: 36106
  • CD: 7 (Good item)

With one last attempt for the day, Teion's luck remained the same, giving her another good item. She tossed the both of them into her inventory for trade later. She put her materials away and inspected the rare  item she'd crafted, happily putting in on a shelf for display.

(+9 EXP, +1 rare item, +2 basic items, +356 col, -3 materials, -Radiant Lance)

((Rank Up! +1 Daily Craft))

  • ID#: 36112
  • CD: 6 (Good item)

Teion had gotten enough experience from her last craft to level up, allowing her an additional craft for today. She figured she might as well try again, so she started another craft, only to get another good item. She shrugged. Again, at least it wasn't a failure and she didn't lose her materials.

(+2 EXP, +1 basic item, -1 material)

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Wiping the sweat off of his forehead, Helios opened the door to the smith. He was in need of a good weapon and decided this shop was the first place to stop. Apparently, he wanted a new blade so badly he went to the fifth floor, his least favorite place in Aincrad, just to get one. The noirette strolls up to the counter at a steady pace and smiles at the young woman behind it. "Hi. Are you the owner of the shop? If you don't mind, I'd like to make a custom order." he announced. He rolled up his sleeves and put his hands in his pockets. It was just as hot inside as it was outside. But he didn't mind if it meant he had the chance of a new sword.

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Teion had been wiping off the countertop and organizing some equipment when she heard a new person enter the shop. She turned and smiled, "Welcome!" She greeted him, and as the man approached she nodded. "Yes, my name is Teion. What type of item are you looking for?" She asked curiously, ready to take down the details of his order.

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Hans grinned in satisfaction when Teion offered up the items and col for the armor. He accepted the trade, happy with the transaction. "Perfect. If I have any smithing-type items, I'll bring them by. You'll probably have better luck selling them than I would, nyeh." He shrugged, giving a wave as he prepared to leave the shop at last. She could see another person had entered and he didn't want to keep pestering her, even though he was happy to be out connecting with other crafters.

(+6 basic items, +500 col, -The Daedric Armor)

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Helios smiled and answered "Nice to meet your Teion. I'm Helios. Basically i'm looking for a rare quality curved sword with a damage enhancement. Something with a black and red colour scheme, and preferably a silver hilt. And if possible, a yin yang in the middle." he told the girl, hoping he wasn't making it to complicated. Of course, he was willing to pay extra if it was harder for her to make. He looked around the shop at all of the other weapons she had made. They all looked quite nice, and he could tell she was a skilled blacksmith. The tall boy watched as she took down his order. "When should I come by to pick it up?" he asked the young lady.



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Teion took down the details, and she went over them with Helios just to make sure she'd gotten it right. When he asked when he should return for it, she tapped a finger to her chin. "Well, I'm working on an order at the moment, so I'll be able to start on this next. Depending on my luck, I hope to have it done in the next few days! I'll be sure to send you a message when it's ready." She smiled, continuing. "The cost will be 800 col. I have plenty of materials right now, so don't worry about it until it's ready."

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(Sorry, I don't know what happened with that post ^^^, and im not getting an option to edit...)

Manta entered the shop, having just sold her old sword. She still had her starter weapon for the moment, but she really needed to get another one with better enhancements, that worked well with her skills. She handed a slip of paper of to the girl at the counter. "Do you think you might be able to make this for me? I can pay up front if youd like."

Recipient: Manta Gaul
Item: Loves Oath
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: +3 Damage
A beautifully crafted sword. The blade is made of pure white ivory, with an extremely light blue color, almost white, on the sharp edges. The cross guard is standard of a traditional Spanish rapier, but it pure black. The hilt is wrapped in cloth, braided around the hilt like a katana, in alternating colors of light blue, black, and white, with white and black tassels hanging off the end of the hilt. Lastly, the pommel is also deep black, with a pure blue sapphire on each side.




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((Whoa, that's weird! o_o))

"Welcome!" Teion greeted the white-haired woman with a smile. As Manta handed her a form with the details of the weapon she wanted, Teion read it over and nodded confidently. "Yes, perfect!" She pocketed the paper so she would have the details for later, and continued speaking to the woman. "Don't worry about payment until it's finished. I have a couple of orders I'm working on right now, but my rank is increasing quickly. I should have it finished in a few days, depending on my luck. For a custom perfect item it's 1,200 col, will that be fine?"

--Daily Crafting--

  • ID#: 36255-36258
  • CD: 2 (Fail), 11 (Rare item), 8 (Good item), 6 (Good item)

Teion got started on her crafting attempts for the day. She got a total of four since her rank up, and she made quick work, leaving her with fair results, although she hadn't made a perfect item like she'd hoped. She had gotten a rare item, meaning that she could complete Helios' order much faster than she had expected, which was nice. She would have to consider shopping around for a tool to increase her crafting ability until she was a high enough rank to make her own. Teion sighed, packing up her things for the day and hoping she would get luckier tomorrow.

(+10 EXP, +1 Rare item, +2 Good items, -4 materials)

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Manta nodded understandingly. She needed it quickly, but she guessed that she could just hang about in her shop for a few days while she waited, or hang out with her friends. "That fine. Shoot me a message when it's done please." She asked, exiting the store. She had plenty of materials thanks to that Azure Brigade guy, enough to take a short break from material hunting at least.

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Calrex walked into the Forged by Sun, giving a quick look around, "Huh, I guess the smith's are not as active as before, well, at least the high ranking ones I used to go to. Nonetheless this might be some good practice. It doesn't require any enhancements, so depending on their luck...actually it'll really depend then."

Walking over to the violet-haired smith he gave a wave, "Hello, hope things are well. If you're not too busy I'm looking to have a simple piece of armor made. No enhancements on it or anything, just the appearance itself."

"I feel kind of bad wearing the Grand Dragoon for so long it almost feels like I started to forget about all the work both Teayre and Oikawa put into the Grand Chariot. Unfortunately, right now it's incompatible with my best setup, so I need a 'lite' version."

Filling out the form he sent it over, "Feel free to take as much time as you need. It's not something I'm in an urgent rush for. Also, how do you take payment? I can do both up front and after the armor is complete."

Item: Grand Chariot: Legacy
Item Type: Heavy Armor
Quality: Good
Enhancement: None
Description: A set of armor based on the original Grand Chariot forged by Oikawa- The Faint. While almost identical in appearance to the original, the main difference is that it bears none of the increased mitigation or retaliatory Thorns enhancement the old set possessed, relying solely on the user's skill at wielding it. When paired with any of the weapons he wields, save the Frozen Fang Blade, it appears to complete the set.
(Appearance is like in my signature XD)

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"Welcome!" Teion waved at the dark-haired man that entered the shop. She examined the information on the order he wanted to place, intrigued. "Oh, like a vanity item?" Teion had thought that was the type of item Emerath had, wearing his suit and tie everywhere. "Sure! Actually, if you'll give me just a moment..." Teion was suddenly struck with inspiration. She turned to her forge and grabbed a couple of tools to get started on a craft.

  • ID#: 36365
  • CD: 6 (Good item)

After a few minutes, Teion came back to the counter holding a piece of armor exactly like he had described. She smiled with pride, opening up a trade window and dropping it in. "Oh, for the price..." She brought a hand up to her chin in thought. "Is 200 col fair?" She wasn't sure how much to ask for a Good quality item.

--Daily Crafts--

  • ID#: 36363-36366
  • CD: 3 (Fail), 4 (Bad item), 12 (Perfect item)

Teion stretched her arms behind her, a little nervous with all the new orders that were coming in. She psyched herself for another day of crafting, but sadly her first couple of attempts were disappointing--the first try being a complete failure and the second giving her a bad quality item. She huffed in frustration, taking a moment before trying again. Her final attempt for the day was her lucky break, getting a perfect item. With a sigh of satisfaction, Teion wiped her brow and starting packing up for the day.

(+12 EXP, +1 Bad item, +1 Perfect item, -4 materials)

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"Heh, well not exactly. It's mainly just so that it activates my armor skill. The original armor this is based on doesn't work very well with my current gear, but I wanted to find a way to keep using it. The person that made it was a pretty popular blacksmith until he decided to go into hiding, so I guess I wanted a way to carry on his work."

Giving a friendly smile Calrex gave a nod, "Oh, right, also pleased to meet you. I'm Calrex. I actually do material gathering as a bit of a side service, so if you're ever in need of some, feel free to let me know. Now then, 200 col right?"

Swiping on his menu he produced a bag of the payment as he handed it over to the violet-haired player, speaking in a light-hearted tone, "Like I said go ahead and take your time. I'm in no real rush."

Turning around he gave a wave before heading out of the shop, "Now...where to ne..."

Looking back he saw that Teion had already completed the order, almost feeling his jaw wanting to drop in surprise, "Wow, that was quick! Awesome, thank you so much!"

- 200 col
+ Grand Chariot: Legacy

Accepting the trade he gave a nod, "Alright then, thank you again for getting it done so quickly. I'll be off now!"

Giving another parting wave he exited the shop, beginning to swipe on his inventory to start equipping the new piece of armor.

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Zandra entered the purple haired girls shop for the second time, this time to get her new weapon she have ordered from her. She was excited, this was the first time she was gonna have a whip.''Hi, Teion! I herd my whip is complete?'' she smiled at the girl.''Would you like payment in Col or materials?''

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Teion looked up from her daily tasks to see Zandra enter the shop to pick up her item. She pulled up her inventory and initiated a trade:

Name: Holy Riata
Your Profession: Blacksmith
Your Rank: 3 - Professional Blacksmith
ID: 36366
Roll: 12
Item Type: Weapon (Whip)
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: +2 Damage, +1 Accuracy
Description: The metal chain whip is ends in a cross design. The chain and cross are bladed, allowing the wielder to do extra damage. The polished handle features a leather-wrapped grip. 

As the girl mentioned a form of payment, Teion thought for a moment. [color=#5F04B4]"I'm honestly fine with either. I've been burning through my materials lately, so that might be good, actually." She gave a small laugh. "But really, whatever you prefer. If you want to split it we can work something out!"

--Daily Crafts--

  • ID#: 36440-36443
  • CD: 5 (Bad item [Salvage: 19]), 6 (Good item), 9 (Uncommon item), 6 (Good item)

(+8 EXP, +1 Bad item, +2 Good items, +1 Uncommon item, -4 materials)

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