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[F5] Forged by the Sun (R8 Blacksmith)

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"yes that will be perfect. Do you want me to pay upfront or not?" I ask. I drew all of my col and perpared to hand it to her making sure to remove 200 col totalling to a value of 1,200 col. "When your done PM me and I will come." I look around at the store. It seems like it was cozy but not to cozy. Like your typical blacksmithy.

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Teion smiled as she looked over Tenshi's order, nodding confidently. "Yes, this definitely suits you better!" She wondered if he would eventually pursue the katana skill. "I'll start working on it as soon as I can."

As Rag had placed his order and offered to pay in advance, she brought her hand up with a polite shake of her head. "Oh, don't worry about it until it's finished!"

--Daily Crafts--

  • ID#: 38914-38919
  • CD: 11+1=12 (Perfect item), 9+1=10 (Rare item), 9+1=10 (Rare item), 7+1=8 (Uncommon item), 3+1=4 (Bad item, no salvage), 4+1=5 (Good item)

(+24 EXP, +1 Perfect item, +2 Rare items, +1 Uncommon item, +1 Good item, +1 Bad item, -6 materials)

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--Daily Crafts--

  • ID#: 39060-39065
  • CD: 6+1=7 (Good item), 2+1=3 (Fail), 10+1=11 (Rare item), 5+1=6 (Good item), 7+1=8 (Uncommon item), 11+1=12 (Perfect item)

(+21 EXP, +1 Perfect item, +1 Rare item, +1 Uncommon item, +2 Good items, -6 materials)

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Elul entered the shop she had been in just a few days prior, a little shocked at the speed of the blacksmith. Looking around she saw the smith and approached her, "Um, I-I got the P-PM, I c-came here for the armor I-I ordered."

-800 Col

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Macradon walked into the smith where he ordered a crafting tool. He had heard it was finished and wanted to get it. "Hello? I placed an order not long ago" he would say and go into the middle of the room awaiting the order he placed. He was happy that his tool was ready, now he would be able to craft even better items than before which would help him a lot. This was awesome, a tool helping him increasing the chances of getting perfect items in his shop, it was a delightful thought. He had the Col ready to pay for the item in a pouch in his hand, ready to give it to the blacksmith.

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Emerath had been speaking a bit back and forth with Teion about an order for and old friend of his, and he had agreed to pay her after putting in the order. He made his way to the fifth floor in the blazing heat, but was at least smart enough to bring some water. Didn't stop him from being half dead of heat stroke when he wandered in. 

Once inside he practically chugged the remainder of his water before realizing, 'Wait... Now I don't have enough to get back home...' He mentally cursed himself before making his way over to Teion and giving her a bow. "Hey Tei, the rose whip and shield I ordered, I'd like to place the payment for them so that my friend can pick them up. How much did they cost?" 

He opened up a trade window, preparing to enter in the Col total his friend desired.

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"Hey there!" Teion greeted the white-haired man upon his return. "Here we are. I hope you make some great things with it!" She opened a trade window and put the item in.



Name: Heavy Mallet
Your Profession: Blacksmith
Your Rank: - Assistant Blacksmith
ID: 39065
Roll: 11+1=12
Item Type: Tool
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: +1 CD
Description: A strong mallet used for blacksmithing. It's easy to work with and allows a stronger swing with more precision.

"Ah, Emerath!" Teion greeted him with delight. She thought it interesting that hehad ordered equipment for someone else, but she appreciated the business nonetheless. She was proud of what she'd crafted using his guidelines. "1,000 for the set, if you don't mind." She gave a small bow.

(+1,000 col)

--Daily Crafts--

  • ID#: 39200-39205
  • CD: 12 (Perfect item), 8+1=9 (Uncommon item), 5+1=6 (Good item), 5+1=6 (Good item), 5+1=6 (Good item), 10+1=11 (Rare item)

(+22 EXP, +1 Perfect item, +1 Rare item, +1 Uncommon item, +3 Good items, -6 materials)

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Emerath gave a bow and said, "Of course." He typed in 1000 Col into the trade window and smiled as he pressed his end of the acceptance. Once Teion would have hopefully accepted her end, Emerath would say, "So, the girl's name is Eliziana. She is an old friend of mine I knew outside of the game. She has red hair, like me, and is a bit shorter than I am. She has yellow eyes and is a whip user, as probably evidenced by the fact that's what I ordered. If you have any doubts about it being her, please don't hesitate to message me. Unfortunately, I'm just utterly swamped with guild matters and the like, or else I would deliver it myself. But I appreciate everything you have done in making these." He gave his friend another smile and said, "Hope to see you soon, once I get unburied from all this. I'll message you soon about quests or something!" And with that, the man took his leave. Far too many things to do, far too little time.

As he got to the door of her forge, he turned to her, and said, "Next time, I'll at least stay for tea. Thanks again." And then he was back out into the blazing heat, oddly wishing that he was back on his home floor in the freezing cold. Sweat dripping down his forehead, he made his way back to the Teleport Gate.

Additional Notes:

  • -1000 Col Given to Teion
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Eliziana had gotten rough directions on how to get to Teion's shop from him. She had been staying on the 5th floor quite a bit lately, so it wasn't all that much of a stretch to go visit the blacksmith. She had met Teion previously, and had been interested in actually seeing the shop itself, and didn't even really mind the heat of the floor all that much anymore. She made her way in, and marveled at all the things that the purple haired blacksmith had managed to make, and couldn't help but get distracted from her goal by all the different shiny things she had on display.

About halfway through looking at this sword or that shield, she finally found herself in front of Teion herself, and said, "Oh! I'm s-sorry! H-hello Teion!" She gave a light wave and smiled at her and said, "I'm here to pick up the whip and shield you made... Did Emerath stop by? He told me he'd pay for them and then I can pick them up?"

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"Ahhh, thanks a lot!" Macradon said as he picked up the tool he had requested. As he looked upon it he saw it was a perfect quality as that was the quality needed for a tool with enhanced crafting potential. Macradon would thank her for making the tool for him and place the pouch with 1300 Col in the sales window. He would take the Mallet and put it into his inventory and take it back to his shop so he could go on and forge with it, trying to see exactly how much better it is than the normal mallet for forging.

- 1300 Col
+ Heavy Mallet

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Calrex walked back into the Forged by Sun as he gave a wave to Teion, "Hey, I got your message. The gauntlets are all set?"

Looking at the finished product the bluenette gave an approving nod as he swiped on his menu, equipping the item to test it out. Giving a quick few punches he gave a calming breath, focusing. As he channeled one of his Sword Arts through it he saw the energy beginning to funnel out the back like an afterburner, giving a smirk, "This is a masterwork piece. Nice job! In any case I'd best get going. I'll catch you around."

Giving a friendly wave he headed back out of the shop, "Now to test these out in combat."

+ Grand Gauntlets: Buster

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Manta had heard of a blacksmiths shop on the fifth floor from her friend Ebony. Apparently the blacksmith there did some great work. Manta only needed one item, but she knew that Ebony needed a couple of things for her shop, so she decided to order some things for her as well. She had a fairly large order, so she'd written it all down, and when she entered she set the paper down on the counter, pulling out a pouch of 3600 col to place alongside it. "I was wondering if you could make these please? The first two aren't extremely important, but I need the gauntlet as soon as you can make it." She explained.



Recipient: Ebony
Item: Lucky Chisel
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: Crafting Die
Specifics: A high quality chisel used to add engraving to items.

Recipient: Ebony
Item: Ebony Tongs
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: Ambition
Specifics: A set of tongs with an ebony handle that has been wrapped with cloth.

Recipient: Manta Gaul
Item: Crusher
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: +2 Heavy Momentum, +1 Accuracy
Specifics: A single, pure white gauntlet. The symbol of the Azure Brigade is emblazoned in the center of the gauntlet.



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Teion spotted the red-haired girl enter and perked up. With all the hustle and bustle, she hadn't had the chance to respond to Emerath when he described his friend. Eliziana approached, shy as always, and Teion gave her a warm smile. "Hey Eliziana! I didn't know you were friends with Emerath!" She was genuinely surprised, curious as to how they knew each other. But she supposed that explanation would have to wait for another time. She spotted other people entering the shop and quickly opened a trade window. She entered the whip and shield set, hoping she liked the final design. "Here you go! You'll have to take me out leveling with you--I'd love to see them in action!" She grinned.

(-Rose, -Rose's Echo)

As Macradon completed the trade and seemed pleased with the completed item, Teion smiled and gave a nod. "Good luck!" She called as he went on his way.

(+1,300 col, -Heavy Mallet)

Teion was elated that Calrex like the gauntlets. She completed the trade and watched him test them out. She waved as he went on his way, hoping they would serve him well.

(-Grand Gauntlets: Buster)

Teion caught a glimpse of long white hair as Manta entered the shop. "Oh, Manta! How's your rapier serving you?" She smiled, taking the list of items from her. "Ah, this looks wonderful." She reviewed the details before prioritizing them accordingly. "She I message you when the items or finished? I can contact Ebony when hers are ready--I've actually had the pleasure of making some equipment for her as well!"

(+3,600 col)

--Daily Crafts--

  • ID#: 39316-39318
  • CD: 12 (Perfect item), 3+1=4 (Bad item, LD: 15, salvaged), 11+1=12 (Perfect item)

(+17 EXP, +2 Perfect items, +1 Bad item, -3 materials)

Rank Up! Rank 6 - Mentor Blacksmith

  • ID#: 39357-39358, 39378
  • CD: 2+1=3 (Bad item, LD: 19, salvaged), 2+1=3 (Bad item, no salvage), 2+1=3 (Bad item, no salvage)

(+3 EXP, +3 Bad items, -2 materials)

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"Hi, I got a message saying my rapier was done." I say as I enter the store. I prepare the col and look around. If my weapon was ready then I could really start getting to business. I crack my knuckles and wait for the store owner.

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Tenshi had decided that if he was going to be going into battle and working his way up in the levels than he would need to get the sword that he had customly crafted. He decides to walk back into the forge of his favorite blacksmith teion and walk up to the counter. "Hello there Teion! It sure has been awhile. Mind if I ask how my order is doing?"

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Teion came out from a back room with both Rags' and Teshi's orders in tow. "Hey guys!" She was happy for the good timing of completing both orders at once. She opened a trade window with each of them, putting in the respective items. "I hope they serve you well. Come back any time you need something!" She grinned.


Name: Stunning Fleuret
ID: 39316
Item Type: Weapon (Rapier)
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: +2 damage, +1 Paralyze
Description: A rapier with special properties. It has a beautiful hilt and a white and red color scheme.


Name: Tenjin
ID: 39318
Item Type: Weapon (One-Handed Curved Sword)
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: +3 Damage
Description: A one-handed curved sword with a black and white blade, a golden hand guard, and a red hilt. The words 'Heaven's Blade' are written down the blade in the language of Latin


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Tenshi had smiled as he had inspected the weapon that he had ordered and it was even more beautiful than he could have possibly imagined. "You are the best blacksmith in all of Aincrad Teion! I honestly love coming to you for my weapons. Also, I don't remember if I have told you or not yet but you have inspired me to become a blacksmith who will hopefully become as good as you one day! So how much do I owe ya?"

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Teion's cheeks flushed at the man's flattery. "R-really?!" She was shocked to hear he had chosen his profession after her. "Well, I hope you make something great! I'll have to pay you a visit sometime!" She grinned, looking forward to the visit. "Oh, it's 1,200 col, please!" She turned her attention back to the trade.

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10 hours ago, Teion said:

Teion spotted the red-haired girl enter and perked up. With all the hustle and bustle, she hadn't had the chance to respond to Emerath when he described his friend. Eliziana approached, shy as always, and Teion gave her a warm smile. "Hey Eliziana! I didn't know you were friends with Emerath!" She was genuinely surprised, curious as to how they knew each other. But she supposed that explanation would have to wait for another time. She spotted other people entering the shop and quickly opened a trade window. She entered the whip and shield set, hoping she liked the final design. "Here you go! You'll have to take me out leveling with you--I'd love to see them in action!" She grinned.

Eliziana smiled at her friend and accepted the trade for the items, relieved that Emerath had managed to find the time in his schedule to make the payment as promised. She took the items and equipped them immediately, loving not only the stats, but the style of them. She held out the shield and admired the well adorned rose on the front of it, turning to Teion and saying, "He didn't mention he had requested you to make such a lovely design! It's amazing!" She quickly put the shield on her back and gave Teion a hug in thanks before the girl could make any attempts to deny it. Once she had let go, she was practically grinning ear to ear as she said, "Honestly, I'm surprised he knew you as well! Him and I..." Eliziana began to notice other people milling about the store towards Teion, and was starting to feel a bit crowded, as she looked around and said, "Well, you're busy! We'll catch up later! I like the idea of leveling together!" She gave Teion a wave and quickly made her way out of the store before she got anymore nervous from realizing how incredibly busy it was.

+Rose's Echo

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