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[F5] Forged by the Sun (R8 Blacksmith)

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The door was pushed open by a sweaty arm, an exhausted Toothpick trekking through, "[censored].....weather," words under his breath. F5's heat drained away at someone who was once a city dweller, and only familiar with the temperate springtime weather of the lower floors. Were it not for Toothpick's business in the desert, he would've strayed far away from the cruel sand. "Hello...." He nodded to the two before him, waiting for the soothing coolness of the store to wash over him before continuing, "I'm....Toothpick......I believe I ordered a....a...a whip in advance, 'Brilliant Chain' was it's nam-I'm sorry, I'm parched." He pulled out his canteen, savoring the swig he took far more than he should've. "Ahh...much better...but yeah, I'm here for a reservation, I'll pay in Col once you two are done."

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"Oh, welcome!" Teion waved lightly as Toothpick entered the shop. She could tell he looked worn out; a lot of adventurers seemed to take less of a liking to the desert environment than her. With a nervous smile, she nodded. "Ah, yes, I got your message. Here we are," She opened a trade window with him and dropped the weapon in:


Name: Brilliant Chain
ID: 36104
Quality: Rare
Enhancements: +1 Paralyze, +1 Damage
Item Type: Weapon (Whip)
Description: The metal chain whip shines brilliantly in the sun, allowing it to blind (paralyze) an enemy. Its sharp, bladed edges also let it cause extra damage.

"Sorry about the heat," She felt the need to apologize. "It's definitely cooler inside buildings on this floor, so feel free to take a minute if you want to rest!" At least if the desert wouldn't be hospitable, she would.

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When Zandra saw the whip, she was stunned.''Oh my, thats exactly how I wished it would look. Youre a realy good blacksmith.'' She didnt mentioned what price nor if she wanted Col or materials as payment.''Well, then I can split fifty fifty.'' She tried to see any price-list anywherre, when she didnt saw one she was gonna pay like she sold items of this quality.''What about 300 Col and 2 Materials?'' she opened a trasaction screen and waited for Teion to accept or deny.

-600 Col

-2 Materials

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With every bone in his ethereal body aching,Toothpick propped himself into a lean against a bare wall. He half stared at the two before him and an abstract nothingness, recovering from the foul experience. Seeing the trade screen pop up, he wordlessly tapped away, promptly accepting the purchase. However, his eyes did light up at subsequent offer Teion made, "Oh?...Thanks, oh man that's a big favor." He sunk further into the wall, eyes falling down to Zandra's own whip.



- 400 Col
+ Brilliant Chain

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It was Seul first time visiting the shop, but he felt that there wouldn't be any harm in checking it out as it one of the few player ran blacksmith locations that actively took requests. Entering the shop, he paid no mind to any other players that might have happened to be inside and made his way over to the counter. He withdrew a small slip of paper and placed it down on before looking up with a look of DETERMINATION in his eyes. "Hi, I'm Seul. I'm sort of a fast rising hero in this game, but I need some new gear at the moment and figured I'd throw my life's savings into your shop if you'll accept my requests."

Recipient: Seul
Item: Kusunagi - Dagger
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: +2 Dmg, +1 Keen
Specifics:  A medium sized dagger with a black blade. The weapon is said to have belonged to a man whose fiancée was spirited away by an eight-headed beast. He used the dagger to slay his foe.

Recipient: Seul
Item: Hydra's Aegis - Shield
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: +1 Mit, +2 Regen
Specifics:  A shield forged from the flesh of a hydra. Like the beast, it possesses the ability to heal its wielder through regeneration while also providing a moderate amount of protection.


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@Zandra Zvift ((You said 300 and then 600, but since you said 50-50 I assume you mean 600. Right?))

Teion considered the offer, doing the math in her head for the transaction before nodding with a smile. "Sounds good!" She accepted the trade. "I'm glad you like it! Let me know if you need any other equipment." She noticed another person had entered the shop, so she gave a friendly wave and turned to another customer.


"Of course!" Teion gave a friendly laugh. "Without the survival skill it's pretty rough up here." The trade was confirmed and she smiled. "Thank you! Take all the time you need." She gave a polite bow and turned to the man who had just entered.


Teion noticed the order form placed on the counter and looked up a bit frazzled after catching up with the small crowd. She looked over the order with interest. "Oh, definitely!" Her eyes sparkled with inspiration as she accepted the man's request. "Two perfects might take some time..." She thought aloud, trying to stay realistic. "But I'll message you once they're finished!"

(+1,000 col, +2 materials, -Brilliant Chain)

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--Daily Crafts--

  • ID#: 36583-36584
  • CD: 8 (Good item), 11 (Rare item)

(+7 EXP, +1 Good item, +1 Rare item, -2 crafting materials)

Rank Up!

  • ID#: 36640-36641, 36650
  • CD: 9 (Uncommon item), 7 (Good item), 12 (Perfect item)

(+13 EXP, +1 Good item, +1 Uncommon item, +1 Perfect item, -3 crafting materials)

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Manta had just received a message from the blacksmith she'd ordered from, telling her that her sword was complete. She had just seen Koumori and another, black haired girl walk away from her shop after getting into an argument about her level. Koumori knew the truth, but the other girl was convinced that she was a level one, just because she was using a starter sword as a place holder for the weapon she had ordered. It was time to change that.

She entered the shop and waved hello to Teion. "I heard that you finished my sword up. Thank you so much." She realized that she'd never actually sent her the money for the weapon, so she pulled up her HUD and transferred 1200 col to the other player.

-1200 Col

+Loves Oath

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Teion placed Loves Oath in the trade window and hit accept, smiling as the transaction completed. "Thanks. I hope you like it!" Teion grinned and gave Manta a small bow, appreciative for her business.

(+1,200 col, -Loves Oath)

--Daily Crafts--

ID#: 36720-36722

CD: 11 (Rare item), 6 (Good item), 7 (Good item)

(+9 EXP, +1 Rare item, +2 Good items, -3 materials)

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 Toothpick savored his silence, watching the faces file by and go about their business as if the store was a bustling city. It reminded him of home. He tapped a few buttons, the whip appearing in a flash of pixels. He heaved the silver thing in his grip, awe struck by it's weight. A dim blue glean shined off it's surface I will live or die by this He reserved to clip it to his belt, where an appropriate holster had invited itself. He looked up to Teion, "Keeping busy I see, planing on opening up a store myself pretty soon. Any advice for a novice like me?"


(I hope you don't mind If I try for a small RP in-store :y)

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(('Course not!))

Teion wiped her forehead with the back of a gloved hand. She smiled as Toothpick stuck around and began making conversation. Putting away the rest of her tools, she propped her arms up on the counter and leaned against them. "You bet!" She grinned in reply. "Oh, awesome. What kind of shop?" She asked curiously. She considered his question before responding again. "Honestly, never stop farming." She laughed at first, but nodded shortly after. "But really, once you rank up a couple of times, you start burning through materials." She had to take a break on crafting herself, finding herself running short on them lately.

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“Well, it’s not really a ‘shop’, but I’m taking up the fisher profession. From what I understand, it’s a cruel trade, but I’ll weather through somehow,” subtle subconscious gestures complemented his words, right palm half-flexing. Hearing the oh-so-familiar Mat Farmer mantra drew a warm chuckle on his part, which settled into a reminiscent smile, “ ‘never stop farming’, were you a farmer too? Or has the phrase spread ever since I heard it last?” He shrugged, “Either way, I’ll make sure to stockpile. I’m already decent as farming, as you can imagine.”

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"Ahh, sounds nice. I haven't actually met a fisherman yet. At least, none that I know of." She chuckled, leaning on the counter. She thought about his question, frowning in the process. "I guess I'm just used to farming from other games. There's really no getting away from it." She shrugged, adding, "but at least the professions are more rewarding here." She had to admit, she really liked the crafting system is SAO. She got to experience running her own shop, and making useful weapons and armor for other players. "Oh, I heard fishing goes hand-in-hand with cooking, right?" If so, she figured she could refer Endilix to a Fisher sometime soon--if he was still leveling his profession, that is.

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Zelrius walked into the store, Fully geared out in his Uniques and as always, the two pendants around his neck making a nice little jingle sound with each step. taking the Hydra skull off of his head, the boy revealed golden hair and a wicked arrogant grin. Placing it down on a shelf, he spoke in his egotistic aristocrat-like speech pattern. "I'd like a curved Sword. Persian Scimitar to be exact. Black blade, Golden pommel. Across the blade I'd like the words "Azure Brigade" written in a nice sky blue. I wish for to also have Max Damage stat, meaning a perfect. I am well aware I have a unique on my hip, but there are uses for this weapon as well."

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Helios entered the store, more excited than he'd been all day. He smiled as he felt the cool air on his skin. Walking up to the counter, he noticed the golden haired boy. "Aye, Zel." he said to his friend. Helios had heard his weapon was completed, so he decided it would be a good idea to pick it up. Looking at Teion, the smith who had crafted his blade, and grinned. "Yo! I'm here to pick up my scimitar." he told the girl.

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”Hah, neither have I, doesn’t seem to be a very popular profession, but I intend to change that with just the slightest dash of luck,” he kicked off from the wall, looking over the wares in the counter as he approached, “Oh, yeah, ‘other games’, pardon me, Sao is my first real video game….unless you count this one game on the phone that would go by as ‘legit’ by the standards of most, Wayward Souls for the Iphone, if you happened to be curious…..but….are professions less rewarding in other games?” he paused a few inches off from the counter, satisfied with his appraisal. Glancing up to his host as she spoke, her purple enticed him to wonder whether or not her ‘real’ self had dyed hair, “Yes, actually, infact, that’s one of the reason I picked it up in the first place! You could say I have an plan of sorts.” The door opened before he could say any more, and he turned to look at the newcomer. The words were funneled out, Toothpick more interested in the person behind them whom he recognized as Zelrius of the Azure Brigade, the gathering at Mack’s Hot Springs familiarizing him with the boy’s appearance. He reached down pull out a toothpick from his pocket, fumbling with the packaging as another entered. They know each other? Small world. “Ello’,” he nodded to the two, sticking the splinter between his teeth.

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Walking into the shop, Celestial was surprised by how busy it was, hopefully this smith would be able to take care of his needs. The owner seemed busy with several other people in the shop (was that Zelrius, from the assault team?) and so Celestial thought it best to wait his turn. He took an order form and began filling it out, quietly minding his own business.

Item Name: Tekkadan, The Boss Slayer

Item Type: Two-Handed Battle Axe

Quality: Perfect

Enhancement: +3 Damage

Description: A Two-Handed Battle Axe with double blade-edge's. A terrifying sight to behold, it is dark, steel-grey with translucent, ruby red adornments throughout the blade and down the handle.

-5 Mats

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Arriving on the fifth floor, Isen pulled up the map data Teion had graciously shared with him, as he had never been to this area. Using a hand to shade his eyes from the harsh desert sun, the man made his way to Fortaleza, and Forged by the Sun. 

By the time Isen made it go the door of Teion's shop, the heat was getting to him. He was more used to forests and fields than to desert climates. Slowly opening the door so as not to disturb anyone inside, he carefully made his way around the shop, taking in everything Teion had to offer. Smiling at the the hard work she obviously put into all of her crafts, Isen eventually found what he was looking for: the pair of uncommon claws Teion had reserved for him. They were nothing particularly special, but they were perfect for a beginner.

Waiting for a lull in the conversation, Isen moved up to Teion. "Hello! I finally managed to find my way here." Pointing at the claws, he continued, "I believe you said it was one material for the uncommon claws?" Pulling up a trade window, he offered the one material he had managed to gather the first time they met.

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Teion nodded attentively as the blonde-haired man spoke and detailed his order. "Alright, no problem!" She eagerly accepted the order, taking down all the details as he gave them. "I'm in the process of another order at the moment, but I can message you once it's finished. A custom perfect is 1,200 col or 5 materials--is either of those okay?" She asked with a polite smile.


"Helios! Glad you stopped by." Teion greeted the young man happily. She opened a trade window with him and dropped in the product of his order--Kanshou. She was happy with the final design, hoping that he liked it as well. Sheepishly, she spoke up again. "I don't remember if I gave you a price in my message... For the rare it's 800 or 3 materials. Sound fair?"


In between the people entering the shop and approaching to speak with her, Teion gave Toothpick a grin at his question. "I think so. It's a pretty simple process, of course, but you kind of feel like you actually made something. It feels like you've put more effort into it than just pushing buttons, and hopefully someone else finds what you made useful!" She beamed at the thought, elated that she had gone through with opening a blacksmith. It was certainly a lot of work, but she couldn't say it was worth all the time she poured into it.


Teion noticed another person had entered her shop, a large man who she felt she might have seen before. Unable to recall any details, she hoped she wasn't being rude when she waved for him to approach. "Hello! Would you like to place an order?" She noticed he had filled out a form, offering to pay in materials for a perfect axe. She certainly had her work cut out for her, but she was grateful the man was willing to give her materials in advance to work with. Hopefully crafting luck would be kind to her.


As Isen approached her, she gave him a wide smile. "Isen! Long time no see." She nodded as he pointed out the pair of Savage Claws she'd made the other day. "Yeah, that's plenty." She dropped the weapon into the trade window and pressed the accept button. She grinned, happy that someone she'd met decided to swing by her shop, and excited to be getting more materials to work with.

(+6 materials, -Savage Claws)

--Daily Crafts--

  • ID#: 37165-37169
  • CD: 7 (Good item), 1 (Critical fail), 2 (Fail), 7 (Good item), 10 (Uncommon item)

(+8 EXP, +1 Uncommon item, +2 Good items, -5 materials)

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"Thank you!" Isen smiled back at Teion. "This should definitely help me with getting my profession, so I'm glad I made it up here." Letting her get back to her other customers, Isen milled around the forge a bit longer, admiring Teion's handiwork. Soon enoug he waved goodbye and made his way back to the first floor to work on getting his own crafting skill.

Isen pulled up his menu and sent a private message to Teion. 'Thank you again for your help. If you have some time, I would be happy to have you along to gather materials while I earn my profession, and I could help you hunt as well. Please let me know soon. Take care.'

(-1 material; +1 Savage Claws)

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