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[F5] Forged by the Sun (R8 Blacksmith)

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The boy nodded, struck by her politeness. "Aye, I will give you Five materials now, given I know those are fairly important to professions. However, I will still pay the 1.2k Col, as that munsicle amount is of no use to me, and I think you can put it to better use." He drew his own unique sword. Though he really liked this weapon in particular, it relied too heavily on chance and was no good for grinding. "Message me upon completion, Lady." He said, ignoring everyone else with exception of Helios. "Good day old friend, good to see you're alive and kicking." With that, the blonde haired boy exited the store.

(OOC, I totally didn't know you were going to get bombarded like that, and I apologize if I made things too busy.)

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Endilix had heard that Teion had made a nice hammer and Endilix was prepared to purchase it from her, and so, he made his way a floor up to the 5th Floor. He clinked along in his armor to the shop of his friend, and he found himself sweating, but he just shrugged it off. He could have to face worse heat someday against a monster, he couldn't let a bit of weather bother him. Besides, he lived in a desert in real life. It didn't make much sense to let it bog him down. Didn't stop his sweating though, as he found himself pushing his way through the door to Teion's shop, panting a bit from the heat. He drank from a flask of water he had brought with him, and he was relieved that, despite it being a forge, Teion's shop was cooler than outside. 

Endilix looked around, realizing that Teion's shop was surprisingly busy. It was good to see that business was booming for his friend. As he was able, he walked to the pointed hammer on the display and picked it up in admiration. "She really is quite skilled..." he said to himself as he tested the weight of the hammer in his hands. He smiled at the quality and walked over to Teion when she had a moment to say, "I've come to pick up this wonderfully crafted hammer. How much would I owe you for it?" He gave a smile to his friend, as he awaited her answer.

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((No problem at all! I just have to wait for those 12s. Hope you guys don't mind if it takes a little time.))

Teion was left a little dumbstruck from her interaction with Zelrius. He had given her five materials up front and offered more col later, which was a pleasant surprise, but she shrugged slightly as the man had already exited the shop. Getting her bearings again, she was greeted with a friendly face. Her expression instantly broke out into a wide grin as she welcomed her old friend. "Endilix!" She exclaimed, looking over the hammer he brought up to her. She was immediately beaming, proudshe had ended up making something he liked. "Owe me?" She frowned slightly, thinking a moment. Suddenly she perked up, as if remembering something. "A quest!" She said matter-of-factly. "Go on a quest with me, and we're even." She nodded, swiftly opening up the trade window and pressing accept.


--Daily Crafts--

  • ID#: 37170-37174
  • CD: 11 (Rare item), 9 (Uncommon item), 1 (Critical fail), 7 (Good item), 1 (Critical fail)

(+12 EXP, +1 Rare item, +1 Uncommon item, +1 Good item)

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Endilix was a bit surprised that Teion didn't want payment, but he supposed that a quest would suffice, especially if he got to use the hammer he just got. He smiled at her a bit mischievously, thinking about the fact that she had already pressed the trade button and accepted it. He pressed the accept button and then rubbed his chin in thought, "Well, I do own this hammer now, and you didn't take anything from me... I dunno..." He then turned as if he wasn't actually going to agree, quickly opening his menu and equipping the new hammer, with it appearing in the straps at his side. which had only moments before held Crippler. After doing so, he turned to Teion and gave her a wink, "Of course I'll go on a quest with you. Just send me a message and we'll be on our way!" He gave a wave to Teion, knowing that she was busy, and he thought he'd let her get back to business.

Additional Notes:

  • + Crusher
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Ebony entered the blacksmiths shop, feeling as though she had swallowed a whole swarm of butterflies. This wasn't anything abnormal though. Ebony was an extremely shy person, so even going into a strangers shop to order something involved a good deal of personal courage. It certainly helped that she had some items that she desperately needed. Thanks to the money from that Manta lady she would be able to get some of the equipment necessary for her build. She had the items she wanted written down on a sheet of paper, so instead of trying to talk she set it down on the counter in front of her. She knew that attempts to speak would only lead to a good deal of 'Ummmm...'s.




Name: Black Thorn

Item Type: Dagger

Quality: Perfect

Enhancements: 2 ACC, 1 Paralyze

Description: A simple black stiletto dagger. The blade has specks of dark red on the blade, making it look as though it has been splattered with blood.


Name: Impenetrable Gauntlet 

Item Type: Heavy Armor

Quality: Perfect

Enhancements: 9 Damage Mitigation (+3 mit)

Description: A pure black piece of armor that extends up to the shoulder. The armor is made of extremely strong metal, and has an emblem in the shape of a rose on the fore-arm.


Payment: 5 Mats, 1200 col

(I don't mind waiting a while for these, so don't stress over making them quickly)

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((Sorry, are you paying that up front, or agreeing to pay that amount when they're complete?))

A girl with long dark hair entered the shop without a word, looking soft-spoken. As she placed a slip of paper on the counter, Teion examined it and smiled. "Ah, thank you!" She smiled, nodding as she gladly accepted the order. "I've got a few orders that just came in--I hope you don't mind if it takes a little time. I'll be sure to send you a message once they're both finished!"

(+5 materials, +1,200 col)

--Daily Crafts--

  • ID#: 37464-37468
  • CD: 3 (Fail), 12 (Perfect item), 10 (Uncommon item), 5 (Good item), 12 (Perfect item)

(+22 EXP, +2 Perfect items, +1 Uncommon item, +1 Good item, -5 materials)

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“Ah, I see. Crafting is just the press of a button in most games……..hah, that’s hard to imagine. Sounds quite silly if one thinks about it,” Tales of MMO’s prior the stuff of myths for Toothpick. The whimsical tales of veterans wiser in a world that follows not reason, but fantasy. Those were all he had to understand the “ancestors”. He mulled over these thoughts as Teion scittered to and froth doing her duty, and even though he noted the odd inflow of people, it was in but a whisper among the boisterous thoughts that filed by.

((OOC: Now that things have calmed down a tad :V ))

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While wandering around the fifth floor to caught a glimpse of what the upper floor is like, Nobuyuki stumbled upon a Smith Shop. "Forged by the Sun... What a name." He chuckled at the sign, before going into the shop. As the open the door and the little bell rang, he can hear the sounds of hammer clashing against the metal from behind the shop. Took a quick look around the shop, he was captivated by all the amazing wares that were put on display. While checking out what the shop has to offer, Nobuyuki looked back at his beginner sword, and let out a sigh. "I really need an upgrade for this thing." He thought, continued to look around. 

"Ah. Hello, miss. I was wondering if you have anything my size. I'm looking for a one-handed straight sword." He greeted the shopkeeper, as well as making his order. It would be great if she could make a sword that fit his customization.

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--Daily Crafts--

  • ID#: 37587-37590
  • CD: 1 (Critical Fail), 2 (Fail), 9 (Uncommon item), 1 (Critical fail)

Rank Up! Rank 5: Assistant Blacksmith

  • ID#: 37591-37592
  • CD: 4 (Fail, LD: 17), 7 (Good item)

(+9 EXP, +1 Uncommon item, +1 Good item, +1 Bad item, -5 materials)

@Toothpick Teion smiled and nodded at the man as their continued speaking. "I guess I've been playing games for too long." She laughed lightly. "After a while, the concepts come naturally. Still, Aincrad makes everything feel more rewarding than just a game." A melancholy smile tugged at her lips. She supposed this was their lives, even if it was a game. At least for now, it would be their world.

@CaptainUndead Teion gave a nod as another person entered the shop. As he spoke and inquired about a one-handed sword, she brought a hand up to her chin in thought. "Well, I actually crafted one recently, but it's not a rare quality. If you'd like a custom order I can certainly help you out, although I've gotten a lot of them recently." She pulled the item from behind the counter, displaying its stats.


Name: Crusader's Blade
ID: 37272
Item Type: One-Handed Straight Sword
Quality: Uncommon
Enhancements: +1 Damage
Description: A simple straight sword with golden detailing at the hilt and along the blade.

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Macradon walked into the shop on the 5th floor. He hadn't been in another smith's shop before so he was baffled when he saw the difference from this shop and his. "Wow" he thought to himself when he entered. He would place a custom request order for some tools as he really needed some better blacksmith tools. He would walk into the shop and place the order.

Recipient: Macradon
Item: Tool
Quality: Uncommon
Enhancements: +1 CD
Specifics:  N/A

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On November 6, 2015 at 12:17:36 PM, Teion said:

--Daily Crafts--

  • ID#: 37587
  • CD: 1 (Critical Fail), 2 (Fail), 9 (Uncommon item), 1 (Critical fail)

Rank Up! Rank 5: Assistant Blacksmith

  • ID#: 37591
  • CD: 4 (Fail, LD: 17), 7 (Good item)

(+9 EXP, +1 Uncommon item, +1 Good item, +1 Bad item, -5 materials)

@Toothpick Teion smiled and nodded at the man as their continued speaking. "I guess I've been playing games for too long." She laughed lightly. "After a while, the concepts come naturally. Still, Aincrad makes everything feel more rewarding than just a game." A melancholy smile tugged at her lips. She supposed this was their lives, even if it was a game. At least for now, it would be their world.

@CaptainUndead Teion gave a nod as another person entered the shop. As he spoke and inquired about a one-handed sword, she brought a hand up to her chin in thought. "Well, I actually crafted one recently, but it's not a rare quality. If you'd like a custom order I can certainly help you out, although I've gotten a lot of them recently." She pulled the item from behind the counter, displaying its stats.

"Well, then. If you don't mind, miss, there is a request in mind I'd like to make. I hope making this won't be too difficult for you." Nobuyuki aid, as he took one of the order form and filled it in with the informations for the sword he wanted. 


Recipient: CaptainUndead

Name: Stinger

Item: One handed Straight Sword [Image]

Quality: Rare

Enchantment: +2 Damage 

Specific: A regular sword with a bigger end for the blade, provide extra damage for stabbing and slashing. The hilt wrapped with leather and the sword made of finest steel. 


"Sorry for the complicate design. I used to play an old RPG and I've grown acustomed to the style of that sword. I hope you can recreate it. I'd appreciate it a lot." Nobuyuki said, looked at the girl with violet hair after he gave her a small drawing of the blade. "Also, how much would it cost to make the sword?" He asked.


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Seul eagerly busted through the door of the shop, practically leaving behind a trail of smoke and skid marks as he entered. The items he had ordered were the only thoughts clouding his mind for the past few days and now they were finally ready! He was just happy to have placed the order when he did as there seemed to be a line now for Teion's crafts. "Heeey! I'm here to pick up the new gear." He called while approaching the counter with his menu open. He placed the appropriate amount of col in the now open trade window before sending it to the girl and in return receiving the dagger and shield.

[-2,400 Col]

[+1 Kusanagi, +1 Hydra's Aegis]


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Teion nodded to Nobuyuki as she took down the details of his order. "Yeah, no problem! A rare should be faster to make. That would be 800 col or 3 materials." She stated, organizing the order with the others she had received to keep everything tidy.

Another person had entered, requesting a tool. She'd just ranked up, so it was no surprise that she was getting orders for them. Rebekah had messaged her recently about an order as well; she made a mental note to write that down as well. Teion nodded at the white-haired man and took his order as well, "Alright, a perfect is 1,200 col or 5 materials, okay?" She tried not to come over as too curt.

When Seul entered the shop in a rush, Teion hardly had time to speak before he completed a trade and went on his way. Glad she had managed to fulfill the order for him, she gave a smile and wave as he left, calling out a "Thank you!"

(+2,400 col, -Kusanagi, -Hydra's Aegis)

--Daily Crafts--

  • ID#: 37798-37800
  • CD: 10 (Rare item), 9 (Uncommon item), 5 (Good item)
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“More rewarding? Well, of course, what is a monthly subscription when compared to your life, the price of admission makes things that much more personal.” A faint grimace that faded as it came, a shift in his posture, and he nearly forgot why he’d came. “Say, what do you think is waiting for us when we leave?” He didn’t know why, but he asked; brown fingers drumming against some surface, just as aimless as his thoughts.

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Teion listened to Toothpick's words before frowning slightly. "What's waiting... Like after the game is beaten?" She thought hard before she spoke again. "I'd like to think my family has been taking care of me... I probably wouldn't still be here if they weren't." She said glumly, but she forced a smile to her lips. "I guess we'll have to readjust, get used to the real world again. Although depending on how long we're stuck here, that could be impossible for some..." She trailed off, her smile fading slightly.

--Daily Crafts--

  • ID#: 37947-37949
  • CD: 7 (Good item), 9 (Uncommon item), 12 (Perfect item)

--Tool added!--

  • ID#: 37950-37952
  • CD: 3+1=4 (Bad item, no salvage), 9+1=10 (Rare item), 6+1=7 (Good item)

(+21 EXP, +1 Perfect item, +1 Rare item, +1 Uncommon item, +2 Good items, -6 materials)

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Hans entered the shop, seeing the girl's business had certainly increased since the last time he had visited. The thought caused a wide grin to grow across his face, and he approached the counter, leaning in on one arm as he made swift movements to open a trade window with the other. He dropped in a handful of materials, looking up at the girl after doing so. "Nyaa, so what will you trade me for these? You want them, right?" He assumed any busy crafter would be happy to get their hands on more materials.

(+22 basic items, +500 col, -11 crafting materials)

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"Ah, Hans, was it?" Teion smiled as the cat-like man entered her store. He quickly got to the point, taunting her with a trade window filled with materials. Her eyes nearly sparkled, but she thought for a moment, wondering what she could offer the man that would interest him. After a few seconds, she perked up, "Hey, you make good use of basic items, right?" She opened up her inventory and dropped a bunch of them into the window. Since she still thought the trade was in her favor, she added on 500 col, hoping the offer was enough. "Looks good?" She hit the accept button with a smile.

(+11 materials, -500 col, -22 basic items)

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Calrex popped back into the "Forged by Sun," giving a friendly wave to Teion as he walked over, "Hello again, hope things are going well."

"Actually...now that I think of it I didn't get her name last time. Guess I really was in a rush for some reason."

Shaking his head he continued to proceed, "I actually would like to commission a pair of gauntlets this time. I don't really use Martial Arts as often as I did before, but I'd like to at least have some gear to keep my strength up when I do."

Filling out the form he set it with the others on her list:

Item: Grand Gauntlets: Buster
Item Type: Gauntlets
Quality: Perfect
Enhancement: +3 Unarmed DMG
Description: A pair of gauntlets based on the original Grand Gauntlets forged by Oikawa - The Faint. The outer side of the gauntlets extend past the forearm to prevent hyperextension and gives the appearance of jets. They appear to have been designed and color to match with either the Grand Chariot, Grand Dragoon, or Grand Chariot Legacy armors. When a critical attack occurs the aura appears to release from the jets like an afterburner.

"Please let me know how much it would be. I'm in no rush for this, so please feel free to take your time!"

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