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[F5] Forged by the Sun (R8 Blacksmith)

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Teion waved as Calrex entered the shop, recognizing the man in heavy blue armor. She smiled as she saw he donned the Grand Chariot: Legacy that she had made for him previously. "Hey, welcome back!" She greeted him, taking the details from him and reading the order over. "Wow," She whispered, impressed that he had to weaponskills. Now that she thought about it, she wondered what his level was. Shrugging it off, Teion nodded to the man. "Yeah, a perfect is 1,200 col or 5 materials, that alright?" She replied, organizing the orders among the few others she was working on.

--Daily Crafts--

  • ID#: 38030-38034, 38054
  • CD: 9+1=10 (Rare item), 12 (Perfect item), 4+1=5 (Good item), 12 (Perfect item), 7+1=8 (Uncommon item), 9+1=10 (Rare item)

(+31 EXP, +2 Perfect items, +2 Rare items, +1 Uncommon item, +1 Good item, -6 materials)

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"Hey! I'm back for my sword." Nobuyuki said, as he pushed open the door, and the little bell rang. He approached the counter, and waited for the little shop keeper to come out from the back. As the girl came with the sword he preordered in hand, Nobuyuki can only stare in awe. One of his favorite sword, the one that he had been dreaming of holding in his hand are now here, as real as it can be. It was even better than expectation.

"Wow... I have no words to describe this. This is absolutely amazing." He said out loud, as he held the sword in hand. The weight were much lighter than expected, as well as the maneuverability. Every aspect of the blade, she perfected it. "You have my deepest thanks. 800 cold is it?" He asked, opened his menu and sent a trade request to the shopkeeper. He gave her the amount of money for the sword, and an extra 3 materials. "Please keep it, you earn that." He said, as Nobuyuki slowly walked out of the shop, satisfied with the new weapon in hand.

[-1250 Cols ; 3 Mats]

Edited by CaptainUndead
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Ebony entered the shop, having received notice that her weapon had been completed. She entered the shop and immediately saw the dagger she had ordered, the thin stiletto blade standing out in the shop full of swords, shields and armor. She picked it up and felt the balance in her hand. Beautiful. It was just how she had envisioned it. She had already payed for it, so she unsheathed her starter weapon and replaced it with the new dagger. She would be back for her armor when it was made, and was happy for the moment with the weapon. "Thank you Teion! Im taking the dagger, I'll be back when you've made the armor." She called out as she exited the shop.

Name: Black Thorn

Item Type: Dagger

Quality: Perfect

Enhancements: 2 ACC, 1 Paralyze

Description: A simple black stiletto dagger. The blade has specks of dark red on the blade, making it look as though it has been splattered with blood.

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Teion's eyes sparkled in excitement as Nobuyuki accepted the weapon, thrilled that he was so pleased with it. When he traded her some materials extra, she opened her mouth to protest, but he quickly insisted before going on his way. She settled for a soft smile, waving as he left.

Teion spotted Ebony had entered and was inspecting the dagger she'd finished for her. Teion waved as the dark-haired woman called out and exited, dagger in hand.

(+800 col, +3 materials, -Stinger, -Black Thorn)

--Daily Crafts--

  • ID#: 38108-38112
  • CD: 6+1=7 (Good item), 5+1=6 (Good item), 10+1=11 (Rare item), 8+1=9 (Uncommon item), 1+1=2 (Fail)

(+12 EXP, +1 Rare item, +1 Uncommon item, +2 Good items, -5 materials)

Edited by Teion
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Tenshi had arrived on the fifth floor last night when the moon was high. He had been walking around Armadillo for awhile searching for the famous smithy, 'Forged by the Sun'. By now it had been a little after noon and the sun was beginning to set in the west and he still hadn't found it. He had been getting tired of searching but had decided that he wasn't going to give up no matter what happened. He had walked about fifteen more minutes before he had come across the shop. As he had noticed it, his eyes had gone wide and a smile had formed upon his face. I am finally here … I can gain a new weapon from the legendary blacksmith Teion! He knocked on the door several times before he had lightly pushed open the door to make his way in. "Knock knock. Is anyone home?" He then let out a little laugh, his smile still on his face. 

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Teion perked up as she heard a knock at the door, turning towards the entrance. She saw a light-haired man push the door open and enter with a smile, and she gave a smile and wave in return. "Welcome!" She greeted him, leaning over the counter as she had just finished a couple of crafting attempts for the day. "Looking for something specific?" She asked eagerly. Since the place had died down a bit, she was able to focus her attention.

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Calrex gave a nod as Teion gave him the price for his commission, giving a friendly smile, "1200 col sounds fine. I'm actually fresh out of materials right now, so I'll need to get more of those eventually."

Producing the payment he handing it to her he gave a nod, "Feel free to send me a PM once you're done. It looks like things are busy, so feel free to place that at the back of your to-do list if need be."

Giving a friendly wave he headed back out of the shop.

-1200 col

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Tenshi had walked in and been inspecting all of the weapons in the display cases as the woman had said welcome. She was truly a master of her craft, seeing as though she had crafted such amazing works. He had continued his inspection until his eyes had come across a weapon with a gold hilt. While his eyes fall upon this beautifully crafted weapon, his mouth goes wide in awe. Laying before him had been one of the most beautiful weapons that he could possibly afford at the moment. "I want this one ma'am. I want the 'Shining Cutlass'."

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Elul shaded her head from the heat that rained down above with her arms, she hated this floor as it was nothing but heat. Yet she managed to find what she had been looking for, a black smith. Elul stepped inside, blinking rapidly to try and get her eyes adjusted better. When her eyes finally allowed her to see she saw that the Black smith already had business so she stood behind her customer while she waited for her to be done with the man in front of her.

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Tenshi pointed to the curved sword with enthusiasm, and Teion smiled. "Ahh, I called that one 'Shining Cutlass'. It's got bonus damage and bleed. That one's 400 col, or if you've got 2 materials I'll trade for those." She explained in a cheerful tone.

Another girl entered the shop and Teion leaned over to give her a wave while Tenshi looked at the weapon. "Welcome! Are you looking for anything in particular?"

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Tenshi had lit up as he had heard that this magnificent weapon had only been four hundred col. This news had been enlightening, causing a rather large smile to show upon his face. "Is that all?!" The tone in his voice had given away his shock and surprise. He had then pulled out a small pouch containing over four hundred col and placed it onto the counter. "I'll take it!"

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Elul noticed the girl leaning over and giving a wave, prompting Elul to give a small wave back. Elul approached the girl, "Y-yes I was l-looking for something like th-this." Elul held out a rolled up piece of paper for the smith to grab, hoping what was listed in it was possible.

Recipient: Elul
Item: Protective Vambraces (Armor)
Quality: Rare
Enhancements: 1 Thorn 1 Regen
Specifics: A pair of Vambraces with a jagged outside, its inside's have an unknown property said to heal the wearer.

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Teion smiled brightly as she started the trade with Tenshi. "Haha, yep!" She chuckled at his energetic personality. "I charge more for custom orders, but the things I've already made are a lot less." She explained, dropping the sword in the trade window and pressing the accept button.

As Elul nervously gave Teion her order, the purple-haired woman gave a soft smile. 'She looks young...and obviously very shy.' She carefully took the slip of paper and opened it, looking over the details. A small grin grew over her face, and she replied, "Yes, this is lovely! It won't take me long to make, either. Can I PM you when it's finished?" She asked politely. As if she had forgotten something, Teion added on, "Oh, and for a custom rare, it will be 800 col, or 3 materials. Sound alright?"

(+400 col, -1 Shining Cutlass)

--Daily Crafts--

  • ID#: 38339-38341
  • CD: 6+1=7 (Good item), 12 (Perfect item), 8+1=9 (Uncommon item)

(+12 EXP, +1 Perfect item, +1 Uncommon item, +1 Good item, -3 materials)

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Tenshi's smile grew even larger as true trade request for the four hundred col had appeared in front of him for the weapon. He couldn't help but instinctively press the accept button, turning over the four hundred col and gaining a new sword. While turning around and running out of the building now, he says, "Thank you so much for the new sword! I hope I can become as amazing of a blacksmith as you one day!" Within mere seconds, he was gone from sight.

-400 Col

+1 Shining Cutlass

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Ebony walked into the shop to pick up her gauntlet. She wasn't entirely sure that it was done, but thought that after all this time it had to. The second she entered the shop she saw it. It was a bit strange for a heavy armor, but it was just the way she had ordered it. The black metal, with the rose emblem on it... She picked it up off of the stand where it was and lipped it on, marveling at how light it felt. She connected the strap around her upper chest to keep the gauntlet like armor on and smiled. That girl knew her stuff. Having already prepaid for it, she left a note saying that she had stopped by to pick it up, and then walked out of the door with her new toy.

+ Impenetrable Gauntlet

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I walked into the store. This was the the first player owned store I had come to. I looked around the place and smiled. "Is anyone here?" I asked. My heart beat in my chest with anticipation. I had heard some things about this place and was looking for a rapier. I grabbed a form and filled it out.

Recipient:  Rag

Item:  Rapier

Quality:  Perfect

Enhancements:  +2 damage, paralyze

Specifics:  A rapier with special properties. It has a beautiful hilt and a white and red color scheme. 

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Tenshi had decided that it was best to get a new sword and he knew the exact smith which he had wanted to get it from. The last time he had come to this shop, he had purchased his weapon, The Shining Cutlass. As he opened the door, a small bell began to jingle overhead. "Hello hello Teion. I am here to request another item from you my beloved blacksmith."

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@Rag "Welcome!" Teion greeted Rag as he entered the shop. She was happy to see another new face. "Come to order a custom weapon?" She asked, but the slip of paper she received from him answered her question. She looked over the details before smiling brightly, "Looks great! This would be 1,200 col or 5 materials--sound good?"

@Elul Teion nodded and completed the trade with the girl. "Thank you! I'll get to work on it as quickly as I can!" She gave a friendly smile.

@Tenshi "Hi again!" Teion waved as Tenshi entered her forge again. She remembered his first purchase and was eager to know what he was interested this time. "Ooh, a custom order? What can I make for you?" She asked with intrigue.

(+800 col)

--Daily Crafts--

  • ID#: 38721-38726
  • CD: 2+1=3 (Fail, salvaged), 4+1=5 (Good item), 8+1=9 (Uncommon item), 4+1=5 (Good item), 7+1=8 (Uncommon item), 7+1=8 (Uncommon item)

(+14 EXP, +3 Uncommon items, +2 Good items, -5 materials)

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Tenshi had smiled as he pulled out a small piece of paper that had some blueprints on it. The curved sword had a unique shape and a golden hilt just as magnificent as his shining cutlass. "I want this weapon to be specially crafted and only by you. Would you be willing to do this for me? Also, I am willing to pay any price you consider enough for it, shall you allow me to."

Recipient: Tenshi
Item: Tenjin (One Handed Curved Sword)
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: +3 Damage
Specifics: A one handed curved sword with a black and white blade, a golden 
hand guard, and a red hilt. The words Heaven's Blade are written down the blade in the language of latin

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