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[F5] Forged by the Sun (R8 Blacksmith)

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Walking back into the Forged by the Sun Calrex gave a wave once again as he saw Teion, a friendly smile on his face, "Hey Teion, I got your message that the gauntlets are finished!"

Walking over he inspected the item, giving an approving nod, "Heh, as usual your work is awesome!"

Swiping on his menu he swapped out the Grand Blade II for the gauntlets, seeing that they had a merged appearance between the Grand Gauntlets and the Grand Gauntlets: Buster. Clenching his fist he saw the <<Martial Arts>> aura shoot out of the back by the elbow, just like the afterburner effect from before, "Perfect."

Looking over he gave a nod, "How much do I owe you for the commission?"

Hearing the young girl's offer he gave a nod, swiping on his menu to produce the necessary col for payment, producing the bag of materials and placing it in her hands, "Thanks again! Let me know if you want to go on a material gathering trip again at some point!"

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Manta entered the blacksmith's shop, remembering the last time that she had come here. She didnt really remember it to tell the truth, only the fact that she had been here before and ordered something. She grabbed an order form and quickly filled it out, sad that she would have to leave her darkened rapier behind. She had grown quite attached to it since she had gotten it. Still, she needed the highest tier and the highest damage possible for her at that moment. She couldnt allow herself to be left in other peoples dust. She pulled out a bag of four thousand col and placed it on the counter next to her order, too lazy to figure out the actual cost of a weapon. "Pm me when its ready please." She called out as she left the shop.

Recipient: Manta
Item: Rapier Thing
Quality: Perfect (Tier 2)
Enhancements: 6 DMG
Specifics: A beautiful silver and blue bladed rapier with a golden hilt.


-4,000 Col

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Teion waved as Nobuyuki and Calrex entered to pick up their orders. She grinned and traded the items over, nodding her head to Nobuyuki as he mentioned he didn't have the full amount. "It's alright! Hopefully you can make good use of the sword for farming." The blacksmith beamed. She completed the trade with Calrex as Nobuyuki left. "Thank you! Hopefully with the changes things will pick up again." She grinned, adding, "And I am always available for material hunting. Here," She gave a few swipes and taps of her menus, sending Calrex a friend request. "Oh, if you don't mind! Just send me a message if you're planning to do some hunting down here."

(+7,300 col, -Baransu, -Grand Gauntlets II)

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     The telltale ping in his message box alerted Brax to the finished construction of his gauntlets, almost completing his armor set of the Pactagonal Knight.  He had finished another round of hunting when the PM appeared.  He made his way back to the shop nestled in the 5th floor, striding through the door with a simple but purposeful gait.  "So, I hear you finished something for me?" he said, not mincing any words.  Taking a look at the finished product, he shook his head in gratitude.  "Thank you, this is precisely what I was looking for.  Your craftsmanship is...functional and aesthetically pleasing.  Much appreciations.  If I require anything else, you will be the first one I come to.  Farewell, blacksmith."  And after executing a bow, Brax went back into the wilds to continue his hunting. 

+ Gauntlets of Sir Render

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Teion gladly handed over Brax's gauntlets, grinning proudly as he took them and thanked her. "Hope they serve you well!" She called with a wave as the man left. Nobuyuki came back briefly to deliver the rest of the payment for his weapon and Teion gratefully accepted the trade, eyes sparkling as she had more materials to work with. "Ahh, thank you!"

Once the crowd dispersed again, the evening grew quieter and Teion settled in for some more crafting attempts. She had her last order in mind, and was eager to complete it so she could make a new weapon for herself.

(+3 crafting materials)

--Daily Crafts--

  • ID#: 46651-46653
  • CD: 11+1=12 (Perfect), 4+1=5 (Good), 1 (Critical Fail)

(+11 EXP, +1 Perfect item, +1 Good item, -3 materials)


Name: Rapier Thingy
ID: 46651
Item Type: Weapon (Rapier)
Quality: Perfect
Tier: 2
Enhancements: +3 Damage
Description: A beautiful silver and blue bladed rapier with a golden hilt.


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  • 3 months later...

Teion's eyes blinked open, revealing a dark wooden ceiling above her. The girl pulled herself up, rubbing at her eyes as her gaze shifted over the equipment that lay unused around her shop. Teion made a face of discomfort--she had fallen asleep at her desk again. Glancing out of the window to see the strong rays of sunlight pouring in could only assure her it wasn't night.

With a distant look, Teion walked over and picked up one of several hammers laying about, absently organizing her tools. As she brushed a hand over the sturdy anvil, the girl couldn't help a sad smile from playing on her lips. She let out a sigh, "Mm, why not?" She muttered to herself, rolling up her sleeves.

Daily Crafting Results: 5/14/16

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  • ID#: 59019
  • CD: 2 +1 = 3 (Fail, no salvage)
  • LD: 3
  • ID#: 59020
  • CD: 2 +1 = 3 (Fail, no salvage)
  • LD: 10
  • ID#: 59021
  • CD: 5 +1 = 6 (Good item)
  • ID#: 59022
  • CD: 8 +1 = 9 (Uncommon item)
  • ID#: 59023
  • CD: 5 +1 = 6 (Good item)
  • ID#: 59024
  • CD: 6 +1 = 7 (Good item)
  • ID#: 59025
  • CD: 8 +1 = 9 (Uncommon item)

Gains: +3 Good items, +2 Uncommon items (Simple Sword), +14 EXP
Losses: -7 Crafting Materials

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In an attempt to get back in the swing of things, Teion woke up the next day giving her workstation a long, hard stare before she sat down at her anvil. Taking a deep breath, her mind started flowing, coming up with ideas of all the things she wanted to create. A soft smile played on her lips as she finally got to work. The day was long, but her results were phenomenal compared to the previous day's disappointments. "I guess it's not something I can just give up on," The girl sighed in slight defeat, a wry smile pulling at her lips as she began putting her tools away.

Daily Crafting Results: 5/15/16

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  • ID#: 59097
  • CD: 11 + 1 = 12 (Perfect item)
  • ID#: 59098
  • CD: 7 + 1 = 8 (Uncommon item)
  • ID#: 59099
  • CD: 6 + 1 = 7 (Good item)
  • ID#: 59100
  • CD: 3 + 1 = 4 (Good item)
  • ID#: 59101
  • CD: 11 + 1 = 12 (Perfect item)
  • ID#: 59102
  • CD: 7 + 1 = 8 (Uncommon item)
  • ID#: 59103
  • CD: 6 + 1 = 7 (Good item)

Gains:  +3 Good items, +2 Uncommon items (,), +1 Perfect items (,), +28 EXP
Losses: -7 Crafting Materials

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"Hello!?" Walking into the familiar shop the Monochrome boy ran a hand through his long black and white hair, his orange eye searching for the blacksmith he had visited long ago. "I'm not sure if you remember me, but it's Takneil." approaching the counter he swiped open his menu and placed a good amount of materials into the gift box and tapped the blue confirmation circle. "I haven't heard from you in a while so I thought maybe you would need some help with your shop." He admitted with a nervous chuckle. 

-30 Materials [Donated to Teion]

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As the sound of a vaguely familiar voice rang out in the quiet shop, Teion perked up in attention. 'Takneil...' The woman repeated the name in her mind as he introduced himself. Embarrassingly, she tended to remember her customers more by the works she made for them than their names. She was always terrible with names. The blacksmith blinked in surprise as the man delivered an abundant amount of materials. "Oh, I uh..." Teion stumbled over her words, "Thank you. Do...you need any equipment made?" She certainly felt rusty at more than just her craft now.

Daily Crafting Results: 5/26/16

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  • ID#: 59757
  • CD: 2+1=3 (Bad item, no salvage)
  • LD: 3
  • ID#: 59758
  • CD: 8+1=9 (Uncommon item)
  • ID#: 59761
  • CD: 10+1=11 (Rare item)
  • ID#: 59762
  • CD: 2+1=3 (Bad item, no salvage)
  • LD: 4
  • ID#: 59763
  • CD: 10+1=11 (Rare item)
  • ID#: 59764
  • CD: 8+1=9 (Uncommon item)
  • ID#: 59765
  • CD: 8+1=9 (Uncommon item)

Gains:  +3 Uncommon items (Simple Sword), +2 Rare items (Dragon's Fang Lance, Dragon's Rejuvenation), +28 EXP
Losses: -7 Crafting Materials

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Husky didn't think of Teion has a shop located in Armadillo. He had met her while taking the quest, and while didn't leave behind a good first impression. Husky hoped that wouldn't affect things too much. Walked into the place, Husky scanned around the wares. Her merchandises seemed very well made, and all of top quality. After browsing through the items, he went to the counter and spoke with the shop owner. "Hey there. I would like to order these two items if you don't mind." As he did so, Husky gave Teion his order form with the two item written on it.


Recipient: Husky
Item Name: Dragon's Might
Item Type: Gauntlets
Quality: Perfect
Tier: 1
Enhancements: [+3 Unarmed Damage]
Specifics: A pair of Scale maille gauntlets. a layer of cloth covered by a layer of scale and metal plate above for good protection, with red and black color, representing of a dragon's claw.
Reference Image




Recipient: Husky
Item Name: Dragon's Rejuvination
Item Type: Heavy Armor
Quality: Rare
Tier: 1
Enhancements: [+2 Recovery]
Specifics: A pair of Arm guard, covered from the shoulder to the elbow, protecting the arm of the wearer. The black and red color representing of a dragon's scale, giving the wearer some good mobility in combat.
Reference Image





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Teion looked up from her work to see the same brunette man from their earlier quest. She offered a small smile, attempting a slightly warmer introduction this time. Husky approached her about placing an order, and she couldn't help looking over his order with a bit of excitement. The creativity of other players used to always keep her on her toes, and she couldn't deny the tug of inspiration pulling at her. "Wait right here, if you don't mind." The woman said simply, turning to her work tools.

She set to work immediately, and was quickly rewarded with the items he had requested. Wiping her brow, she sized up the equipment before giving her own nod of approval. Walking back to the man, she offered up the two items in trade with a satisfied smile.

Trade Confirmation


Daily Crafting Results: 5/28/16

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  • ID#: 59855
  • CD: 7+1=8 (Uncommon item)
  • ID#: 59856
  • CD: 8+1=9 (Uncommon item)
  • ID#: 59857
  • CD: 11+1=12 (Perfect item)
  • ID#: 59858
  • CD: 11+1=12 (Perfect item)
  • ID#: 59859
  • CD: 10+1=11 (Rare item)
  • ID#: 59860
  • CD: 10+1=11 (Rare item)
  • ID#: 59861
  • CD: 6+1=7 (Uncommon item)
  • ID#: 59862
  • CD: 2+1=3 (Good item)

Gains:  +3 Uncommon items (Simple Sword), +2 Rare items (Polished Sword), +2 Perfect items (Dragon's Might, Balanced Cauldron), +45 EXP
Losses: -8 Crafting Materials

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Seeing his order completed in such a short moment like that, Husky was impressed by Teion's skills, and craftsmanship. Her product was very well made, and it looked just like what he had expected, even exceeding his expectations as well. He was very satisfied with the product. "That would be... 4000 Cols, correct." Husky asked, opened the trading menu, and given her the amount of money needed for the two items. Along side, he put in two item that he had recently made in his shop. "A little something from the Hakkasan's Tavern. Please consider it as a gift from me, as well as a bonus tip for the well made product. I won't take no as an answer." Husky insisted, pressing the accept button and confirm the trade. Waving goodbye to the girl of purple hair, Husky exited the shop, taking the two new Items with him.


[-1 Biscuit of Rejuvenation: +1 Essential Nutrient]
[-1 Biscuit of Enlightenment: +1 Brain Food]

[+1 Dragon's Might]
[+1 Dragon's Rejuvenation]

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"Actually there is something..." Takneil spoke abruptly, running a careful orange eye over the girl's entire stock he picked up the weapons and armor that were not of perfect status. If his Merchant friend wanted to complain about not having anything to work on he would shove these in his face. Setting them casually on the counter the boy offered a smile and swiped open his menu. "how much for all of these?" he asked hoping it wouldn't run him into the ground. 



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Name: Darkest Night
ID: 31562 CD: 11(10+1)
Crafted In: The Wanderer's Forge
Item Type: Weapon (Katana)
Quality: Rare
Tier: 1
Enhancements: +2 Damage
Description: A fine steel bladed katana with a hilt wrapped in jet black cloth and a scabbard made of highly polished black wood.
Cost: 400 col or 2 materials

Name: Razor's Edge

ID: 39957

Item Type: Weapon (Katana)

Quality: Rare
Tier: 1

Enhancements: +1 Damage, +1 Bleed

Description: The hilt is wrapped in black cloth with an ornamental white feather hanging from the end.
Cost: 400 col or 2 materials


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Name: Protector's Helm
ID: 37169
Item Type: Heavy Armor (Helmet)
Quality: Uncommon
Tier: 1
Enhancements: +1 Mitigation
Description: A simple, full helmet with polished metal and a dark blue border around the edges.
Cost: 150 col or 1 material.

Name: Piercing Lance
ID: 37171
Item Type: Weapon (One-Handed Assault Spear)
Quality: Uncommon
Tier: 1
Enhancements: +1 Damage
Description: A simple one-handed spear, primarily red in color. Its arrow-shaped blade allows for extra damage.
Cost: 150 col or 1 material.

Name: Crusader's Blade
ID: 37272
Item Type: Weapon (One-Handed Straight Sword)
Quality: Uncommon
Tier: 1
Enhancements: +1 Damage
Description: A simple straight sword with golden detailing at the hilt and along the blade.
Cost: 150 col or 1 material.

Name: Wild Lash
ID: 37466
Item Type: Weapon (Whip)
Quality: Uncommon
Tier: 1
Enhancements: +1 Damage
Description: A dark brown cat o' nine tails style whip that gives extra damage.
Cost: 150 col or 1 material.

Name: Spiked Gauntlets
ID: 37499
Item Type: Heavy Armor (Gauntlets)
Quality: Uncommon
Tier: 1
Enhancements: +1 Thorns
Description: Metal gauntlets with a spiked edge along the knuckles, able to cause damage back to an attacker.
Cost: 150 col or 1 material.

Name: Crescent Axe

ID: 39064

Item Type: Weapon (Two-Handed Battle Axe)

Quality: Uncommon
Tier: 1

Enhancements: +1 Damage

Description: A large, simple axe with a curved blade. The metal is polished with a sturdy wooden handle and golden trim
Cost: 150 col or 1 material.


Name: Sunlit Guard

ID: 38723

Item Type: Heavy Armor

Quality: Uncommon
Tier: 1

Enhancements: +1 Recovery

Description: A heavy chestpiece with golden trim. It seems to absorb a small amount of sunlight and pass the energy on to the wearer.
Cost: 150 col or 1 material.


Name: Duelist's Bracers

ID: 38725

Item Type: Heavy Armor (Bracers)

Quality: Uncommon
Tier: 1

Enhancements: +1 Recovery

Description: Simple metal bracers with leather accents. The armor is invigorating; the user can feel their energy regenerate more quickly in battle.
Cost: 150 col or 1 material.


Name: Leafborn Protector

ID: 38726

Item Type: Shield

Quality: Uncommon
Tier: 1

Enhancements: +1 Regen

Description: A small rounded shield that lets the user move around easily. It's imbued with the healing properties of a certain herb that can cause the wielder to sometimes regain HP during battle.
Cost: 150 col or 1 material.


Name: Ember's Bite

ID: 38917

Item Type: Weapon (One-Handed Assault Spear)

Quality: Uncommon
Tier: 1
Enhancements: +1 Accuracy

Description: A one-handed spear with a red and white color scheme. The blade is a bit wider than usual, allowing attacks to land more easily.
Cost: 150 col or 1 material.

Name: Sustained Rage
ID: 37799
Item Type: Shield
Quality: Uncommon
Tier: 1
Enhancements: +1 Heavy Momentum
Description: Missing can be frustrating. This flaming red shield understands, and it helps you understand that all you need to do is make sure you smash them harder next time.
Cost: 150 col or 1 material.

Name: Large Spike Shoulderpads
ID: 37948
Item Type: Heavy Armor
Quality: Uncommon
Tier: 1
Enhancements: +1 Thorns
Description: Some call the spikes unnecessary. Those guys usually don't get away without a few extra holes in them.
Cost: 150 col or 1 material.

Name: Hole Punch
ID: 38053
Item Type: Weapon (One-Handed Assault Spear)
Quality: Uncommon
Tier: 1
Enhancements: +1 Keen
Description: A spear that looks like nothing more than a pointed steel stick that is designed to not only pierce armor, but leave the enemy open for future attacks.
Cost: 150 col or 1 material.

Name: Hidden Blades
ID: 38111
Item Type: Weapon (Claws)
Quality: Uncommon
Tier: 1
Enhancements: +1 Paralyze
Description: These gloves look like ordinary handwraps at first, but if you move your wrist in just a way, claws pop out to both surprise and tear apart your foe. Their shock is their downfall.
Cost: 150 col or 1 material.

Name: Stiffened Whip
ID: 38341
Item Type: Weapon (Whip)
Quality: Uncommon
Tier: 1
Enhancements: +1 Damage
Description: A hardened leather whip that is short, but effective for bruising even tougher foes.
Cost: 150 col or 1 material.

Name: Hunting Knife
ID: 39952
Item Type: Weapon (Dagger)
Quality: Uncommon
Tier: 1
Enhancements: +1 Bleed
Description: A serrated blade designed primarily for skinning animals, but works just as effectively at skinning enemies in combat.
Cost: 150 col or 1 material.

Name: Howling Dusk
ID: 39743
Item Type: Weapon (One-Handed Straight Sword)
Quality: Uncommon
Tier: 1
Enhancements: +1 Damage
Description: A long straight sword made of a dark metal. An ornamental black feather hangs at the end of the hilt.
Cost: 150 col or 1 material.

-10 materials

+All These

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"H-huh?" Teion watched in surprise as the man casually asked for every low-tier item on display in the shop. There were some pieces that she was planning on taking to a Merchant to liquidate because they'd been around since she first opened her shop. "I mean. Sure, ahh..." The woman idly tugged at the end of a section of purple hair, thinking of how to price the mountain of items. "Ten materials, if you'll take it all off my hands." She agreed, gladly parting with the weapons and armor.

Trade Confirmation



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It had been a while since the hunter had been to Teion's smithy, and it was about time that he would have to talk to her again.  Within the last month, he had become strong enough to equip tier two equipment, but had continued to use Solace for the longest time.  He didn't know why, but it was better than trading it off for something that he got from the ground.  However, he began to notice that there was a problem coming along, as the mobs that he hunted were getting stronger than he was, and he would need to upgrade Solace soon.

Entering the smithy, the hunter could feel the hearth billowing to which meant that the lass was at work.  He approached the counter where he found the usual order sheet, to which he filled out for the busy girl.  The hunter would then drop 10 materials on the table for her.

"It's good to see you again, Teion.  My payment, and some extra, in advance."

He would say before turning to leave.


Recipient: Hirru
Item Name: Oath of the Unknown Knight
Item Type:  One Handed Straight Sword
Quality: Perfect
Tier: 2
Enhancements: Damage +6 (2 x 3 slots)
Specifics: A simple sword that carried the oath of an unknown knight.

~ A knight of her holy grace, whom fell into oblivion, once carried this sword.  After their service had ended, the unknown knight stayed by her tomb until the end of days.  This sword, though devoid of its purpose, still carries the oath that the knight to this day, as a reminder to all of the lessons of the past. ~

-10 Mats

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"Ah." Teion was surprised to see a somewhat familiar face. It had been a long time since she'd seen the Jade Hunter, and it was obvious both of them had changed since their meeting, likely in more ways than one.

The man handed her an order form before heading out, and the blacksmith looked over the details with interest. She knew his order wouldn't disappoint her, and already she was feeling to start it. His back was already turned, but the woman held a small sentimental smile before the gears began to turn on another busy crafting day.

Daily Crafting Results: 6/1/16

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  • ID#: 60368
  • CD: 6+1=7 (Uncommon item)
  • ID#: 60369
  • CD: 3+1=4 (Good item)
  • ID#: 60370
  • CD: 11+1=12 (Perfect item)
  • ID#: 60371
  • CD: 8+1=9 (Uncommon item)
  • ID#: 60372
  • CD: 7+1=8 (Uncommon item)
  • ID#: 60373
  • CD: 8+1=9 (Uncommon item)
  • ID#: 60374
  • CD: 12 (Perfect item)
  • ID#: 60375
  • CD: 12 (Perfect item)

Gains:  +4 Uncommon items (Simple Sword), +3 Perfect items (Oath of the Unknown Knight, Kratzfurie, Vanguard's Blessing), +46 EXP
Losses: -8 Crafting Materials

Trade Confirmation:

  • +10 Crafting Materials (Received from Hirru)


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Isen made his way inside of Teion's shop, a note held in his right hand. He waited for the crowd to clear out a bit and walked up to the counter where Teion was.

"Good afternoon! I was hoping to put in an order for a new pair of claws," he said, holding the paper out to Teion It detailed a pair of perfect claws, with all slots set for damage. "I am not sure what exactly I want them to look like, so I leave that to your discretion."

As he spoke, Isen looked around the shop, smiling at the fact that it always seemed busy with other players. He was glad Teion had made a name for herself through her crafting, and that enough people trusted her with their needs. "How have you been? It's been a while since we have seen one another."

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A half-smile tugged at Teion's lips as she spotted Isen approach her counter. She mentally agreed with him; it had been quite a while since their last encounter. The man seemed to be doing well, and as she wasn't too partial to small talk nowadays she kept the idle conversation to a minimum."Busy, as always." She seemed to perk up a bit as she took the order request from him. "I have just the thing," She opened up her inventory and scrolled through some items before pressing down on the one she wanted. Materializing in her hands were a Perfect-quality pair of claw weapons reminiscent of bear claws. She handed them over to Isen, "Just give me back the other ones you have and we'll call it even."

Trade Confirmation:



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It wasn't long after receiving the message from Teion that the hunter had returned to her hearth.  The scent of sulfur and iron sweltered together to form something far too familiar to his tastes, as he had always spent time visiting Mack's and Xion's shops.  He approached the counter to where he could see the lavender haired girl behind it.  Placing a hand on the counter, with the other giving a short wave to her, hopefully getting her attention away from the heavy sounds of the forge.

"Hey, Teion.  I got your message."

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