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You love them now as they are, but we all love the S and G that come from messing with are characters right? Welp, here's a fun one for everyone, take you little cuties and genderbend them! its pretty simple either A- find a picture that look like them of the opposite sex, or B- draw it yourself!

Go nuts! ill start with Shiro

shirosu_by_maplefeather-d96kc2g.png VS shiro_genderbend_by_maplefeather-d9cbqts

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My Character's Twin sister, soooo close enough!!





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Well I don't have a full body pic of Koumori as a boy (which is what he is) but I do have one of him as a girl that's been laying around without any use. (It's a long story, that some of you may know, that revolves around the fact that Koumori originally was a girl.) Anyway, here's Femmori:



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Challenge accepted. Kalesh himself is "hair down" Asch at the moment but hey, pics are limited and she is cute.

ff82379e861f3cf957d3a7d036d684f7.jpg                   ~VS~                 8279609547_dba04068de.jpg

Haha there was a girl on the site named Hunter who used that FC. Shes been inactive for months though.

Takao your gender bend is bae xD

Well, guess I'll take a go at this. This was surprisingly a lot harder than I thought, being my actual FC is not very popular

12575bca37fa49f872f939e304c4f890.thumb.j  rebecca_randall_58936.jpg

Edited by Jomei
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