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[PP:F12] Scouting for 12th Floor (Calrex, Teayre & Ariel)

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Teayre watched as Ariel pressed onwards continuing to kill mobs in the distance, letting out a small sigh Teayre pressed onwards looking up at Calrex. “Do you think she’s alright Cal with everything that’s happen with Absolute Pin and Oikawa? I’m a bit worried about her you know she doesn’t even have Kimba with her all the time anymore.” Teayre fingers pattered on her katana as she used Calrex as a sound board for her worries. “Although I’m glad everyone got through that boss fight alive even if-“ The little red head’s sentence got cut short by a loud burp that came from the girl. Blushing in embarrassment Teayre instinctively reaches for her cloaks hood only to find it wasn’t there so instead the girl opted to run towards the tower’s entrance. “Let’s find this room then, I’m all ready to go now so we shouldn’t have any issues with the mobs inside.”

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For the following seconds after she killed the mob, only the sound of the blonde's ragged breathing could be heard. She closed her eyes tight and covered her face with her hands...why was she feeling like this? she asked herself while clenching her teeth. Transitioning states, from anger to sorrow and then to a form of ecstasy, like a emotionally debil person. Was she finally starting to crack? this kind of series of question went through her mind until she heard footsteps in the distance. Turning around violently, ready to attack again, she restrained from such an act as it was only T, one of the few true friends she still had in this 'death game'. Apparently, the sight of the cloaked crimson haired girl was enough to calm her down and get her to push that series of questions in a dark corner of her mind: 'That's right, now is not the time for self pity. We have a job to do!" at first it started as a thought but the blonde somehow ended muttering it in a low tone. Next she chased after Teayre to the tower entrance.

HP List
Ariel: 118/137 [12/33 Energy] 

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(Energy Fully Recharged / 6 HP Recovered)

"Wait, don't we need to..."

Almost immediately after he was about to inquire if they should wait for Ariel Calrex turned his head to see the blonde sprint after Teayre. Shaking his head with a small smirk on his face he got to his feet, "Guess there's really no time for waiting. Alright then."

"It's true that I've noticed Ariel's change in behavior. Ever since the Guardians went inactive it seemed like she's been slightly more distant. She also takes great pride in her skills, so the fact that she didn't even get a chance to act in the boss fight probably hit her pretty hard. To some extent it does kind of feel like we were not needed for the battle at all...I guess for me that just means I need to try even harder to prove to others, and to some extent myself, that I can be counted on. To give some support to the fact that I started adventuring to try and contribute to the effort of getting everyone out of this death game."

Resolving himself he sprinted after the two girls with the Grand Blade in his hand. Now was not the time to feel sorry for themselves. It was time for action, to strike while the iron was hot.

HP List
Calrex: 137/165

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ID: 34709 BD: 6(2 + 3 ACC + 1 Concentration) CD: 1 (Calrex) MD: 10 [+2 DMG]
ID: 34710 CD: 10 (Ariel) MD: 6 (8 – 2 EVA)
ID: 34711 CD: 7 (Teayre) MD: 4
ID: 34712 CD: 3 (Calrex) MD: 9 [+1 DMG]

As Ariel whipped past her Teayre smiled casting her head back seeing Calrex catch up to her she nods at him. Follow Ariel into the darkness of the tower Teayre looks around as several mobs jump out seeing one begin to charge towards her the red head quickly activates her <Charge> skill. Flying towards the mob the Oikawa Kanashiki glows blue as she spins in two half circles quickly despatching the different Zambies that had appeared. Unfortunately the red head wasn’t quick enough as two of them had managed to strike Calrex deep with their hooves the third smacked Ariel with its head. “You two okay? We’re not going to get off easy. Let’s keep pushing through.”


Calrex: 132/165 5 DMG [((36*2) + 2 Crit + 1 Crit) – (35*2)MIT]
Ariel: 107/137 11 DMG (36 – 25 MIT)
Teayre: 93/133 Energy: 20/32 (12 Used)

Zambie 1: -6/48 54 DMG ([9+2]*6 - 12 MIT)
Zambie 2: -6/48 54 DMG ([9+2]*6 - 12 MIT)
Zambie 3: -6/48 54 DMG ([9+2]*6 - 12 MIT)
Zambie 4: -6/48 54 DMG ([9+2]*6 - 12 MIT)

No Loot

14/25 Mobs Killed

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  • ID: 34713 BD: 6(3 + 2 ACC + 1 Concentration) CD: 8 (Ariel) MD: 1
  • ID: 34714 CD: 7 (Ariel) MD: 4 (6 – 2 EVA)
  • ID: 34715 CD: 1 (Calrex) MD: 4 (6-2 EVA)
  • ID: 34716 CD: 5 (Ariel) MD: 6 (8-2 EVA)

As she past Teayre, the blonde next felt something slamming against her. Forcing herself not to fall on her rear she somehow manages to stay vertical but before she could unsheath her blade once again the redhead dispatched the whole group of mobs with one skill. *That katana AoE is pretty neat" she said with a smile. But that soon faded as yet another group ambushed them as they kept pushing forwards. This time Ariel, who took point, saw and evaded most of the assailants, one of them managing to scrape her left side. Clenching her teeth, she activated her charge and her low level AoE skill. She managed to scrape almost 1/3rd of the health of the new group. "Cal, you're up!" she said, gripping the place she'd been hit.

Calrex: 132/165
Ariel: 96/137 11 DMG (36 – 25 MIT) Sword Art: (4) Sweep - 2x1 & AOE  [8/33 Energy]
Teayre: 93/133

Zambie 1: 30/48 18 DMG ([13+2]*2 - 12 MIT)
Zambie 2: 30/48 18 DMG ([13+2]*2 - 12 MIT)
Zambie 3: 30/48 18 DMG ([13+2]*2 - 12 MIT)
Zambie 4: 30/48 18 DMG ([13+2]*2 - 12 MIT)


14/25 Mobs Killed

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ID: 34718
Battle Dice: 7 (Accuracy +3) = 10
Sword Art <<Sharp Nail>> Activated (12 Energy Used / 29 Remaining)

Immediately following up with Ariel's attack Calrex quickly caught up, going into his stance for <<Sharp Nail>>. His upper body went into the billards player-like position as his sword lit up with a light blue hue. Letting the assisted system take over he flew forward at a high speed, piercing through two of the undead monsters with one strike before promptly removing the Grand Blade and stabbing each of the two remaining with a quick thrust.

The four monsters burst into crystals as he gave a nod to the others, "Alright, that's another four down."

"I wonder when we'll finally see the floor boss. These creatures definitely are hindering our progress, but at the least we're getting an idea for the AI behavior on this floor."

Calrex: 132/165
Ariel: 96/137
Teayre: 93/133

Zambie 1: -12/48 (9 DMG * 6 Art - 12 MIT = 42)
Zambie 2: -12/48 (9 DMG * 6 Art - 12 MIT = 42)
Zambie 3: -12/48 (9 DMG * 6 Art - 12 MIT = 42)
Zambie 4: -12/48 (9 DMG * 6 Art - 12 MIT = 42)

18/25 Mobs Killed

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ID: 34720 BD: 7 (4 + 3 ACC) CD: 11 (Ariel) MD: 4 (6 – 2 EVA)
ID: 34721 CD: 9 (Ariel) MD: 1 (2 – 2 EVA)
ID: 34722 CD: 3 (Calrex) MD: 10
ID: 34723 CD: 5 (Teayre) MD: 1

Another wave of mobs came towards them Ariel intercepted them this time, gracefully dodging their attacks. Teayre smiled and watched as between the pair of them the bluenette and blonde dismember their assailants. Her eyes flicked down a branching passageway as another group of Zambies come galloping towards them. One of them rushed past her and straight towards Calrex. Teayre crouched before pushing off towards the other three her blade glowing a bright silver as she spun in two half-moons exploding the three mobs in the passageway into shards. Turning The red head lets her Sword Art carry her over to the final one that had just headbutted Calrex’s armour. The last half moon of Gen Getsu rippled through the flank of the creature sending it flying as it dispersed. “Let’s move.” Running down the passage the mobs had come from Teayre sheathes her blade casting her eyes around for any sign of the boss room.


Calrex: 125/165 7 DMG [36 + 2 Crit – 31 MIT]
Ariel: 107/137
Teayre: 93/133 Energy: 9/32 (12 Used, 1 Regen)

Zambie 1: -6/48 54 DMG ([9+2]*6 - 12 MIT)
Zambie 2: -6/48 54 DMG ([9+2]*6 - 12 MIT)
Zambie 3: -6/48 54 DMG ([9+2]*6 - 12 MIT)
Zambie 4: -6/48 54 DMG ([9+2]*6 - 12 MIT)

No Loot

22/25 Mobs Killed

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  • ID: 34713 BD: 2 (light momentum activated) CD: 7 (Teayre) MD: 2
  • ID: 34714 CD: 10 (Calrex) MD: 5 (7 – 2 EVA)
  • ID: 34715 CD: 12 (Calrex) MD: 10 [+2 Dmg]

Again the crimson girl used the spinning motion combined with a sword art and sword skill to cut yet another row of enemies. While the blonde was there licking her wounds. She started thinking that she shouldn't have butted in on the two, now she felt more like dead weight to the two as they cleared group after group of mobs. She should know better and stay with going after strong single mobs like quest mobs and floor bossesAs another 3 more mobs spawned out of the blue, Ariel raised her weapon but something impeded her from activating the sword skill. She clenched her teeth in frustration as one of them attacked Cal, successfully hitting him in the chest..


  • Ariel: 96/137  [7/33 Energy]
  • Teayre: 60/133 
  • Calrex: 125/165 7 DMG  [36 + 2 Crit – 31 MIT]

Zambie 1: 48/48 0 DMG
Zambie 2: 48/48 
Zambie 3: 48/48 0 DMG

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ID: 34731
Battle Dice: 9 (Accuracy +3) = 12 (+1)
Sword Art <<Lightning Fall>> Activated (14 Energy Used / 1 Recovered / 16 Remaining)

The undead scratched him across the chest as he winced for a second reflexively, but then quickly recovered as he kicked hard against the ground, leaping up into the air as he readied the Grand Blade. Looking around while he was traveling upwards he spotted a hidden fourth creature with his <<Reveal>> skill, possibly the one that might be serving as a commander for the others. In any case, he was taking it out, along with the others. 

His sword lit alight with an electric blue crackling aura as he came back down, piercing the ground. lightning shot out from the impact point and shot through the zambies, eliminating each in a simgle strike as his <<Lightning Fall>> Sword Art completed.

Extracting his blade from the ground he gave a small sigh as it looked like the last of the monsters were defeated, "Alright, I think that was the last of them. Let's get starting finding that boss room."

HP List
Calrex: 125/165
Ariel: 96/137
Teayre: 60/133

Zambie 1: -10/48 (10 DMG * 7 Art - 12 MIT = 58)
Zambie 2: -10/48 (10 DMG * 7 Art - 12 MIT = 58)
Zambie 3: -10/48 (10 DMG * 7 Art - 12 MIT = 58)
Zambie 4: -10/48 (10 DMG * 7 Art - 12 MIT = 58)

26/25 Mobs Killed

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ID: 34732 LD: 17 (11 + 6 LD)

Running along the passageways turning her head left and right Teayre couldn’t see a boss door. The sounds of fighting reached her ears, a quick turn of her head and she saw Calrex deftly finishing off a group of the Zambies. Flicking her menu down Teayre brings up her map as she scans it with her eyes she notices a small indentation in the area she’s currently in. Running towards it Teayre turns down the corridor only to find a dead end. Cursing she backtracks. “Where the hell is that boss room…”

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Seeing Calrex finish the mobs, Ariel shows a wry smile. "Guess that's it with them." she next directs her attention towards the place Teayre went off to 'Did she see something?' she asked herself as the blonde unconsciously started walking in her direction as she returned. She looked around herself but saw nothing that would look like a boss room. "Where could it be?" she asked the two while scrolling through her inventory. She then unequipped her vambraces and shoulder pads, swapping them for the gray 'Guardian Cloak' with the bluebird guild banner on the back. She'd hope that the item would give her a bit of luck.

ID# 34737  LD: 17

*changed gear (+1 Savvy/+2 LM) for cloak with(+2 LD)

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ID: 34739
Loot Dice: 9 (Search and Detect +2 / Item +1 / Consumable +2) = 14 (No Boss Room Found)

As the group began their search for the boss room Calrex immediately activated his <<Reveal>> skill to try and discern its location. Unfortunately, even with the extra skill nothing seemed to appear to him as he gave a small sigh, "No luck on my end. How about you guys?"

Swiping his inventory he switched back out of the Grand Chariot into the Grand Dragoon as he also reequipped the Tide Pendant, boosting his scavenging capabilities further. But even with that nothing seemed to come into view. "This is going to be rough."

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ID: 34741 LD: 18 (12 + 6 LD)

Teayre skidded to a stop as she came to a junction looking left and right down it she sighs before turning around and walking back down the way she came. Hearing footsteps she smiles as she rounds the corner the red head spots the blonde and bluenette nearby. A flash of white came from Ariel and Teayre saw a cloak flutter down on her back. “Any luck you guys, I’ve had a look and managed to get most of this area mapped out, there’s nothing in this bit.” Looking up at Calrex Teayre takes his hand squeezing gently. “We will be the first ones to find it though.” Gritting her teeth Teayre stares off down an empty passageway. 

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After properly arranging her cloak, Ariel followed Teayre's gaze towards a unexplored area. Hearing Calrex's fail attempt to find the room she pondered. "We're pretty deep inside. The tower was kind of big on the outside but here it seems smaller and I'm sure we checked the lower parts of it. A respectable estimation should put us near the top. C'mon guys a final push! then we can claim a good seat on the next meeting." she started walking down the way but couldn't see a thing resembling a boss chamber entrance.

ID#34743  LD: 17+2

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ID: 34759
Loot Dice: 3 (Total Bonus + 5) = 8 (No Boss Room Found)

Calrex gave a nod as he followed the others, keeping all of his scavenging equipment boosters active as he scanned around. Even as they ascended the tower nothing came into view. Looking upwards the <<Reveal>> skill was still unable to reach the highest point of the structure, "We might need to go even higher. I can't get a good look at everything, and still nothing is coming into view."

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ID: 34791 LD: 11 (5 + 6 LD)

As her party started making their way towards the higher levels of the dungeon Teayre found more and more off shooting paths to take. “Hang on a moment.” Turning down one of these paths the red hair turns her head left and right her fingers drumming on the hilt of the Oikawa Kanashiki. “Where are you… Come on…” Falling silent as she glided through the different passageways Teayre finds herself at another dead end. Returning to Ariel & Calrex she shakes her head. “No luck that way, it might be down that one.” With that Teayre begins to head down another path.

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It seems that they had no luck in this matters, the three man party was stumbling inside the dungeon like a rat inside a human made maze searching for the cheese reward, reaching nothing but dead ends. As they reached a crossing, Ariel went and checked out a potential corridor. She let a sign as it was yet another dead end. The morale was starting to get shredded as they walked around the place. gripping the hilt of her sword she said to the other: "No luck here!"

ID# 34806  LD: 4+2

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ID: 34810
Loot Dice: 3 (Total Bonus +5) = 8 (The same freaking roll! XD)

Following suit with Teayre and Ariel's movements Calrex proceeded down yet another hallway. It went on for a decent amount of time, but eventually he hit a dead end. Giving a small sigh he proceeded back to where the other two were gathered, "No luck down that hallway either. It's got to be around here somewhere. Do any of the passageways lead upwards?"

Persisting his <<Reveal>> skill he looked to see a couple did proceed upwards to another meeting point up above, but there still appeared to be more staircases leaded even further upwards, "Geezes...this is going to be a while..."

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Her eyes squinting in the dark Teayre pressed oon through the murky hallways the sound of dripping water echoing around her. Shuddering at the thought of what might else might be lurking in the corridors the red head kept a firm grip on the hilt of the Oikawa Kanashiki. Dashing up one of the passageways Calrex had pointed out Teayre gasped as the temperature suddenly dropped. Her eyes dilating for a moment before returning to normal. Twisting and turning her head for any sign of the boss room. Her shoulders sank as the young girl couldn't see any sign of a door. Letting out a sigh she presses on down a different passageway.

ID: 34812 LD: 17 (11+6LD)

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As she let out, yet another sigh, the blonde took out her rapier. It was not because she saw some enemy in front or anything, just that it helped her calm a bit. First the endless waves of mobs and now this, what was going on here? there should've been some consistency somewhere. You fight the mobs then find the room, easy as that. But whoever designed this dungeon had some twisted pleasure in making it more difficult than it needed to be. She cursed whoever was in charge with his place's design and kept pushing forwards, in search for the elusive boss room.

ID# 34813  LD: 6+2

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