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[PP-F1] Dim Alleyways, Grumpy Friends (Nirvana, Flints)

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Emerath had been spending quite a bit of time on the first floor as of late, which was surprising considering he lived on the fourth floor. Though, he supposed running a guild teeming with new recruits fresh out of hiding, or players returning from long hiatuses, would do that. In having spent quite a bit of time in the area, he had heard about a girl who seemed to be a bit of a drifter. She slept in alleyways, and was traveling during the day. She sounded like a perfect candidate for the Dapper Rogues. Whether it was the explorer spirit, or the drifter attitude, he thought she might fit in.

And so, Emerath called Flints to him with a message. He would be searching the alleyways at night, and despite that it was a safe zone, he didn't really want to be completely alone, and having his brother along would raise too much suspicion if he did manage to actually find the girl. She'd think it was some sort of kidnapping. Perhaps Flints would ease her mind a bit, though, knowing the woman he wasn't sure if that option was actually right either. Perhaps I should've come alone.... he thought to himself idly as he waited for his companion. When she showed, he would explain the situation, and began to scour the alleyways. He wasn't sure the girl's name, and he knew that could be a problem, but finding a person sleeping in an dark alleyway, even in the Town of Beginnings, wouldn't be too hard, right?

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Flints walked around the city of beginnings, surprised at the amount of players there. As she visited shops she recieved a message for Emerath asking her to join him, she quickly checked her friend list to see that he too was on the same floor, she raised a curious eyebrow at him leaving the fourth floor and quickly took off in search of him, darting in and out of the busy groups of players in search of her red haired guild master. As she passed alley ways and shops she spotted him starring off into the dimly lit area. 

"What is he up to.." She wondered as she slowly approached him, she gently tapped his wrist to signal to him she was beside him. Emerath seemed to be lost in thought. "Hey Emerath..what are you doing?" She cocked her head slightly but smiled warmly at him. 

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After the parade for the defeat of the most recent boss among Floor 1, Nirvana was pleased with the lack of players roaming the city ever since. Perhaps they'd relaxed due to the surprising news, had gone to higher floors or went out to grind. Whatever the reason Nirvana definitely wasn't complaining as her sleep had improved a tad. Not to mention the concoction of Opal had been a generous and even more helpful dose that'd lull her to sleep when used. All in all her sleeping had been rather nice lately.

Of course, not everyday could be perfect... especially this one in particular. The mumbling of an unknown amount of players rung in Nirvana's overly-sensitive ears, she could tell it was more than one person alone, and annoying the young woman who had been only moments away from drifting into a deep sleep. Climbing onto her feet with a loud groan, Nirvana furrowed her brows while the expression on her face proved how displeased she was with the whole situation and even more so with the one soon to happen. "Hey. Hey!" She spoke twice hoping to get their attention, rounding a corner only to come face-to-face with a male and female. Well, really she was about four or five feet away from them but she wasn't up for getting close and felt annoyed by their presence already. "Keep it down, will ya? Who the Hell goes around at night stalking around alleys, anyways? I ain't ever seen you around here, so just leave or shut up already. Eesh." Anyone listening could hear the rude but exhausted tone laced with every word.

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Emerath had been walking through the alleyways, explaining the situation to Flints as he heard a rustling nearby. He turned to her with a, "Shh." with a finger on his lips, as he put a hand on her arm and listened. It sounded like someone standing up and moving around in the alleyways. Could it be who they were looking for? Sure enough, a girl rounded the corner, groggy and bleary-eyed from having been woken up. Emerath looked at her with a smile, fairly certain that he had found the very drifter that he was looking for. He straightened his tie and fixed his monacle as he listened to the girl speak.

When she was finished, he crossed his arms and said, "Well, hello then. My name is Emerath, and I believe you're just the person I'm looking for." Emerath took a step towards the woman, giving Flints' wrist a light squeeze to tell her that it would be okay. "Forgive me, I'm stalking the alleyways at night because I'm fairly certain that I would've had little chance of actually finding you during the day. I hate to be a bother and wake up sleeping ladies, but sometimes one has to take extreme measures to find people of interest." Emerath got within an arm's distance of Nirvana, and gave her a light bow, "It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Miss...?" he said, trailing the last bit off into a question as he held out a hand to shake.

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Flints glanced at the two and rolled her eyes when Emerath bowed and asked for her name. The way the girl came charging at the two had flints standing in a defensive position, her head held high as she watched from her position at Emerath's side, not really knowing what to think of her, or of the way Emerath was still able to maintain his composure. She decided it would be best if she kept quiet and let Emerath work his charm. She wasn't the best at small talk with new people so she waited to see why Emerath would do. "He really knows how to pick them doesn't he.." Flints thought to herself. 

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Crossing both arms over her chest, Nirvana glared at both strangers. Why were they looking for her? The situation already had been creepy, and kinda of scary to her, but there was no way Nirvana could be on the hit-list of anybody. All the friends' she'd made previously, from the very beginning, were on good terms with the young woman despite her somewhat fiery and flirtatious attitude. Huffing loudly, Nirvana ran a hand through fluffy hair in order to set messy bangs to the side and out of her way. A hand settled itself on her hip, shorts hanging dangerously low on them since she'd only just gotten up, while the free one hung freely giving the impression that Nirvana couldn't care less about the two standing before her.

"Guess you could call me sleeping beauty, then." Nirvana's sapphire eyes glowed as she quietly chuckled, sniffling a little before speaking once more. "Seriously, though. Stop being so goddamn formal it's annoying. Don't you dare think I'd tell you my name just yet. And who's your friend? She isn't speaking and I don't like that. ...You're both creepin' me out." She contemplated up and running away to another one of her sleeping spots... but who's to say they wouldn't follow? Also, she was awake now and having quite some fun with amusing herself which wasn't completely a bad thing.

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Emerath raised an eyebrow, and when he realized that the girl had no intentions of returning the shake he withdrew his hand, placing it in his pocket. His other hand found his pocket as well as he looked over his shoulder at Flints. "Yeah, I can see how that would be a bit strange, though to be fair I can hardly get her to talk to me sometimes." He took a hand from his pocket and motioned for Flints to come forward, "C'mon, introduce yourself to the person we came here to meet, even if the introduction we got was a rather silly one."

Regardless of what Flints did, however, he turned his head back to look at Nirvana, "Formality is normal to me, and it's rather hard for me to be anything else, so I apologize if that offends you. Allow me to finish my introduction, Sleeping Beauty," he said, with a bit of a flourish and another bow, "I am Emerath, as stated, Spymaster and Guild Leader of the Dapper Rogues. I came searching for you to recruit you into our guild. Again, I apologize for the strange circumstances, but I had heard whispers of a girl who was a drifter and our guild is based upon exploration and espionage. You seemed like a good fit, based on what I had heard." He stood up straight once again, and gave the girl a smile. Despite her disheveled appearance, he could see potential.

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Flints scoffed at Nirvana's lashing out at her, she looked at Emerath with an amused smile before looking Nirvana in the eyes. "My name is Flints...I guess you can say I'm not much for small talk, that's what Emerath is for." She smiled at him innocently, her green eyes locking onto his. Before looking back off into the alleyway, to where Nirvana came crashing from. She wasn't sure what Emerath was up to yet but Nirvana seemed disheveled by his demeanor. Hopfully it set in that he was like this 24/7.  

Edited by Flints
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Nirvana studied the female before shrugging. "Whatever. I can understand that." She finally realized that the other would hardly speak, and though that bothered her because Emerath's speech patterns bothered her greatly for some strange reason, Nirvana wasn't going to hate on someone just because they wouldn't speak... mostly because she happened to be of the same gender. If it'd been a male, she'd be a lot worse to deal with. "Usually my first impressions are a lot better, but then again I'm not usually associating with creeps at night who woke me up. You came at a bad time." She rubbed her eyes and continued to blink a few times in attempts to rid of the sleepiness before pulling her shorts up to the proper place they belonged. 

The young woman sighed, slouching forward a bit. "So people are talkin' about me, huh? All rumors I bet... but I do tend to walk around a lot." She thought about the offering for a few moments, but had easily come to a conclusion. No. She didn't want to join a guild, and hadn't felt a connection with the two yet anyhow... "I'll have to get to know you guys better. I appreciate the, um, compliment I guess. But I'm just not impressed." Nirvana could've easily declined and walked away, but leading people on was much more fun than that.

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Emerath had his hands in his pockets with a bit of a pensive expression as Nirvana gave her response to his offer. He hadn't really expected any less. Honestly, it was a bit refreshing to not have someone readily take the offer of a guild considering how readily others had jumped onto the bandwagon. She had straightened herself up a bit, at least, though given that things hadn't gone exactly according to plan Emerath felt a bit guilty that he had forced his girl out of her sleep. Emerath supposed that was something a bit foreign to him, since he didn't sleep often in this game. His body was in a coma somewhere, getting plenty of rest, and while his mind got tired, he felt that he should always be pressing himself forward.

Emerath shook his head and gave a slight smile, "Well, that's unfortunate to hear, but at least I've now had the opportunity to introduce myself, even if it was in what could have been one of the worst ways possible given your reaction." He looked back to Flints, "I thought this might have been a bad idea, but when opportunity knocks, I can't just ignore it." He raised his hands in a shrug and turned back to Nirvana. At least Flints is good for me being able to use her as a bit of a way to play this off a bit. he thought to himself as he sighed.

He pulled a potion from his inventory. It was a flat white potion with a cloud hanging inside the bottle over the calm liquid. "It's no spinning wheel, Sleeping Beauty, but this potion would help you sleep, after my rude awakening." He held it out in offer to Nirvana. He saw no reason for her to take it, after all the things she was saying about him, but he always found it more polite to offer than not.

Item Details Being Offered:

Name: Doz-On
Item Type: Potion
Quality: Good
Enhancements: N/A
Description: A flat white potion with a sleepy cloud hanging in the bottle. Smells and tastes a bit like warm milk and will put the user to sleep within a few minutes of drinking.

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Flints yawned. All this talk of sleep made her tired. She watched as Nirvana spoke of them as creeps in the night. She chuckled at how terribly this was going and shifted in place from standing still so long. If it was up to her she would prefer not seeking out new recruits and let them filter In, then again Flints was terrible with guilds. She was surprised she ended up in one with the brothers. Between her thoughts and the banter she watched as Emerath offered up a peace offering for their "loud" intrusion. A sleep-aid potion. Flints cocked her head slightly curious as to why she would even except the offering. "Sleeping beauty..?" Flints thought to herself. Before finally addressing her.

"It's fine if you don't want to join. I mean who are we to intrude. You are right. Being rudely awoken isn't really an ideal way to get to know someone. But then again neither is standing in an alley way. We aren't a typical guild, so if our tactics are a little shady I guess is just part of who we are..unless your into all that chivalrous bull. I don't buy into that though. So getting your attention without some terrible front seems pretty ideal to me." Flints smirked. Her blunt comment could go one of many ways. Each she was willing to work with. "Although to be fair, Emerath is pretty knightly, if you ask me." She giggled hoping to ruffle his feathers. She didn't know what to do about the two, but if it was her in Nirvana's position, she would prefer the truth instead of a flashy show for attention. But then again, they were two different creatures. 


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