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Username: CaptainUndead

Real Name: Nobuyuki Nakahara

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Height: 5ft 7' or 170 cm



 Ever since he was a kid, Nobuyuki was a very creative person. Sitting in class, he would usually day dreaming of a fantasy world whit dragons, and flying cities. He drew countless of drawings about castle in the sky, flying island and many more. And for that, Nobuyuki would usually being bullied by his classmate. This led to him isolating himself in his rooms and playing video games, where he can express the feelings he couldn't in real world. Slowly, he spent more and more time in gaming, role playing and MMO. In the games, he could played as who he wanted to be, in the world he loved and dreamed off without anyone criticizing him. Even thought he was so hooked into gaming, school works and grades weren't affected, and he was qualified to joined a University in Tokyo. Moving from Fukushima, he traveled to Tokyo for a new life.

While in Tokyo, he stayed at a friend's house. Both have interested in gaming and soon, they became closer than ever. Both were into MMO, and although his friend wasn't as obsessed as him, nonetheless, they spent every night playing together. Once the new "NerveGear" was released with the new Sword Art Online, both was really exited and wasted no time ordered the game. They waited for several hours, but only one was able to buy the game. Nobuyuki and his friend discussed who should be the first one to play for a long time, and then, it was decided that Nobuyuki should played first, then they took turn playing the game until they can afford to buy another set.


"Link Start!"


Those were the words that changed his life forever .Once he logged into Sword Art Online, he was treated with things he have never seen before. The feeling of walking on the grass, holding and swinging his weapon side to side. He can feel the air gushing through the hair of his character. Everything seemed so real, it's like he's living his dream. But soon, Nobuyuki learned that this wasn't a dream, but a nightmare he's living. Things turned dark quickly, as the cloaked man from the sky told the players the news of the death game. And so, his story begins.



-Kind hearted: Although he lived his life mostly indoor, Nobuyuki wasn't heartless. He would usually tend to the weak and helpless players, protect them from PKs, and give them just enough gold to buy equipment if they didn't have enough.

-Strategist: His experiences in puzzle gaming has improved his mind. He can think of a strategy in the midst of combat, and calm thinking in chaotic moments. Even when out of combat, Nobuyuki constantly observing the environment surround him for possible strategy that can be utilize. His mind always thought of improving his strategy in combat.

-Adapting: Nobuyuki have the ability of adapting to enemy's movement and pattern, utilizing their opening and weakness to his advantage. He can see through opening gaps, finding chances, as well as looking after his team in times of peril.


-Stubborn: Living alone for most of the time, Nobuyuki like to do things his way, and if he see flaws in another's action or advice, he wouldn't mind reject it. He would refuse to follow commands of people he doesn't trust, even when they are right, as he only listen to them when there is no other option, or he have the same plan.

-Anti-Social: Throughout his life, Nobuyuki lived a sheltered life. He rarely made much social contact with his friends, and would spent most of his time playing video games. This created many problems when it comes to social interact between other people. Most of the time associating with people around him, he would get nervous, heavy breathing, and his mind would hardly make up words.

-Arachnophobia: History event from childhood has lead Nobuyuki to a serious Arachnophobia. He would usually flee from a spider, and sometime froze in fear, especially when spiders ingame are much bigger than they are in real life.


Professional Cook {LV 3}



{Total SP = 43} {Level 14} {SP available: 0}

<Non-Combat Skills>

  • -Search and Detect- Lv:1 {Novice}

<Combat Skills>

  • Charge: Lv:1 {Novice}

<Weapon Skills>

  • -One-Handed Straight Sword- Lv:3 {Expert}
    Mod: -Ferocity- Lv:1 

<Armor skill>

  •  -Light armor- Lv:1 {Novice}



  • 6047 Cols
    Cols Log

    +12307 from threads

    -1250 from Purchasing Stinger from Teion

    -1200 from Purchasing Brown Coat of Evasion from Ishen

    -1250 from Purchasing potions from Shizuka

    -1260 from Purchasing lucky charm from Ebony

    -1300 from Purchasing Baransu from Teion

    +4500 from Material delivery to Ssendom

    -600 from Purchasing food from Helios

    -1500 from Purchasing Pendant of Icarus and Four-leaves Clover Charm from Teselmar

    -2400 from Purchasing Basic Teleport Crystal from Hikoru



  • Baransu- [ +3 DMG]
  • Brown Coat of Evading [+2 EVA] [+9 MIT]
  • Pendant of Icarus: [+2 ACC] [+1 EVA]

>Equipment at ready

  • Four-Leaf Clover Charm: [+2 LD]
  • Aegis of Protection: [+18 THR] [+1 EVA]

>Consumable Items

  • Sand Armor
  • Frostbite

>Storage Item

  • Leather Coat
  • Anneal Blade


>>Role Play Log<<

[PP-F1] A new Start- Complete

[SP-F1] Solo hunting- Complete

[SP-F1] <<Earning a Living>> Cook Apprentice- Complete

[SP-F1] Solo Hunting expedition 2- Complete

[PP-F2] In the Mountain Mist- Complete

[SP-F2] Solo Hunting expedition 3- Complete

[PP-F2] <<Long live the Queen>> Overthrowing the Queen- Complete

[PP-F4] Out in the Snow <<Avalanche>> - Complete

[SP-F2] A Favor of the Elves <<Worn Out Welcome>> Complete.

[PP-F5] A Needle in the Desert <<The Traveler>> - Complete

[PP-F5] Land Shark Attack <<Blood in the Sand>>- Complete

[SP-F3] Man vs Minotaur <<Search for the Hoya>> - Complete

[PP-F4] Frostbites - Complete

[PP-F2] A Lost Child and Giant Bats <<Let there be Light>> - Complete

[PP-F9] To the Depth of the Volcano <<Guardian of Fire>> - Complete

[PP-F6] Solo hunting expedition 5 - Complete

[PP-F2] Fighting a Rock <<Breaking the Unbreakable>> - Complete



Edited by CaptainUndead
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