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[PP:F2]Cry in the Darkness <<Let There Be Light>> (Life)

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Mai could feel the sunlight softly streaming through the spaces between the thin curtains that hung in her office bedroom. She stirred and whimpered rubbing her cheek against something soft and warm. Her eyes fluttered open and she realized she was still nestled around Life. No… correction, she was tangled around Life. Her arms and legs were wrapped firmly around her bedmate and her head had been resting upon his chest. Apparently she’d not rolled away during the night, but rather clung to the handsome shirtless young man even more closely. Shay’s face went bright red and she pulled her leg off from around him and nuzzled back into the crook of his arm so she was not strewn about him inappropriately when he did wake.

Shay lay there quietly in Life’s embrace letting him sleep as long as he was going to. She never did find out where he’d been staying prior to this and wondered if he’d slept enough while being on his own. Now that he lived with her, she was going to take care of him as best she could. After all, he was to do the same for her by keeping her safe and alive. Time passed and Eric began to stir. “Good morning!” Shay said with a smile as she leaned in toward Life pecking him on the lips.

“Did you sleep well?” She asked him hoping he was comfortable with her their first night together.

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As Life slumbered he could see visions of the past. The fight with Hydra, the battle with the shade, that terrible afternoon in the Prairie with Mari... it was just horrible. Every memory made him sick to his stomach, he could no longer stay asleep and he stirred where he laid; slowly opening his eyes against the bright light which shone on his face through the window Life turned his head and met the smiling face of Mayuri. The moment he saw her face, all his worries, doubts and fears instantly evaporated. He nodded "A lot better than in a tavern or somewhere in the woods" He returned her kiss and sat up, rubbing the back of his neck. He yawned and spread his arms apart, stretching his muscles which he felt had tightened overnight. He looked back at her and instantly went red as he noticed what she was wearing and was fixated on her, unable to stop staring at her body in her thin night dress.

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So Mai’s suspicious were correct; he didn’t have a proper place to stay. Her decision made her instantly feel better about having the handsome young man come and live with her. As she rose and gave himself a stretch, Shay did the same, raising her arms overhead and leaned back slightly giving herself a bit of a stretch. Eric turned to her and instantly went red hen looking dropped her arms and looked down wondering what had him so flustered until she looked down and realized what he was staring at. The soft light shown through at the right angle, making the already thin cotton dress take on an even more gauzy appearance. Mai blushed and grabbed her pillow covering herself with it.

“Sorry,” she said as she tucked into a ball feeling a little more than embarrassed that he’d gotten more than a good eyeful of her. 

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Life shook his head and snapped out of his little daze "Don't be sorry. I guess this is going to be normal for us now" He smiled warmly and rubbed her leg gently before getting up and stretching again. "It's a beautiful morning" He hoped he didn't make her feel uncomfortable, after all this was her home and he was her guest. He couldn't help but smile "I love you Shay, don't be embarrassed" He wondered what their first order of business would be in the morning, of course they would head of for a quest, but which quest was the question. He interrupted himself with his own memory of last night, they were to do the <<Let there be light>> quest. He looked through his inventory and placed on some casual clothing to wear inside. He had only ever used them once before, as he was never really in a private space and always needed to be on guard. He wore a white sleeveless singlet which hugged his body and black shorts. It was closer to what he normally wore in real life on the farm. He scratched his jawline with his index finger and wondered "Shall I wait for you outside?"

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  • 3 weeks later...

Shay blushed softly as Eric touched her leg and rubbed it gently assuring her that everything was fine. This was their new normal; he lived with her now, and now that he did, she’d see her in all sorts of states, including various ones of undress. She blushed deeply at the thought and deeper still when she was reminded that he loved her. “I love you too,” she replied simply as she lowered the pillow. She went to move from the bed but was stopped by Eric dressing in front of her. Although the moral code was in place she couldn’t help but look away and blush deeply. Even though she’d already seen him in a near state of complete undress, she was still shy about the whole thing. With Eric dressed, he asked if she should wait for her outside and she nodded.

“Would you start tea for us? I’ll be down to make breakfast in just a few minutes.

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Life nodded "Alright, see you soon" he stepped out and walked down the stairs to start tea. Problem was he had no idea how to do that. Does she want me to put on the kettle? After a bit of confusion and thought he spotted the kettle and turned it on, he was continually surprised that SAO was this realistic. He took at a seat at the table and tapped it gently as he couldn't shake the thoughts of Shay out of his head. He truly was in love with her. He caught himself smiling while thinking of her and shook his head and decided to go through his inventory to make sure he had everything they needed for the quest. He had a good supply of health potions still and his gear was up to date, he still wanted to get a new katana though, one with raw power that could make his damage output frightening 

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As Eric closed the door to their bedroom, Mai pulled up her HUD and quickly got herself dressed. She enrobed herself in her long purple kimono, lazily tying the obi like a sash rather than properly dress and the kimono hung loosely about her buxom frame and Mai adjusted herself once more so that she didn’t inadvertently bust out of her lovely purple kimono. She ran her fingers through her long, dark hair and then headed down to her workshop to give Eric a hand with breakfast.

Upon entering the kitchen, she found her companion sitting at the table as the water had been set to boil. She smiled and watched him for a moment as he seemed to be contemplating something. “What are you thinking?” Shay said finally as she walked into the workshop and over to the little pantry where she kept her goods. From the cupboard she pulled several items and then set to work preparing something to eat. Since Shay had not invested any points in her cooking skill, she could only prepare very basic things. She sliced bread and placed it in the toasting basket, and then set to cutting up some apples and cheese. By the time the tea was ready, everything was set, and Shay carried the offerings over to the table for the two of them. 

“I’m sorry it’s not more lavish.” She said as she poured Life a cup of breakfast tea.

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Life smiled widely when she asked him what he was thinking "Just that I love you and you're absolutely beautiful" He said softly and watched her make breakfast. She looked incredible this morning, but he wasn't sure why. Perhaps it was because the kimono was so fitting and looked lovely on her. That said he felt rather underdressed but he would change into his kimono once breakfast was done. He wondered if she would be upset by this but was to shy to ask, he also knew shay was to kind to point out if he was doing something wrong. It made him wonder how he could stay perfect in her eyes, or stay 'perfect' to her at least. He didn't know what he would do if he she didn't love him anymore, but he guessed that was just life, and life came with it's ups and downs, its disappointments and joys. And he would enjoy what time he had with her for as long as possible, until she no longer had eyes for him. 

Eric happily ate into his breakfast "Have you been practicing your cooking skill? This tastes delicious" He said happily with a mouthful, not knowing how simple the food was, it seemed that everything was just better with her around. Life checked the time to make sure they weren't going to fall behind and would be able to get the quest done before putting away the hud and looking back at shay with a faint smile as he continued eating his breakfast.


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Shay felt her face go hot as Eric told her that he loved her once again and told her that she was beautiful. The dark haired young woman looked down at her disheveled kimono and ran her fingers through her tangled hair, blushing deeply over the fact that he found her so lovely even in this state. She was so unused to the compliment of being loved and marveled at the ease in which he expressed his affection for her. How was it that he’d come to love her so much so quickly? Shay knew exactly how it came to be as she fell for him rather quickly herself. She felt so truly lucky that it was he that had fallen for her even without them knowing much about each other. Still she knew for certain that the more she would learn of him, the more deeply her feelings would grow for him.  There was little he could do to change that. Shay was his as long as he wanted her.

They ate breakfast happily and Eric sweetly told her that everything was wonderful and asked if she’d practiced her skill. She began to laugh and shook her head no. “Hardly… anyone can do this much. There are some days I burn the toast though. That one is a little harder. With it just being me, I didn’t feel the need to invest into the skill. I suppose I should now that you’re with me, I should. I wouldn’t want you to have to eat burnt toast every day.” She cracked a smile and began to giggle. She watched him as he looked over his HUD and gently reached for his hand as he closed things out.

“It’s okay…” she told him “Enjoy breakfast. We have all the time for all the things. Don’t worry."

Edited by Mayuri
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Life smiled and giggled through a mouthful of toast as she told him that some days she burnt it. He then nodded as she told him that they would have all the time time they needed to do the quest that they needed to do which he thought would be a good idea to get a move on now since they really needed the SP. hopefully they could get two quests done in one day. "Of course, but i'd like to get as much done today as possible, I was also thinking of doing the cerebus soon. I know you had in mind doing the quests one by one from easiest to hardest but i really wanted to try this one out especially now that we have the blood." 

Life finished eating and downed the last bit of tea that remained in his cup and got up to stretch. "Thank you for the food Mai, you're lovely" He equipped his gear so that they could begin the quest and tucked the chair back into the table behind him. "Now i think we should get started, the quest is on this floor right?" 

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“Do you think we’re ready for something like that?” Mai said dropping her toast. Her face went white and the idea of taking on a much harder floor boss made the young woman in rather nervous. Of course if Eric hadn’t thought it was something they couldn’t do, he would not have suggested it. Instead of doubt, she would put her faith in her companion. “If you think I can handle it, then we must be ready.” She said and smiled brightly. Shay loved that Eric had some much faith in her abilities, and her in general.

Once breakfast was complete, the pair readied themselves into their gear. As they dressed, Life thanked her and she simply nodded. “It was my pleasure.” It truly was.  He asked where the quest was and Mai opened her HUD. She’d saved the map to this quest and she pulled up the information. “Here,” she said sending him the data on the quest.

”Ready?” she asked.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Life nodded in amusement and looked over the quest info. "Of course" He rose from his seat and took her hand, gently planting a kiss on her soft skin before taking her and heading out the door. There still seemed to be plenty of sun left for them, meaning he had feared for nothing. He could here birds chirping in the distance as light shone down onto the entrance of their home. "It's a lovely day" Life stated with a soft smile. They continued out until they reached the open fields, admiring the warm gentle breeze "The NPC should be around here somewhere" Life grumbled, having tracking would have made this a whole lot easier for him, though he finally put the last of his skill points into Grand-Mastering katana, which he was very pleased about finally doing. He was now confident that he could protect Mayuri. 

That was when they were approached by a worried NPC Mother. She seemed erratic, and then asked them to help find her missing child. She clasped her hands and gave them the details that her child was playing in one of the caverns on the second floor with their friend, but they were attacked my monsters, their friend got away but they are still missing. Life nodded at the woman, placing a gentle hand on her shoulder "Do not worry, we'll have her found in no time" Life said, accepting the quest. "Both of us will".

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Mai had followed alongside Eric as they walked along the path through the wood trying to locate the mother NPC they were looking for. It wasn’t long before they found her and Life placed his hand upon the mother’s shoulder and told her they would indeed find the missing child. Shay found it cute that Life played along with the NPC and comforted her. The quest was accepted and the pair was on their way to the caves where the bats could be found. She looked over at her companion and smiled knowing that Life would make quick work of the bats within the cave and they could get home early enough to have lunch together.

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The soft crunch of leaves could be heard beneath the feet of the two players as they approached the cave, and he heard it hum with a dark presence. Of course, would be threatening for any low level player, but Life knew they were safe. He halted as he noticed fresh herbs growing by the caves entrance and thought he might as well take it and make the most of the time they had here, considering they weren't going to stay very long. He bent down and plucked the herbs from their roots and added it into his inventory "More materials for you" He said with a smirk. He then realised something, it had gone over his head this morning but he now remembered. "There is going to be a christmas event soon, It's supposed to be on the higher floors and so it's pretty dangerous.. I was thinking of going but I'd have to go without you, it's much too dangerous for you." He paused and stood up placing his hands on her shoulder and looking into her eyes "I won't go if you don't want me to, I understand if you don't want me to go without you, or to put myself in danger..." His eyes drifted down for a moment before meeting hers again "It's said he's supposed to give a lot of exp when defeated.."

ID#42473 LD:20 +1 Material

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  • 2 months later...

Mai smiled as she was handed more herbs for her alchemic endeavors and she added them to her inventory happily. They continued to move alongside one another quietly. There were little sounds to be heard in the forest save the soft crush of leaves beneath their feet and the occasional twittering of far off birds. Eric broke the silence as he began to explain of an upcoming event. The soft smile that she wore quickly faded and her eyebrows knitted together as he began to explain himself. Life wanted to go off without her… the very thing he had promised her that he would not do the night before.

“Why?” was all she could manage to eek out.

“You promised…” she shook her head wondering if he was just lying to her. Looking back up at the young man she could see his uneasiness of his request; this was not something he had brought up lightly.

“You said we were going to stay together,” she said flatly. “If you have to go, then go. I won’t stop you Eric.” She thought about the night before and how he’d said they would stay together, but he never said he wouldn’t quest without her, even if she’d taken it that way. Shay felt foolish. Of course he would want to continue on his path; he was much higher in level than she was, and it was ridiculous to think he wouldn’t move on to harder kills without her. Life did not want to put her in danger, but Shay did not want Eric to put himself in harm’s way either.

“Promise you’ll come back to me.” She said softly. “Promise. That way if you die…you’ll be a liar… and I know you don’t want me to think that of you.”

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Life thought for a moment after hearing her reaction. He simply shook his head and sighed "Of course, I know" He held her hand and drew her in close before hugging her tightly. "I won't go. It's just something I had in mind and I wanted to see how you would react. I will stick to my word Shay" He didn't like the idea of leaving her behind like that to begin with. Life wasn't the type to be labelled as a hypocrite, he didn't want her to leave his side or be without him. More importantly, he didn't want to be without her. He felt rather selfish for how he had been keeping her away from everyone. Perhaps this was just a side affect of his own incapability to be with the rest of the front liners as a sufficient and effective member. He hated the fact that he was so behind and so weak. Perhaps, he was just pathetic. 

"Im sorry Shay.." That was it wasn't it, that was the reason. It was hard coming to terms with his feelings, even though he did really love her, he had never felt this way about any woman. But regardless, he was unreasonable, selfish and tyrannical. How could he hold someone else back while at the same time wanting to pull himself further? Additionally, how could he ever claim to actually love that person. "I haven't been fair with you, have i?"

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  • 3 weeks later...

Shay was pulled into a hug and Shay wrapped her arms around the young man, squishing herself against him. He wouldn’t go. Not without her. These words gave her comfort and she hugged him even tighter than she had before. “Thank you…”she said, a soft smile growing across her face as she pressed it into his chest. Mai was happy. She knew eventually he would want to move without her and she would accept that, but for now they would not be apart and that would be enough for her. Shay stayed in his embrace lost in her own thoughts of the adventuring they’d do together until he spoke once more.

"I haven't been fair with you, have I?"

 She looked up at his handsome face. Her tiny hand reached for his cheek and caressed at his alabaster skin gently. “Don’t be silly.” She said grinning again.

“I should be the one who should be sorry. I’m not being very fair to you. I know I’m holding you back from where you want to be, but I promise you, I’ll grow quickly and I won’t keep from the fronts long. I just want to be sure I’m strong enough to protect you.”

Releasing Eric from her grasp she spoke again, “Now come on!” She clasped onto his hand and began to tug him along. “Let’s get this thing done and over with so we can go home and plan our next adventure.” Never in Shay’s life had she felt so lucky; she’d found someone to love and protect and all she wanted to do was grow so she could keep the one she adored.

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Life smiled as he was dragged out quickly by Shay to complete the quest they had been planing to do this whole time. Luckily it wasn't really a time consuming one he thought, due to it being a very low level quest. "You're very excited for this quest. Don't be surprised if it ends up seeming lack luster, questing with someone like me tends to have that effect" He said with a smirk. He caught his footing and began to walk briskly forward ahead of Mai, still smiling and holding her hand. One look of her face was all that was needed to remind himself that she loved him, and it filled his heart with warmth. He checked the quest log to remind himself what stage they were still on. And that was to simply save the child, since they were already at the cave. They headed inside slowly walking into the darkness, nothing but touch of Mai's hand and their steady breathing to remind them that they were still near each other and safe. He kept his eyes and ears peeled for any signs of the two bats. He could take care of them simply enough, but he wanted to make sure that Mai was ok and nothing out of the ordinary happened to her.

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“I’m very excited about all the questing we do, silly.” Shay said as she bounced along trailing behind Eric as he pulled her toward the cave. “Questing with you never gets old. I like that you can kill things quickly.” She especially enjoyed walked away unharmed thanks to his ability to kill things off so fast. His strength was her blessing.

Once they were past the entrance and into the cave a bit, Mai realized there was no light inside the cavern they walked through save the one behind them at the entrance. “I don’t have night vision.” She said to Eric as she held onto his hand tighter so he wouldn’t lose her to the dark. Slowly, they ventured further and further into the cave until the light behind her was gone and the pair was engulfed by pitch black nothingness. She didn’t know how long or far they’d walked, but time seemed at a standstill in the dark. It made the young woman nervous just thinking oh how it was she was going to fight in these conditions.

As Mai made herself ill with worry over their impending fight, her thoughts were broken by a mewling cry in the darkness. “Did you hear that?” She asked Eric wondering if she was imagining things. The little sound echoed through cavern once more and Mai instantly perked up. She quickened her pace as she moved along with Life moving ahead of him again trying to discern where the cry was coming from. It came a third time, and Mai panicked. She thought about the small child crying alone in the dark, with monstrous bats hovering near, and how frightened that baby must be to be in such a place. The crying was louder and much more frantic as she and Life closed in on the babe’s location. Mai’s imagination began to run wild over thoughts of the lost child, and then she thought about her youngest brother being lost in such a way. “Javi…”she said under her breath and whimpered, desperate to find the lost little one.

The child’s cries were bellowing and Mai couldn’t take it anymore, she was sick to her stomach and couldn’t allow the babe to continue on like that anymore. Thankfully she didn’t have to as she found that she and Life were close. The cries were not far ahead of them and she knew the child was in reach. From the black there came a different noise, the flapping of wings, and there was a gust of air though no wind blew. “Bats…” She said aloud narrowing her eyes trying to strain to see but still unable to do just that. The crying started up again and Mai’s heart throbbed painfully in her chest. She couldn’t take it anymore. There was a little one in need of safety and comfort and it killed her to not be able to do anything for it.

“You handle the bats…I’m going after the baby,” She told Life as she let go of his hand.

 Before her love could protest, Mai charged off to save her target.

The child made a sound again, and Mai pinpointed it in the darkness and found the kid easily. “GOT  YOU!” Mai said as she scooped the babe into her arms and hoisted the little one up. “Don’t worry. I’ve got you… just don’t let go of me, okay?” Mai explained to the NPC forgetting it wasn’t a real child.

“I’ve got him!” Mai called out to Life relieved to have found their quest item.



((Used Loot Die to determine finding the little one. Since the roll was 20, I figure she found it with no probs XD  ))




BD: 3            NO ATTACK


Edited by Mayuri
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  • 3 weeks later...

Mai was so perfect, the way she smiled at him, talked to him, and bounced along, made his heart achingly flutter. A small cry in the darkness could be heard as Life's ears perked, Mai confirmed his suspicions of the noise and replied "I did" He continued forward, carefully. The cries became louder, and louder, the deeper they went into the cave. Until they finally reached the final area, the child was curled up crying and scared while two giant bats hovered in front. 

He gently placed a hand on Mai's shoulder "I'll take care of this.." But before he could finish the words Mai had already darted forward for the child. Life gritted his teeth, fairly annoyed but glad she made it without being hurt. Though, waiting a few seconds wouldn't have hurt anyone. He charged forward and began to create a flurry of slashes at the two bats each slice wide enough to hit both of them. He lurched forward past the two bats and sheathed his blade, once he did the two bats exploded like fireworks, it was something you'd typically see in a retro game. He sighed and relaxed his shoulders as he knelt down beside Mai and hugged her as she held the child. "Alright then, lets get out of here, shall we?"

Id: 54763 Bd: 7 (Success) Md: 6-2 = 5 (Failed) LD: 13

Sword art: Amatsu no Homura - 7*5*2 + Aoe

Giant Bat: -20/50

Giant Bat: -20/50

Drops: 500 Col, 2 materials. 

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