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(PP-F4) Like A Boss (Sousuke, Koumori) COMPLETE

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When we got to the resturaunt it was Manta's turn to start acting weird. Before she sat down she gave me a harsh look then scooted her chair close to Sousuke. When she pulled the same finger to lips move that I had I knew exactly what was going on. She thought I was seducing him, so she was trying to keep him on her side. I certainly didn't see that coming. Who woulda thought that my prank on Sousuke would turn out like this. I looked at Manta and gave her a sly smile before I subtly moved my chair a little closer. Not as close, I obviously didn't really like Sousuke and there was no reason for me to be that on top of another guy. Sousuke picked up a menu and looked at it thoughtfully when Manta asked about the food. He brought it up to his face to hide it then leaned closer to Manta. They were obviously kissing and didn't want me to see. Did they think I was dense? When he put the menu down I had already put my elbows on the table and propped up my head. With it tilted to the side I smiled at them. "Oh naughty boy I know what you just did. What are you thinking, doing that stuff in front of me? At least pretend that I'm here." That should cover the embarrassment part and the seducing part. I still couldn't tell what made Manta think that's what I was doing, or even second guess my gender in the first place, but I never back down from a fight. The challenge was accepted. Although I knew I wouldn't win and had no chance or intention of stealing Sousuke (obviously) I could still make things difficult. I took my menu off the table and looked at the options. I wasn't concerned about changing what I ate, Manta had eaten with me before. So when the waiter arrived I ordered. "Can I have some curry please. Don't make it too hot though." I smiled and sat forward in my seat when he moved on from me. "You're up" I let my gaze linger on them. 

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Manta blushed as she was kissed, and was still blushing when they stuck their head back above the menu. It appeared that she had been completely successful. Kou mentioned that she knew what they had been doing, and she thought 'good.' to herself before she blushed even more. At least there was no way that Kou would keep trying now. Except she appeared to be unfazed. "W-we were just looking at the menu. It's very interesting." She mumbled, looking over at Sousuke. She noticed Kou move her chair closer before ordering hot curry. Manta refused to be outdone, so she got up out of her chair and sat in Sousuke's lap. "The chairs a bit uncomfortable." She stated calmly. She was confident that she could keep Sousuke's attention off Kou. "I'll just share with you. Is that all right?" She asked, giving him the cutest puppy dog eyes she could.

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Sousuke began to figure out what was going on Manta thought Kou was flirting with him and she was being protective. That much was clear but was Kou really trying to get with him? That was unclear but he had only eyes for Manta. Luckily her legs were hidden by the table or what he did next would certainly have been obvious. He gently caressed Mantas leg while he pondered his meal he wasn't aiming to do anything naughty mind, just reassure her so he kept his hand below her skirt line so that she knew the intention.

"Steak all the trimmings well done." He simply said before giving a little glance to Kou grinning to himself. This was going to be a good day.

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Manta seemed happy that I knew what they were doing and I returned the smile she gave me. She must've felt like she should stop up her game because she quickly got out of her seat and sat down on Sousuke's lap. Oh she was asking for it. She wanted me to go all out didn't she? This was turning into a war. The most disturbing and ridiculous war I had even seen. They remained like that for a few seconds before I saw Sousuke's arm move under the table. Well wasn't he a forward one. I was still surprised that he kept doing all this stuff with another "girl" at the table. I sat there silently until the waiter brought our food then I made my move. I slid my chair all the way over until it hit Sousuke's. Then I picked up his fork and knife and cut a good sized piece of steak off. With the fork in my left hand, I used my right hand to slowly brush my hair off my face and tuck it behind my ear. I looked Manta with daggers before I continued. I took my left hand from my ear and rested it on Sousuke's left leg. Using it for support, I leaned forward and brought the fork right in front of his mouth. "Open wide" I said slowly and deliberately while smiling at him. It surprisingly took very little effort on my part to do this. For whatever reason the fact that it was all a joke just took over my mind. I would never do this stuff normally but I didn't have any problem doing it then. When it was all over I'd probably go throw up in a sink or something. But this had turned into the rematch Manta wanted. I was in a battle with a good friend so my pride was sidelined. 

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Manta just stared at Koumori. There was definitely something wrong with Kou, and she didn't know if it was because Koumori was drunk or had hit her head or something. She ignored the piece of steak Kou had been trying to feed Sousuke and instead went for the extremely forward approach. Sousuke's hand on her leg had convinced her that he would resist as best he could, but she was certain that it was only a matter of time before he caved to Kou's seduction.

She leaned over, getting in the way of the fork and started to kiss Sousuke, publicly marking him as hers. Then she rolled off of his lap and unsheathed her sword, activating her strongest sword skill, <<Crucifixion>>. Her blade stabbed at Koumori six times. She was attacking for the knockback effect, showing quite clearly that she wasn't going to let anyone get away with such blatant seduction when she was there. After her attack hit home she sheathed her sword and plopped back down on Sousuke's lap, sitting sideways, before placing an arm around his shoulder. "Mine." She said, sticking her chin out, the hair on her ears and tail sticking up.

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Sousuke watched all this unfold in front of him before watching Kou fall back off her chair. He watched the fork drop to the floor as Manta jumped back into his lap. He began to fake cry and started complaining.

"My steak!" He explained before reaching for another piece and plopped it in his mouth chewing contently. He finished his mouthful and kissed Manta back bbefore he spoke.

"Can you try catch it next time." He said jokingly before looking at Kou and wondering what would happen next.

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The steak didn't even get close to his mouth before Manta had had enough. She jumped in front of it and planted a kiss on his lips before she pulled out her sword. "Uh oh" was all I could say before she unloaded an absolutely overkill level skill on me and sent me fly back off my chair. The purple sparks off the system protection flew in all directs as i had the wind knocked out of me. My head stopped spinning just in time for me to see Manta claim possession of Sousuke and say "mine". I also got to see Sousuke act like a child when the steak fell. Honestly what did she see in that guy. I was way cooler...actually I might've completely ruined that. I think you officially stop being cool when you start acting like a girl for more than 2 minutes. It's a good thing I didn't really have any guy pals in this game, I wouldn't hear the end of it from them. Maybe it was a good thing that almost all my friends were girls. Wait a minute, what was wrong with me? Hanging out with girls and now I was acting like one? Next I actually would be wearing a skirt! Oh god what was I doing? Did I secretly want to be a girl? Have I been like that all along? I even tried to seduce a guy without a second thought! Was I...no, it couldn't be! I never thought like that before so why now? I mean what was under my bed should be proof enough right? But for some reason it wasn't. I sat up on the ground and looked at the two of them with panic on my face. I knew there was only one thing I could do. Only one thing that could put me at ease. But it could ruin everything. I'd have to start writing the apology in my head right then if I had any hope for the future. I stood up from the ground  with my face still locked on it. I had to stay in character. I looked back up at them and dusted off my clothes. "Who said I wanted him?" Then I leapt forward at Manta and knocked her off Sousuke's lap. When we landed on the ground before she could say anything I planted a kiss right on her lips. In that moment all my fears went to rest inside me. All that confusion that had sprung up had dissipated and I could see clearly again. I was good, and I definitely liked girls. I pulled my head back and saw Manta's face. I had made a huge mistake. To girls kissing, not really a big deal. But I wasn't a girl. I should not have done that. I jumped off of her and stood straight up. "I'm sorry, I just wasn't thinking straight!"

Edited by Koumori
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Sousuke watched for a second uncertain how to react he picked Manta up off the floor before he calmly spoke but his voice chilling and he was sure that anyone would go running at the rasp in his throat.

"So it's not me your after its Manta. If you wanted a duel all you had to do was ask." He said his hand resting on the hilt of his blade.

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Manta stared at Koumori, her eyes wide. Had she really misinterpreted him that badly. To tell the truth, if Sousuke hadn't shown up again things could have gone in an entirely different direction. The kiss wasn't that bad, but the fact that she was with Sousuke kept her from enjoying it at all. She felt terrible though. With her seductive ations towards Sousuke, she must have just been leading Kou on somehow... Wait, that didn't make much sense, her attentions had only been to Sousuke.

She was picked up by Sousuke before she had a chance to say anything, and the only words she could form at that moment weren't even words at all. "uhhhhhh..." She mumbled. Things were going to get out of hand soon unless she did something to stop it. She sighed and slipped out of Sousuke's arms. "No ones going to fight over me. That was entirely inappropriate Koumori, you know im with Sousuke. But it's my fault. The way I was acting with Sousuke must have been driving you crazy. Im sorry." She stood in between the two. She was determined that they wouldn't fight over her, even if It meant getting in between their blows.

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Manta and I made eye contact for a brief second before I got up and by the look in her eyes I could tell she was shocked not angry. That was a relief. When I stood up Sousuke reached down and pulled Manta up off the floor. Then he motioned for his blade and threatened me in the most serious tone I had heard him use. I realized that it would probably be the most awful time for him to find out that I was a boy. If he did I'd definitely be cut to pieces. Even if that was probably the best time to come clean I'd have to overcome the situation with my facade still in place. I raised my hands to my chest in surrender as I apologized. "No, no please don't make me duel you, I couldn't!" I looked off to the side and put my hands behind my back and interlocked my fingers. That was when Manta snapped out of he gaze and stepped in between us. She yelled at me, and apologized at the same time, but was trying to stop us from fighting. Thanks Manta. You're a friend, even if you don't know exactly what I am. I brought my hands back in front and clasped them together like I was praying. "No it's really my fault. I might've been upset with what you were doing, but I would never want to come between you two. I'm sorry, please forgive me." I was oh course lying about the being upset with what they were doing part but I didn't want to get between them, that much was fact. I couldn't tell if Manta was still unsure of my gender but I had to play along at that point to save my own skin. I'd have to think of a way to get out of it later, but definitely not then. I ran forward to her and wrapped my arms around her neck in a hug. "I'm sorry." I may have actually cried at some point in there too, oh well.

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Sousuke nodded curtly before sitting back down and began chewing another piece of steak and watching the two intently it was at that very moment he decided to have his own bit of fun. Despite being blissfully UN aware of Kous true nature he thought he could have a bit of a laugh at there expense. He had accepted the apology but revenge was on the horizon.

"You two make a cute couple you know." He said in a casual tone trying to hide his smirk behind his hand.

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"Maybe in another life Sousuke." Manta said while being hugged. She figured that Sousuke had calmed down a bit, and she could tell that he was smirking behind his hand. She patted Kou's back and stepped away. "I saved you today, but I don't think Sousuke will forget this for a while now. He's probably planning all sorts of revenges on you." It clicked then, all the little mistakes Koumori had made throughout the night. His acting was atrocious, and she couldn't believe she had been fooled for so long. She sat back down in her makeshift chair (Sousuke's lap), and sighed, long and loud. "You boys need to realize that I can take care of myself. And there are plenty of better girls out there than me Koumori." She said nonchalantly, laying her head against Sousuke's chest.

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I was glad that Sousuke had calmed down and I laughed at what he said. "Maybe not. I think I'm over it." Manta patted my back and stepped away, telling me she saved my this time. "I hope it's not too bad." I said in reply, actually concerned. Maybe he was just putting off my punishment? I tried to ignore it and took my seat, moving it back to its original spot and away from Sousuke. After they shared yet another kiss, okay that was actually getting annoying, she said something that would've made me spit out my drink. I thought about correcting her but I figured if I did that it would only bring more attention to what she said. I would have to bank on Sousuke not noticing. I wouldn't said something along the lines of liking boys too but I absolutely could not bring myself to say anything like that. I smiled wryly as I replied. "Don't kid like that, hehe. I know, I'll find someone." I started thinking about Glory when I said that. She'd be mortified if she saw this whole thing. I hoped I wouldn't have to explain it to her. I started eating my curry slowly as they did whatever they did. I did want to yell at Manta later though. Saving me would do no good if Sousuke figured out the truth. I really prayed he was too busy paying attention to Manta to hear it. Then I mumbled to myself under my breath. "A skirt, yeah right. Trying to kill me?"

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Sousuke ignored the comment Manta said about them both being boys. He figured she was just referring to how they both acted toward her. He let Manta sit back in his Lap and watched Kou very closely seeing how she acted and then he thought of something that actually held his interest.

"How come you don't wear skirts anyway?" He asked Kou politely

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Manta's facial expression changed suddenly at the mention of skirts, looking almost evil. She recovered before Sousuke noticed though. "I know Kou. Theres only one way I'll forgive you, and that's if you try on that blue and white checkered skirt I mentioned earlier." She paused, tilting her head to the side and pouting a bit. "It's not a problem, right? We are both girls after all." She said confidently, letting her evil side run wild. Sousuke probably wouldn't get the joke as he was too focused on his steak, but that wouldn't be a problem. She could explain it all to him later for a good laugh.

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I dropped my fork with a clatter when I heard Sousuke mention skirts. Had I spoken too loud? No, he definitely didn't hear me. But Manta certainly heard him. She gave me the most wicked stare she could muster. I had a bad feeling I instantly. The smile quickly vanished and she told me the only way I'd be forgiven was if I wore a skirt. Oh that little. It was obvious to me what she was trying to do but Sousuke thought it was just a plain suggestion. Still, I did not want to wear a skirt. I stood out of my seat and started waiving my hands in the air wildly. "Oh no I couldn't possibly! Really i would look terrible!" I put my head down in defeat. I knew there was nothing I could do. That was lol the denying I'd be allowed. She'd force me to do it. I clenched my fists and got ready. But then she said it, there was no problem right? "Yeah but...are you sure?" I said, returning her own pouting twice fold. 

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Sousuke shrugged it off as he crunched on an onion ring trying to figure out if Kou would actually wear the skirt or not then he had a great idea. Funnily enough he was just getting back into tailoring and he figured what better way to get back into it than make Kou wear a skirt he was making for Manta as a suprise. She could try it on and he got to see what it looked like on somebody so everyone is a winner.

He quickly pulled up his menu and selected the unfinished skirt and selected drop and it landed with a plop in Kous lap.

"Why not try that on its not finished yet and I need someone try it on so why not?" He suggested still oblivious to what was going on.

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Manta smiled. Sousuke didn't know what he was doing, but it was certainly extremely helpful. She wished she had gotten something to take pictures with. "See, no problems. Harmless really, as your a girl and girls wear skirts all the time." She smiled at Kou innocently for Sousuke's sake. "The truth is, ill forgive no matter what, because we're good friends. I've trusted you with my life before, and you've done the same with me. That bond isn't broken so easily." Even though he seemed to have been trying awfully hard.


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Something landed on my lap right after I sat back down. When I looked I saw a skirt sitting there and my cold sweat started. I looked back up at Sousuke who was blissfully unaware of the truth as he casually told me to try it on. I looked over at Manta as she smiled while reiterating that it was no big deal. I thought I saw a way out when she said it wasn't the only way but her tone told a different story. Whether she was serious or not, it sounded like the guilt trip your mom would give you. I had no chance against that. The way I saw it I had one option: put on the skirt. But I could think of two reasons why it was okay. I don't back down from fights and only a real man would do that. Only people who doubt would be afraid to do this. I swallowed deeply and picked it up in my hands. I squeezed out something that resembled a smile as I spoke, sweat dripping from my face. "Yeah, girls wear them all the time. I guess there is no problem." I swiped open my menu and added the skirt to my inventory. I selected it from its new position and hung my finger for a few seconds over the lower half of my mannequin. When I summoned enough courage I let go and my cargo pants were instantly replaced by the skirt. I quickly grabbed my coat and wrapped it around my legs before they could see. "I did it. I was right though, I feel weird now. Can I take it off pretty please?" I tried to be cute through the obvious panic in my voice. They couldn't even see and it was already way worse than I thought. How could girls wear these things? It felt so weird. When I got back to my inn I was definitely going to be laying awake all night. I would never live this moment down. Manta had defeated me. I lost. I just hoped that was the end of it. 

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Sousuke shook his head at the way Kou acted. How was he supposed to know it looked he couldn't see it? That was all he was bothered about. He wasn't trying to prove a point or anything he just wanted to see if it was turning out ok.

"Hold up that's a present for someone I kinda need to see how it looks and take a look at the measurements so I get the design right do you mind standing up for few moments so I can take notes then you can give it back you'd be doing me a huge favour." He said casually as he took out a pen and paper with the design on covered in intricate details and drawings with measurements on. It wasn't an unreasonable request he thought and it was the only way he could get it right.

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