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[SP-F1] <<Earning a Living>> Sustainability - Complete

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  • ID#: 37127
  • LD: 19 (1 crafting material) (6 total)

Teion pulled out Midnight Eclipse, rummaging around in the dirt with it once again. Luckily, she hadn't been searching in one place for too long when she heard a solid -thunk- underneath the wooden handle. Her eyes lit up, and she dug a bit to reveal another ore chunk, quickly grabbing it and depositing it into her inventory.

Teion stretched her arms over her head, sheathing her axe behind her and then placing her hands on her hips. She didn't know how much longer she could stand roaming around in the fields out here searching for more, so she figured she could take what she had and head back to town. She had pretty much reached the bare minimum she needed for the quest, and at this point it wasn't worth it for her to continue farming.

Edited by Teion
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