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[PP-F5] Desert Cuisine ~ Teion ~ Complete!

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Eliziana gave a quiet nod to Teion, trying her best to think of it the way she had mentioned and gave a smile. Eliziana just hoped she never had to leave the city, and that was that. This or any city. She gave a sigh as Teion said that it was getting late and sadly she was in agreement as she looked out the window to see that it was dark outside and that most other adventurers had gone to bed for the day. Eliziana chuckled and looked at a little list she had made, after pulling it out of her inventory, marking down this inn's name with a line through it. "W-well... stayed here... another inn off the list!" She smiled at Teion, and stood, making ready to head to her room she had rented for the night, before saying, "Thanks for the dinner company... I enjoyed it. I look forward to having at least one good friend in Aincrad." Eliziana blushed a bit at that thought, and quickly hid her face, before running off up the stairs to her room.

Thread Complete!

- Eliziana: +200 Col, +1 SP
- Teion: +200 Col, +1 SP

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