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The Deciding Factor: Part 1 (Arena Duel) (Ssendom) (Completed)

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"Oh, I had an idea that was how your skill worked, but I wasn't sure. Even with my mitigation, I could easily tell you were hitting harder than in the past. If I had not rounded out my skill progression I think that last fight might have turned out different, heh. I'll be sure to take your advice to heart though."

Hearing Ssendom's warning for the next match Calrex gave a calming breath as he contemplated the thought, "Knowing Ssendom, he's likely to have stocked up on at least rank two or three healing potions. From what I remember that heals up a decent amount, but not enough that it would outpace my Rank 4 Sword Arts. It would definitely draw out the fight, but as he said it would likely not strongly affect the outcome."

Shaking his head Calrex gave a nod, "Very well, for the next match we'll allow healing consumables. Just know that the strength I was hitting with was partially aided by the Matriarch's Stinger I had, so going into this next fight that'll likely be inactive. However, with Rank 4 I do have some more tricks up my sleeve, as is the way that one-handed straight sword Sword Arts work out. Nonetheless, since it seems we might be drawing a crowd, let's give them a show."

Looking into the stands the bluenette did see the still-present face of the Blood Buccaneer in the stands, giving a small smirk, but as he continued to scan around he swore that there were more and more people beginning to fill the bleachers...

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