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Ebony's Crafting/Loot

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Name: Citrine Badge

Your Profession: Artisan

Your Rank: 5

ID: 40693

Roll: 12

Item Type: Lucky Charm

Quality: Perfect

Enhancements: +2 Recovery, +1 Accuracy

Description:  A yellowish badge attached to a leather cord.

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Name: Rosebud

Your Profession: Artisan

Your Rank: 5

ID: 40695 

Roll: 12

Item Type: Lucky Charm

Quality: Perfect

Enhancements: +3 Accuracy

Description:  A red rose on a brass chain. It glows red and becomes warm when it's enhancement it used.



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Name: Pink Azure Trinket

Your Profession: Artisan

Your Rank: 5

ID:  40696

Roll: 11(+1)=12

Item Type: Trinket

Quality: Perfect

Enhancements: +3 Combat Craft

Description:  A trinket about palm sized, resembled a pink version of the Eagle on the Azure Brigade Symbol. It is a light trinket, granting the user good support traits when during times of need.

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6 hours ago, Ebony said:

Name: Pink Azure Trinket

Your Profession: Artisan

Your Rank: 5

ID:  40696

Roll: 11(+1)=12

Item Type: Trinket

Quality: Perfect

Enhancements: +3 Combat Craft

Description:  A trinket about palm sized, resembled a pink version of the Eagle on the Azure Brigade Symbol. It is a light trinket, granting the user good support traits when during times of need.


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Name: Choker of Choking

Your Profession: Artisan

Your Rank: 5

ID:  41259

Roll: 11(+1)=12

Item Type: Trinket

Quality: Perfect

Enhancements: +3 Accuracy

Description:  A simple black leather choker with a silver chain adornment.



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Name: Dungeon Hunters Armband

Your Profession: Artisan

Your Rank: 5

ID:   41594

Roll: 12

Item Type: Lucky Charm

Quality: Perfect

Enhancements: +2 LD, +1 EVA

Description:  A fancy engraved golden armband with a large ruby set on the back.







Name: Dungeon Hunters Earring

Your Profession: Artisan

Your Rank: 5

ID: 41257

Roll: 10

Item Type: Lucky Charm

Quality: Rare

Enhancements: Skill Rank: Search and Detect

Description:  A simple, small golden hoop earring.



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  • 4 weeks later...




Name: Mat Hunter's Earring

Your Profession: Artisan

Your Rank: 5

ID: 44227

Roll: 12

Item Type: Lucky Charm

Quality: Perfect

Enhancements: +3 Accuracy

Description:  A small, plain, golden earring. It helps the user's attacks to hit home more often.



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25 minutes ago, Ebony said:

Name: Mat Hunter's Earring

Your Profession: Artisan

Your Rank: 5

ID: 44227

Roll: 12

Item Type: Lucky Charm

Quality: Perfect

Enhancements: +3 Accuracy

Description:  A small, plain, golden earring. It helps the user's attacks to hit home more often.



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Name: Eclipsed Pendant

Your Profession: Artisan

Your Rank: 5

ID:  48786

Roll: 12

Item Type: Lucky Charm

Quality: Perfect

Tier: 1

Enhancements: +1 Evasion, +1 Accuracy, +1 LD

Description:  A necklace of strong black leather, with a black crescent moon hanging, with small swirls or dark purple in the moon itself.



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16 hours ago, Ebony said:

Name: Eclipsed Pendant

Your Profession: Artisan

Your Rank: 5

ID:  48786

Roll: 12

Item Type: Lucky Charm

Quality: Perfect

Tier: 1

Enhancements: +1 Evasion, +1 Accuracy, +1 LD

Description:  A necklace of strong black leather, with a black crescent moon hanging, with small swirls or dark purple in the moon itself.


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Name:  John Cena Accuracy Boost

Your Profession: Artisan

Your Rank: 5

ID:  48955

Roll: 12

Item Type: Lucky Charm

Quality: Perfect

Tier: 1

Enhancements: +3 Accuracy

Description:   Who is that? Is it a bird? Is it a plane? Is it a person? Wait, it's neither of those... It's JOHN CENA!!!! And he's here to give the owner a super awesome accuracy boost with this item!!!!!!!!! Du du du duududu



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Name:  John Cena Accuracy Boost

Your Profession: Artisan

Your Rank: 5

ID:  48955

Roll: 12

Item Type: Lucky Charm

Quality: Perfect

Tier: 1

Enhancements: +3 Accuracy

Description:   Who is that? Is it a bird? Is it a plane? Is it a person? Wait, it's neither of those... It's JOHN CENA!!!! And he's here to give the owner a super awesome accuracy boost with this item!!!!!!!!! Du du du duududu



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Name:   Adventurers ring

Your Profession: Artisan

Your Rank: 5

ID:  49893

Roll: 10

Item Type: Lucky Charm

Quality: Rare

Tier: 1

Enhancements: +2 Accuracy






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