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Lithduel's Journal

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Username: Lithduel Ventris
Real name: Simone Galvatore
Age:          32
Gender:      Female
Height:      5ft7

(In Charactor) Lithduel Ventris always had thought life to be so easy, when she was growing up had everything provided for her by her mum and dad, but when she was 15 both parents joined up what should have been a routine raid on a floor boss, but when they had not returned after a number of days she quickly realised something was wrong... Soon after that someone broke into the house and Lithduel was forced to flee, not knowing where to turn to she found her way into the city on floor one. Unable to feed herself owing to having no money to shout about she had two choices rely on the kindness of strangers or turn to stealing to try to stretch out some kind of life.

After being caught a few times and a number of uncomfortable nights in a cell, she made up her mind to strike out into the wild. (TBC)

(Real Life) (TBC)


Determined - Lithduel knows what she wants and will try always to achieve it.

Loyal - Make friends with Lithduel and she will have your back no matter what.

Reference: http://www.darkworldrpg.com/lore/flaws.html

  • Reckless- Heedless. Headstrong. Foolhardy. Unthinking boldness, wild carelessness and disregard for consequences. ( I know that was a copy and paste but it fits)
  • Remorseless - Lithduel's past has led her to in a number of situations become cold hearted and also not show any sorrow for her actions even when they have harmed or endangered others


Profession: (Leave blank until the Earning a Living quest has been completed.)


» (not sure what to put here?)

»(not sure what to put here?)

»(not sure what to put here?)

Weapon skills:
»One handed curved sword.


» [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle
» [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle - in progress
(no "in progress" means its complete; "incomplete" can mean one or the other person stopped replying for a long time)

Relationships (optional)

Story Thus Far (optional)

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Hey, welcome to the site!

I noticed a few matters that need to be addressed before I can approve this. Starting with your character's history, I notice you have her current age as 32, but mention her being 15 at the time of a floor boss raid. At this point in the site's story, I reckon that it'd have been approximately one year since the game began, so I don't think that a seventeen year period of her being trapped in the game that'd only have been available to play for about a year or so would work out too well.

Additionally, we require that characters have a total of three virtues and three flaws listed, and each of those must be at least 2 lines (approximately 50 words) long.

When you've made the necessary adjustments, feel free to send me a PM and I'll come back to check.

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