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[AB-F13] Of Gods and Commandants

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(Short post, not feeling muse lately, Sorry)

Zelrius stood in the main settlement of the Thirteenth Floor of tombstones. Today, he had sent out a mass message to those in Azure to meet on the thirteenth floor for a special new kind of quest. Something that would actually be a challenge to the Golden haired dual wielding commandant. The boy stood, his arrogant smile wasn't present, no. Zelrius was in his natural demeanor today, the actual Zelrius. His lips were flat, his brows creased deeply in thought, and his eyes constantly moving, infinitely scanning and searching for anything and everything. His blades sat on either side of his hips, and his cloak flowed gently in the light breeze that had come on. The pendants gave a light jingle with every gust of wind, and the boy's blonde hair wavered slightly. Zelrius had already drafted the teams and now simply waited for the others to arrive.

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Celes walked over and bowed a head to Wel "Got your call" she says with a smirk. She is certain he wasnt expecting her. No one was. But what else could she do? If she wanted to be strong, this was the only way.  She sits down on the floor next to Zel "So, did you miss me?"  

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Ssendom walked towards where Zelrius called for him, a special event quest had started and Ssendom couldn't hesitate one moment longer. With Gram wielded in his hand, he marched through the thirteenth floor and found his group, alongside a woman whom he had never seen before. She seemed to be familiar with the Golden Haired boy so Ssendom put no thought towards her. After he reached his fellow Commandant he dropped the mighty weapon upon his shoulder "We don't have much time, it looks as though the two mighty Angels are in full scale combat at the moment. Let's do this FAST!" He shouted.

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Manta received the message as she was just about to head out and hunt for some materials. Despite having been told very clearly by Tristan a while back that she should find someone with AOE attacks to do the hunting for her, she just hadn't found anyone to help her with that. Obviously a message from one of her commandants was much more important than any sort of solo material hunt. She immediately hopped into the teleporter and called out the name of the town. She appeared on the teleport podium only to hear Ssendom shouting something about angels in full scale combat. She unsheathed her rapier and prepared for whatever it was that was coming.

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Celes turns to see Ssendom coming by. She pulls herself up with her glaive and gives him a simple wave "Hello there!  I'm Celes, and I believe I've never met you." She says with ehr most charming smile. She knows that even in this guild there are few that she is acquainted with. And even after everything that has happened, she must at least try to get along. She looks at the young man in front of her, surveying him. Hes seems strong enough... "So we have angels fighting it out, huh?"  


With that a young woman appeared "hello to you too" 

Edited by Celesmeh
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Zelrius watched as the party seemed to materialize almost instantly. He nodded to Celes, a quirked eyebrow at her return. Other than that, there was little to no reaction, given the boy hadn't even noticed her being missing in the first place. "Eh, you're one of the stronger ones, so I have no shame in admitting that though I didn't miss you, I would have much rather had you around other than some of these Low levels. But that's just me." Activating a Bloodrage Crystal and pulling out two items Dom had given him for Damage, Zelrius held one out to Celesmeh and Manta, eating one of his own. "Take these, It will drain your evasion, but your damage will skyrocket."

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Ssendom looked at the short brunette girl he chuckled as the woman greeted him, he didn't really think it was rare that there were those he hadn't had the chance of meeting. It took him a few months to even meet the other two Commandants; Kiru and Rebekah even though he had fought along side them in the eleventh floor boss that he had the pleasure of slaying. "Salutations Celes. I am Ssendom, though you may call me Dom. We have never met face to face if you didn't attend the Eleventh or Twelfth floor bosses. I am the Slayer of the Forsaken Crusader and the wielder of the Unique Skill The Berserker, and it is a pleasure to meet you." He gave a slight bow then looked up to see the Two Angels exchanging blows, and it seemed as though the evil angel was winning the battle, "I think we're watching a spectacle, something we may never see again."

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"Nice to meet you Dom, Thats quite the names....I like just Dom"  she says, her voice serious as she watches the angels. She takes the item from zel and decides to eat it.  She usually relied on her evasion, but htis time... well this time she isnt alone. I guess this is what team is like... She eats it and look around. "Hey guys, should i keep my paralysis glaive, or go for straight damage?" she asks. Looking around at the group. They seem distracted by the battle, which isnt surprising. Nothing about this day is normal. 

Edited by Celesmeh
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Manta nodded to Zelrius, but looked at the item, not sure that she wanted her evasion to go down. She didn't use mitigation after all. Its would probably be best to trust him though, so she sheathed her rapier momentarily while she ate it. When she was finished, a few moments later, she looked up and saw what appeared to be two angles duking it out. She couldn't tell who was winning, but the evil one looked to have the upper hand. Speaking of Ssendom, she hadn't seen him since he had walking into her shop all of those weeks ago and given her all those materials. She felt bad, as she still couldn't make those crystals he had ordered. It wasn't the time for bemoaning that though. She unsheathed her rapier again and checked over her equipment. She was all set for whatever happened.

Edited by Manta Gaul
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Hearing another one join the group, he turned to look and saw a very familiar face. "Good to see you Manta, I hear you're now a Brigadier of the Azure Brigade. Well I feel more comfortable fighting these mobs with more people." He said with a grin, he turned to see the giant group of Darkened Souls that were beginning to head way towards them. He took the Alcoholic Food and Bloodrage Crystal and consumed them immediately, "I don't think holding back will help Celes, bring full raw damage to the battle. And after this we'll have to take the time to truly meet one another in the fields. Also Manta, if you were ever worried about getting me my items, they can honestly wait I am not in a hurry. But I am in a hurry to fight." He stated as his grin grew wider and more savage.

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Shizuka walked into the scene. Indeed, she had taken quite a while in order to reach this place but she had to fetch her Banner of Support plus get ready mentally for this huge task that might be asked of her. Nevertheless, she had boosted up her courage to show up to this major event instead of forgetting like the last floor boss. With a deep sigh, she saw that Zelrius, Ssendom, and Manta had already arrived... all three she was quite familiar with. Indeed, Zelrius and Ssendom had helped her a lot through her times in Aincrad and well, let's just say that Manta managed to prevent a fight between her and another support, but that was a story for another time. To be honest, Shizuka didn't even know what the quest was about as she didn't really gather up on any information before arriving at the scene but she could always ask her fellow guild members as she knew that they are always willing to help... some more than others. With a sigh, she nodded and mouthed greetings at her fellow guild members to notice someone that she hasn't seen before. It was yet another female player brown hair and big eyes. "I don't think we've met before... My name is Shizuka, the support of Azure Brigade. Nice to meet you. May I ask for your name as well?" Shizuka asked politely before looking back at the others. "Also, can someone explain the quest for me?"

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Celes smiles and extends a hand to Shizuka, taking it and placing a light kiss on her fingers "I am Celes, a dps. Its lovely to meet you, and thank you in advance!"  she says with a grin.  "as for the quest, He-"  she says with a point to the large white angel in the sky "Needs our help fighting Him" she points to the dark one next to him. "It seems we are meant to defeat his minons while they duke it out!" She smiles as a grin appears on her face. "I cant wait to begin the show!" 

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Manta grinned over at Celesmeh. Her memory was pretty dim, but she felt like they had met before, a long time ago. She didn't dwell on it though. She was just glad that someone finally understood exactly what they were supposed to be doing and decided to share that knowledge. "Awesome. I've been practicing for this." She said, an excited smile gracing her face. This was already looking to be the best quest she had ever been on.

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"You know, for someone who was in such a hurry to get out of that inn and away from the Ninth floor following that quest, Lady Shizuka, you sure took your sweet time getting here." He grinned, half teasing, half actual chastisment. "Gangs all here, let's be quick. Celes and Dom, you two AoE 4 of them, The 4 that I don't hit. Manta, if they survive my shot, Use the strongest AoE you got and give em a good whack." Drawing his blades Zelrius charged forth, not another word said. Within moments, the Souls were upon him, and just that fast Zelrius swung his blades fiercely all around, Damaging but not quite crushing them, 4 of them with incredible ease. 

ID 39053 BD 6 Hit MD 7-3 = 4 Miss

7+4 = 11 +6 Buffs = 17+5 Charge = 22*12

Zelrius 180/180 E:21/45 H:1
Ssendom 162/162
Celesmeh 129/129
Manta (Fill in, I no know your level)
Shizuka 64/64

Darkened Soul 26/260
Darkened Soul 26/260
Darkened Soul 26/260
Darkened Soul 26/260
Darkened Soul 260/260
Darkened Soul 260/260
Darkened Soul 260/260
Darkened Soul 260/260

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The enemies finally arrived and Ssendom couldn't be any happier, he had completely drowned out the conversation everyone was in and put his attention fully into the fight itself. He brought his blade up and swung across the four undamaged enemies, he couldn't let anyone aside from Zel whom he knew could take a hit at least be in harms way. He grinned wickedly as his blade cleaved through each opponent. The initial strike was intended to miss, so he focused his mind to ensure the attack struck into the beast, "You're up Celes!" He shouted.

ID 39054 BD 2 + 3 + 1 Concentration

9 + 6 Buffs = 15 = 15*12 = 180 - 30 = 150

Zelrius 180/180 E:21/45 H:1
Ssendom 173/173 E: 8/32 H:1
Celesmeh 129/129
Manta (Fill in, I no know your level)
Shizuka 64/64

Darkened Soul 26/260 (Hate: Zel 1)
Darkened Soul 26/260 (Hate: Zel 1)
Darkened Soul 26/260 (Hate: Zel 1)
Darkened Soul 26/260 (Hate: Zel 1)
Darkened Soul 110/260 (Hate: Dom 1)
Darkened Soul 110/260 (Hate: Dom 1)
Darkened Soul 110/260 (Hate: Dom 1)
Darkened Soul 110/260 (Hate: Dom 1)

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A smile lights up her face as she sees Zel rush forward This is good. We can do this.... She readies her glaive and immediately jumps into the fray, Unleashing her weeping moon (energy -18) she hits four of the untouched angels. Slicing through each one as she spins. As she lands she quickly rolls to the side, bracing herself for another attack. She looks around and nods to her comrades. Their turn.

ID 39055= 9 hit, crit

9+3+1=14 *9 = 126 dmg-30

Zelrius 180/180 E:21/45 H:1
Ssendom 162/162
Celesmeh 129/129
Manta (Fill in, I no know your level)
Shizuka 64/64

Darkened Soul 26/260
Darkened Soul 26/260
Darkened Soul 26/260
Darkened Soul 26/260
Darkened Soul 14/260
Darkened Soul 14/260
Darkened Soul 14/260
Darkened Soul 14/260


Edit:guys we need to get on the same page for hp

Edited by Celesmeh
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The enemy seemed to waste no time in attacking, and Zelrius and Ssendom sliced into the approaching horde of creatures. She was a bit shocked when they didn't die, but chalked it up to their attacks being AOE's which were probably weaker in damage. She  charged forwards, her skill adding a little boost of damage as she entered the fight. She felt terrible. The way to go for this fight was obviously AOE, but she wasn't that sort of build. She was a one on one. This would probably look really stupid, but she activate her strongest AOE, slashing diagonally left to right and then back right to left. Unsurprisingly, none of them died and only sustained minimum damage.

ID# 39056 results:

Battle: 5(+2)=7 Hit (5(Skill)+4 (Enhancments/base)+1 (charge)+3 (food)=13 x2= 26 DMG, AOE

Loot: 18 (Do we get col for this? If so that's 5,200 col)

Zelrius 180/180 E:21/45 H:1
Ssendom 162/162
Celesmeh 129/129
Manta 92/92 E: 20/23 (-3)
Shizuka 64/64

Darkened Soul 25/260 (-1)
Darkened Soul 25/260 (-1)
Darkened Soul 25/260 (-1)
Darkened Soul 25/260 (-1)
Darkened Soul DEADED
Darkened Soul DEADED
Darkened Soul DEADED
Darkened Soul DEADED

Edited by Manta Gaul
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Shizuka watched as the others slashed away with their swords toward the eight intimidating Darkened Souls. Indeed, they were quite the beast and all of them were rather powerful. However, as she studied the situation during her own turn, she was unable to recognize any sort of decrease in the other's health bars. We've already finished off four... Shizuka realized as she watched Manta Gaul send four of them into their graves with a powerful strike. "Might as well stun an enemy in the meantime," Shizuka said. "Being a support's pretty useless if there is nothing to support" And with a shrug, she engaged combat.

ID: 39094
Battle Dice: 7

Shizuka had managed to attack a mob. She was actually rather surprised at the fact that she's done it. She's made a contribution and that was all that mattered. With a pleased smile, she turned around and retreated having stunned a mob to see if anyone needs her assistance healing wise. Hm... She thought as she looked around the battlefield. Seems like everyone is doing just fine... I'll see what I can do the next time it's my turn. She decided.

Zelrius 180/180 E:21/45 H:1
Ssendom 162/162
Celesmeh 129/129
Manta 92/92 E: 20/23
Shizuka 68/68 E: 12/17 (-5)

Darkened Soul 0/260 DEADED
Darkened Soul 0/260 DEADED
Darkened Soul 0/260 DEADED
Darkened Soul 0/260 DEADED
Darkened Soul 24/260 (Stunned) (-1)
Darkened Soul 25/260
Darkened Soul 25/260
Darkened Soul 25/260

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Zelrius watched as the battle raged on. If you could call it that. It more or less just consisted of the players all attacking one after the other dealign their respective amounts of damage. "Brigadier Shizuka, I wouldn't worry too much," He said preparing to move forward once more "Eventually things will be actually challenging for me, then there might be supporting to be done in your future." He charged forth, sheathing a single blade to activate his Curved Blade Skill, activating a lesser AoE skill.

ID 39140 BD3+4 Acc = 7 Hit

7+4 Fallen = 11+6 Buffs = 17*8 Butterfly illusion = 136 OVERKILL

Zelrius 180/180 E:21/45 H:1
Ssendom 162/162
Celesmeh 129/129
Manta 92/92 E: 20/23
Shizuka 68/68 E: 12/17 (-5)

Darkened Soul 0/260 DEADED
Darkened Soul 0/260 DEADED
Darkened Soul 0/260 DEADED
Darkened Soul 0/260 DEADED

Darkened Soul 0/260 DEADED
Darkened Soul 0/260 DEADED
Darkened Soul 0/260 DEADED
Darkened Soul 0/260 DEADED

8 Defeated, Game over.


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Manta felt bad for not really doing anything in the fight. She just wasn't an AOE type of fighter. She sheathed her rapier, the fighting done for the most part. At least, that was what it looked like. Next time she would be stronger. She wasn't about to change to become an AOE build though. She was a duelist. She looked around. Everyone had done an exceptional job, except for her. She only hoped that no one noticed the lack of damage she did. So much for being a grandmaster of her weapon type.

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