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Mabinogi isn't really that close to SAO, the two games in general are very very different, however they both do provide an MMO Lifestyle rpg type deal... if that is what you meant by it's spread well then that is just one of only a few similarities between the two games... oh and one other thing

April 10, 2009 SAO's First Run

February 3rd, 2008 Mabinogi World Wiki made open to the public.

December 19th, 2007

Nexon America released its NA Mabinogi teaser site.


March 27th, 2008 Mabinogi Offically Launched it's servers in North America

the korean servers for mabinogi had been going much longer than that as well...

So this just proves that mabinogi was/has and never will be trying to copy SAO they are two very different things, just play the game for more than 20 minutes and you will find out...

P.S. i've been playing mabi since i was seven, and i have over 100 hours logged on steam for this game, and this is only one i my accounts, i have about 7-8 Nexon accounts

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