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[SP] <<Earning A Living>>

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Norman gurgled an odd laugh as he saw the expression on her face, "Go ahead and work it with that hammer on the table silly child you need to get in some practice after all." He wandered over and grabbed the mallet he had told her to use and held it out  for her to accept. It still was Norman underneath all of that NPC programming but his interactions with her were beginning to feel less and less human. Perhaps it was all a trick of her imagination that he was acting so human-like. Norman then made a response, "Remember once you have finished with that dagger I expect to see it on display with all the other ones." It was clear that this was merely part of the mission, nothing she had done was actually going to end in the reward of making her own weapon and worse the thought of Norman just returning to his usual state about the shop. He then took a step toward the storage department and began working once again where he had left off when she first showed up.

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Erin nodded recognizing that she was so close to mission completion and earning her own profession. It was oddly inspiring, Erin hadn't ever really done anything with her own to hands that was nearly as involved as this. Normally she just sat their at home on her computer grinding for days to make the legendary weapons that she so sought after in other RPG's. She smiled and nodded, "Thank you Norm, I appreciate everything you have done." She now looked down to the workshop table as she retrieved the hammer from Norman. "I just have to make sure that I don't ruin it." She held it down against the table with one gloved hand and then began hitting the hot steel of the dagger as it was beginning to cool a few sparks flying off with rather breath taking affect. "Five more? Four, three, two." The last hammer swing clanged and a beautiful dagger replaced the raw material as she made a rather simple weapon. Only one enhancement slot but it was something that other players could find useful. Then a bing sounded and the Mission complete text popped up before her. "Thanks Norm ... for everything," She sniffled as she noted that the NPC was no longer interacting with her.

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