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(PP-F1) Working Hard or Hardly Working? (Sinnon)

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This was no longer about getting materials, it was about getting kisses. She charged into a group of boars, twirling around amd slashing four of them into pixels before walking back to Sinnon. He seemed like he had something very important that he wanted to talk about. She cocked her head to the side a little. "Of course im comfortable with you. How could I not be?" She said with a smiled, reach out and pulling him into a comforting hug.

 ID# 39857 results:

 Battle: 7 (+2)= 9 Hit!

 Loot: 19 +4 Mats

Total Loot: 9 Mats

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He had allowed himself to be pulled into Ebony's embrace, a soft smile growing across his face. "I know that we haven't known each other for very long Miss Ebony, but in the small time I have known you, I have learned something that has truly meant everything to me. You are the only person who has ever been here for me and I honestly appreciate it more than anything. You are all that I have in my life besides the dowry of cash left for me by my family and I just want you to know that I truly have fallen in love with you. Thank you for being in my life Miss Ebony .." A small tear begins to run down his eye as he embraces her tighter while burying his face into her neck. "Thank you.."

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Ebony gave a little frown, sad to see Sinnon so sad. She pulled him in closer, her hand on the back of his head comfortingly as he cried. He sounded like his real life wasnt the happiest. Maybe his family was rich and he'd been left a large sum of money, causing people to flock around him who only wanted his money. That would be horrible. To tell the truth she didn't care whether he was homeless and moneyless, he would still be her Sinnon. "I've never had real friends before this, let alone someone like you who is so much more than a friend to me. I-I'm in love with you too, even though we havent known each other all that long. I'll always be here for you." She whispered comfortingly.

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Tears began to flow rampantly from Sinnon's eyes. He had decided to pick her up whilst still hugging her, his embrace enough to suspend her in air but not enough to cause any harm to her. "I don't want to lose this game Ebony .. I would much rather spend the rest of my life here with you. I cant go back to my real life because if I do, then I will lose you .. Lets just stay here together for as long as we can. I will save up money and purchase us a house on the fourth floor near your majestic cave and we can be happy together for all of an eternity … We can get married and everything .."

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Ebony smiled and continued to hold on to Sinnon comfortingly. "Dont worry about anything. We'll clear this game and meet up in real life. Everything will work out." She didn't know about his situation in the real world, but she was certain that they could over come it. She certainly wasn't adverse to marrying him in game, or buying a house near her cavern. In fact, maybe it could be located inside the cavern. She didn't say anything about his talking about marriage though, even though she was all for it. If he wanted that he would have to propose properly. "I think we should spend as much time together as we can regardless."

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Sinnon smiles a bit and pulls back from Ebony, now wiping away his tears. "That is all that I could ever ask for." He had then placed her back onto the ground and got on one knee. "I want to take you on quite an adventure before I finally do this, but I need to speak to you about this beforehand. Will you please spend the entirety of tomorrow with me? I have an amazing plan that will make you happier than you have ever been in your entire life."

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Ebony smiled at him as he knelt down. "I don't know if that's possible. I've already been happier being with you than any other time. I cant come up with much that would top that." She said, choking up a bit. "Of course Ill spend tomorrow with you." She finally answered, leaning down and hugging him. She had no idea what he had planned, but if he said it would make her happier than she'd ever been before she believed him. 

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